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Category: 'Commercial'
Radio Shack commercial Unknown
Howie Long turns Teri Hatcher into solid gold.
Rai Uno commercial Unknown
Gorgeous blonde woman in a red top and short denim skirt turns a guy into a frog. She walks off and he/the frog starts hopping after her.
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters (TV Spot 2)
In the commercial, some guys are hiding behind a tree with a new gun, spying on one of their friends and his girlfriend. They fire the gun at her and she morphs into a cow while kissing him.
Reunion commercial Unknown
In this ad that originally aired during the Superbowl and was pulled 3 days later, Holiday Inn showed a man at a class reunion recognizing an old friend as having a sex change. The ad was used to illustrate the "changes" that Holiday Inn was undergoing.
Revoltoso Ice cream commercial
A boy eats an ice cream called "Revoltoso" and transform for a moment into a weird monster. His friends are impressed, but when they are about to do the same the commercial ends.
Room Re-Done commercial Kool-Aid
In an old Kool-Aid commercial, it features a boy and girl, most likely siblings, around the age of 12, standing in their shared bedroom. The boy is drinking Koool-Aid. As he drinks it, their room begins to change into a boy's dream room (comic books, action figures, etc.) The girl looks around disgu ...more
Schick: Changing the face of Shaving
In the commercial, trying to show that the razor adjusts to your face, there are several male to male morphs.
Sci-Fi Channel commercial Bucket of Youth
An old lady pours water on herself an turns into a hot girl its very breif.
Sci-Fi Channel commercial Chicken to egg
In a commercial for sci-fi channel, they had a chicken go up to if and when it did it turned into an egg and then the logo went to sci-fi
Sci-Fi Channel commercial Date Required
A part of the What If series of commercials for the Sci-Fi channel. Two guys try to get into a party at an apartment which is guarded by two large "Russian" bouncer. The bouncer tells them, "Gentlemen must be escorted by a lady." One of the guys proceeds to "shift" parts of his beer gut to his c ...more
Sci-Fi Channel commercial Magic Wands
A little boy and little girl are practicing magic. The girl can't do it right and the boy laughs at her. She frowns and changes him into a frog.
SciFi Channel short spot commercial Unknown
A man (dressed as a Celtic Warrior or Viking) holds a tiny woman, perhaps a fairy, in his hand. The woman appears to be about four inches tall. The woman casts a magic spell, and sparkling light fills the screen. When the light clears, the woman is holding the warrior in the palm of her hand; he now ...more
Secret Places Dollhouse commercial Unknown
Two little girls (one carrying a cat) look over their Secret Places dollhouse. The cat is set down, and the girls shrink to the size of one of the dolls (about two inches). As the theme music plays, the girls discover the secret compartment that holds the doll's doll (the "secret place" of the ti ...more
Shape Yogurt commercial Leg Swap
A 40 plus woman is in a clothes shop. She approaches a shop assistant and says I want Nell McAndrew's bum and Tara Palmer Tomkinson's legs (I think). The shop assistant then passes her the bum and legs and she goes into a fitting room. She comes out and has amazing youthful legs. http://www.v ...more
Sheepinator 2 commercial Ratchet & Clank 3 Up Your Arsenal
I just came across this ad. It's a version of the older Ratchet-ads featuring the "Sheepinator", a bi weapon that turns anything into a sheep. In this one we see two neighbours fight it out with different weapons from the game in a typical suburbia. One of them fires a rocket which misses but heads ...more
Sims 3 - The Sims Are Alive!
Sims 3 commercial running on TV and internet depicting a man, representing one of the ubiquitous Sims, remarking on the fact that he seems not to be in control of his life. He rapidly changes to a guy with a comb over, then to a man with a mustache and bowl cut, then into a woman which gives him pa ...more
Sissy Boy 2013 TV ad, "Unwrapped".
In this South African ad we start with a woman entering a dark room. In the center is a man restrained on a wire bed. She unrolls a medical kit on a table and proceeds to take off his pants. Then she gets on top and begins undressing. There is a sequence of her preparing him for operation/ wrap ...more
Sketchers Hytops Commercial
Hydee Hytop is showing off all of the new Hytops, when a boy sticks out his tounge at her. She tells him that he does not get it, because it is a girl thing, and turns him into a frog.
