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Medallion and Costume Gun Fans - Let's chat about who we would want to be
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From: guest , 106 months, post #21
I work at a department store, so if I had the medallion I would most certainly be stealing or buying clothes customers, male and female, tried on but failed to purchase. There is something very appealing about helping these people in the store, getting to superficially know them, have them try inexpensive items on I know they aren't going to buy only to take the item home with me in order to transform into them. I'd imagine my closet would be filled with outfits with name tags and selfies attached to them so I could not only pick out what to wear, but also who.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 106 months, post #22
I wouldn't use the costume gun on someone unless I really hated them, like a girl I had a crush on a few years ago who attempted to ruin my life when she found out. Yeah, I'd put her on like a suit and perform self sabotage in many areas of her life, but there'd definitely be the much (at one time) desired self pleasure and pics of it too.

As for the medallion, that's something I'd actually use. I can think of several people at my job that I'd use it on, and a couple from my school. At the moment though I'd probably use it on Taylor Swift to switch bodies with her if we were ever close to one another.

From: guest , 106 months, post #23
Would you take blackmail pics while you were Taylor Swift? Or are you a fan? She's too skinny and tall in my opinion. I like women with meat and curves. I'm not a fan but she is a great singer and knows how to sell out arenas.

From: guest (Bibi) , 106 months, post #24
Can you guys explain how medallion and costume gun work?

From: cj , 106 months, post #25
"Can you guys explain how medallion and costume gun work?"

Altered Fates Universe (Medallion of Zulo)

Costume Gun Universe -- well, looks like nobody's gotten around to adding to this entry yet. Let's see... basically a gun-like device that you aim at someone and it will turn that person into a wearable costume. IIRC, when you step back out of the costume, you zip them back up and they return to normal. Most of the stories were pulled by the creator of the universe... but a few still exist.

From: guest (Bibi) , 106 months, post #26
Thanks cj for answers:-) so it doesn't matter how tall/short/fat/skinny when I 'wear' the body I used costume gun on. Can the bodysuit change back to real person or just simply died? 1 life is busy enough try to juggle 2 different bodies is hard. Imagine a closet full of wearing bodies with phones calling!

From: guest (Jayzie) , 106 months, post #27
I would not take blackmail pics, I'm a fan. Also, it's more about body shape for me than "fat/skinny." I like Taylor's. But it's interesting to note that most of the women I find attractive are skinny or small framed.

From: guest , 106 months, post #28
You would still check out the goods right? How would you handle Calvin Harris if he mistook you for the real Taylor?

From: guest , 106 months, post #29
Costume Gun rules: read the Costume Gun stories by Heather St. Claire on FictionMania, and the comments on each by Blot, who created the Gun but has removed his stories. I think that's about as much information as I'd consider authoritative, short of Blot stepping forward and giving his rules. Heather wrote them with permission and Blot nit-picks every error in his comments.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 106 months, post #30
Guest, the same way a real woman would. With a strap on!

From: guest (CurrentCrush) , 106 months, post #31
Currently, I'm really crushing on Eugenie Bouchard. I'd love to be her for a weekend and have to do her training regimine and go to some social events in her body all decked out.

From: guest (guest) , 106 months, post #32
wow she is pretty @ CurrentCrush - Nice choice!

From: guest (guest) , 106 months, post #33
I would like to become my wife. She is my ideal because I know her so well and could act and behave just like her. I practice her handwriting for fun and have easily responded to emails for her in the same voice that she writes. She does not work, so I would be free to sit and lounge at home instead of commuting several hundred miles each week. I would be free to spend time with my daughters whom I love very much but have never been able to be as close because of the gender divide. As a woman, they will call me mom and I will be the woman that they need instead of the lazy woman that lacks initiative and is so bitter towards the world. I will be sure to dress like a woman - the woman I wish I could be every day for that last two decades. Life would be so much better as her and I would have the best of all worlds.

From: guest (Jealous) , 106 months, post #34
I would love to use the medallion on a co-worker/friend. She's a single mom who's struggling to raise her pre-teen daughter. She shares a lot with me (I hear the good and the bad) and I'd love to give her a break. Just step in from time to time. She lives in a very nice house and shares custody with her-ex. We work together in the same industry so filling in for her at work would be pretty straightforward. She doesn't have long hair so that wouldn't be a problem. It would be fun, especially if she were to be onboard.
I've thought about this a lot and we have lunch together at least once a week. It would be so nice to just make the swap on the way back from lunch. It would be so much fun! I would love to try being a mom!

From: guest (Jayzie) , 106 months, post #35
Post 33, can you describe some details about your wife? I really like your idea btw.

From: guest (jill) , 106 months, post #36
an office worker where I work, i'd use the costume gun because I can easily disappear. I'm intelligent enough to replace anybody, people keep files with signatures and records so id study them when the husband is busy. Plus I'm a guy I know how guys think it would be easy to fool a man into thinking i'm his wife. The medallion I'd just break into someones home and use it hope their not home or their getting replaced, might use the gun that way too just go from house to house. What's fair is fair.

From: guest (Hlretro2013) , 106 months, post #37
Yay post 68 Jill!! Finally someone who wants and knows how to be an evil replacement!!

Tired of guys suddenly stunned they have transformed into a woman and spend almost the entire story on their own feelings.

From: guest (guest) , 106 months, post #38
@Jayzie - how do I get in touch with you?

From: guest , 106 months, post #39
@guest #33, i really liked your ideas as well, if you'd like to chat contact me, mail is

From: guest (Jayzie) , 106 months, post #40
If my yahoo still works I'll try to find out today.

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