Sky Sports commercial British Lions Tour 2005
This advert is for Sky Sports' coverage of the British Lions rugby team's forthcoming tour of New Zealand. In it, the two teams face each other and the All-Blacks (NZ) begin their Haka war dance. They begin to turn into their Maori ancestors. In response, the British turn into lions and attack.
Smackdown vs Raw 2009
Male, Gender
In the commercial for the new wrestling game. A tag team is introduced with Triple H and John Cena. Cena then transforms into Batista, then into The Big Show and then into Hornswoggle all because a player cant decide who to play as. The player finally decides to pick WWE Diva Kelly Kelly. Trail ...more
Smokey the Bear
Gender, Animal
Attractive woman transforms into Smokey the Bear in 1973 public service announcement No actual transformation / disguise only - marked for removal 2007mar25 - cj
Smushed commercial
This commercial starts with a teenaged girl, smushed to about two feet tall, standing in her bedroom. (She looks like a live-action counterpart of a cartoon character that has been squashed by a piledriver or falling safe) The narrator says, "You used to be tall!" and the girl replies that she was s ...more
Snapple commercial Fly Hard
In one commerical they did a superhero kind of comercial where one bottle of snapple was a superman like superhero. Well in the commericial a mad scientist who was a vial of blue stuff makes a machine that turns all the world leaders into chicks.
Snickers "You're Not You When You're Hungry" Commercials
These commercials features a variety of celebrities and non-celebrities taking a bite of the Snickers candy bar by transforming into actual people and other celebrities. Football - actress and former Golden Girls star Betty White morphs into a guy. Road Trip - while in the back of the car, fa ...more
Snickers Choc Bar TV Ad commercial Unknown
One of a series of ads with a guy and his best mate(both beach bums), In this one, it starts with one of the guys and a hot chick who offers him a Snickers bar, the guy takes a bite. And the hot chick slowly changes into his best mate who says "Are you alright man".
Sony Card commercial Unknown
I saw this commercial yesterday for the Sony Card Credit Card. In it a man holds up a see-through card and looks at different things with it... seeing them differently then they actually appear. Early in the commercial, he sees a man in a store sitting down looking at some food on a shelf i believ ...more
Sony Handycam Ad "Kiss"
A young woman slowly morphs into an older woman whilst kissing a young man.
Sony PSP Ad commercial Unknown
A guy is walking down the street morphing into various people and things. His morphs get a little weird at the end.
Sore Loser commercial Remote Control
In an ad for a remote control, the commercial features two guys playing an xbox game. The second guy keeps braggin about how much better he is than the first, laughing and making mean comments. The first guy eventually gets irritated of his friend and uses the remote control to turn the second guy i ...more
Soul Caliber 3 commercial Unknown
To illustrate the new "create a warrior" feature, a misc. character is hammering out his weapon and each time the hammer hits, the character morphs into different characters that could be created in the game.
Specssavers commercial Matrix
Advert in the UK for Specsavers where a man dressed very much in the Matrix style and wearing sunglasses is being followed by others. He steps back into some shadows and transforms into a woman wearing dark glasses and walks out past the people. Looked for the advert on their website with no luc ...more
Sprite Films Commercial
Commercial for the Sprite Films Contest, where eliminated contestants are disposed of by various means such as summoning a wizard to turn two of them into chickens and spaceships/a penguin to vaporize others.
Squeez-It - Kids React to Threats
Three different situations cause kids to transform/change into the matching character gracing the container for each flavor of Squeez-It they are drinking. These transitions appear to have been done using traditional animation. Situation One: Kid is playing football and is threatened by ot ...more
Star Trek "More Power"
A commercial from the 1980's stars the crew of the Star Trek enterprise. When Scotty doesn't have "more power," things go haywire with the transporter, leaving Kirk with a female's body.
Stop Being a Kid commercial Citroen
In a car commercial released a few years back, it has two young kids with magical powers, a boy and a girl. They turn they old car into a Citroean, and then continue to change everything. Eventually, the girl says "Stop being a kid!" and the little boy ages rapidly into a teenager. The guy then tur ...more
Subway Wish-on-a-star Ad commercial Unknown
A recent (thankfully Jared-free) TV ad has a couple sitting on a blanket, watching the night sky. The girl suggests they wish on a shooting star. So they close their eyes and do. The guy opens his eyes, and looks over at her. And to his joy, he gets his wish...she's turned into a Subway sandwic ...more
Sudafed commercial Balloon Head
I saw this ad this morning on the Today Show. A cute woman suffers from nasal congestion,which causes her head to inflate like a balloon until it's on the verge of exploding. Great effects.
Sugar Puffs commercial Honey Monster
This British advertisment for 'Sugar Puffs' breakfast cereal was screened in the early 1990s and I vaguely remember it. A young boy sleeply walks down the stairs on a sunny day to get some breakfast (presumably the rest of his family are still asleep) and he notices on the top shelf a box of his f ...more commercial
A man trying to find the right costume at the given website above, in the end he got the costume of a local heroine wherein he eats something and turns him into the heroine. short transformation at the end.
In this commercial for Sunsilk,a girl has a date with a guy,who discovers that she stuffs her hair so it won't be so flat. As her hair goes flat,her couch and her boyfriend deflate like balloons. She winds up on the floor with her flat boyfriend.
SureSport Commercial
A bunch of people in a city wear a deodurant that gives you the protection to go wild. And by go wild they mean, you can turn into an animal.
T-Mobile Camera Phones commercial Unknown
A commercial from T-Mobile camera phones. A daughter wants to show her mother her science experiment. First scene we see the daughter seated next to the family dog with bowls on their heads. Cut to the mother smiling. There's some voice-over, then back to the daughter. We hear her voice, but the dog ...more
T-Mobile commercial commercial Unknown
There is a new commercial for Mother's Day. It shows a father telling his wife that he wants to show off there Daughters new Science project. They show the project, a brain switching contraption, that switches the brain of the Son with that of the Dogs. This is shown with the Dog talking with the so ...more
Test Drive Unlimited commercial Eugene and Todd
In this ad for the new game, a guy is showing us his mansion "mtv cribs" style. At the end he finally points the camera to himself. He is a bikini clad woman w/ his voice saying "...and this is me. Not bad right?" The tagline is "Test Drive a New Life"
Tiger Beer (Malaysia)
Animal, Gender, Male, Mechanical
Two guys want the last Tiger Beer, so one of them proposes they arm-wrestle for it. That's when things start to get weird. (Spoiler Text) Tiger Beer ad on Youtube
Tiger Stripes commercial Unknown
This is another 15-second clip on the SciFi channel (USA) that identifies the station. A woman before a mirror is dissatisfied with her dress, so instead she grows some tiger stripes and turns her skin into some sort of sinewy bestial covering. (Not sure how to classify it --retains her own head, ...more
Toyota Corolla commercial Unknown
A beautiful woman has car trouble. Two guys see her and want to help (fix the car). But then they look at the car, a toyota. Because there's no way to have car trouble with a toyota ? they suspect something is wrong and drive past the beautiful woman. The woman (man) then reveals her (his) real f ...more
Transporter Accident commercial
As Kirk and a female yeoman are being beamed up, Scotty has an accident with the transporter and Kirk switches bodies from the neck down with the yeoman.
Trix cereal commercial: Camping in Trix World
While camping in the woods and the father trying to figure out how to set up a tent, a group of bored kids open up a box a Trix that opens up into a rollercoaster filled amusement part of "Trix World", the father looks on in surprise and grows a puffy rabbit tail. As the kids on the rollercoaster ...more
Trix Fruit Yogurt commercial Unknown
Kids, trying out fruit yogurt, end up getting their heads, torsos, and legs switched around like a sideways slot machine, ending with various combos like a boy's head on a ballerina's body with some legs I can't remember.
Trojan Condoms
It starts out at a bar where the guys are all pigs (literally) who are drinking and chatting it up with human females. One girl is talking to a pig and seems kinda disgusted by him. The pig gets up, walks over by the bathroom and buys a condom from one of those dispensers. When he goes to walk b ...more