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Comment: Yu-Gi-Oh!, "Evil Spirit of the Ring"
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Yu-Gi-Oh! episode Evil Spirit of the Ring
One of my favorite episodes. Bakura, the foreign exchanged student, has come to Duelist Kingdom with Yugi and his friends. In reality, Bakura holds the Millennium Ring, which allows the evil spirit (Yami) of a thief to take over Bakura's body against his will. In this episode, Yami Bakura challeng ...more
From: anonononymous* , 240 months, post #21
bush i wonder if he has a bush? i predict somthing big will happen very soon. bring back clinton he was da man! so all you haters out der eat bush and shut up

From: anonononymous* , 240 months, post #22
bush i wonder if he has a bush? i predict somthing big will happen very soon. bring back clinton he was da man! so all you haters out der eat bush and shut up

From: Reynold James Dalton* , 240 months, post #23
yeah i think so too

From: Neverhappy* , 240 months, post #24
Hay look another uneducated comment by Ricktumor, big surprise there. Okay Clinton was good president but did do a few things unethical and illegal. You talk about Bush being a lier, Ricktumor Clinton lied very chance He got. You say that Bush is in business with the Saudies will Num Nut who in international business isn't. Have wait a minute didn't Clinton get a large sum of campaign money for Chinese business men in return for favor for China. Not to mention that if Clinton did come back it would be cool because in is unconstitutional. If you read the contitution, you know that little 200 year piece of paper that is the blue print for this country, you know this stuff. That half of the stupid crap that rolls form your mouth will never come to pass. Saddy you don't know this, it is to be expected form a person that graduated Magna-Cum Num Nut. Ricktumor: So every president is a lying, forked tongued snake that talks out of both sides of their mouths. Plus they would sale this country to the highest bidder if give the chance. Neverhappy: Why yes little Ricktumor, you see politicians are not to be trusted that is why we need to go to school and learn how to stop them. It is important to realize that politicians work for us and not the other way around. Ricktumor: Wow I am such a Num-Nuted Assclown. NeverHappy: You sure are Ricktumor, you sure are.
--Neverhappy AKA the smartest man in the three Universes
p.s. Yes there are three universes!

From: anonononymous* , 240 months, post #25
yer but when clinton did it people did'nt die you small brained chimp, who sucks on the balls of life, so your comments are false, you big poo brain smelly mouth!!! he he he
CLINTON 4EVER (any clinton)

ps i think you call yourself Neverhappy because your penis is so small and tiny like a chimps

From: hskfmn* , 240 months, post #26
Is this really getting us anywhere? Ricktumor, get a fucking life! Neverhappy, if you're going to critisize, use founded evidence. Don't exagerate.

I don't object to people arguing, but commenting on the size of ones genitalia and calling names is pointless.

Just something to think about.

From: Reynold James Dalton* , 240 months, post #27
who is Ricktumor?

From: Reynold James Dalton* , 240 months, post #28
Neverhappy: DEAR GOD, MAN, DON'T YOU KNOW PROPER ENGLISH? Just reading your posts makes me want to explode. Although, thinking about the content of your post, you're actually making some semi-valid points.
Clarification: Clinton invaded a surprising number of countries in small military missions. It was never made into a big deal on the TV, however, because Clinton won his election by defaming Bush Sr. for doing the very same thing.
Clarification: Clinton was a horrible president. He had little to nothing to do with most of what went on during his presidency that people gave him credit for.
To hskfmn:
First of all, Bush did not invade Iraq on a whim. That was a tactical strike that had been in the planning ever since Bush Sr. was in office. It's just been waiting for a president who would put it into motion. Had Clinton actually been a good president, it would have been he who invaded.
Iraq indeed needs help that Bush is not giving, but Kerry will not give it. Kerry's whole platform (if you can call it that) on the issue is that he is entirely against the war and he'll get us out of there as fast as he possibly can (By the way, this contradicts most of what he said when the war first started). He may or may not pull them out imediately, but he will not increase it to the level it needs to be and will most likely weaken our position in the Middle East more than help. Bush, at the moment, can't do what needs to be done because he has to win the election. If Bush wins the election, he will be free of that because he can't run for president again and therefor will be able to do what needs to be done. Kerry can't do this because he will be outright going against his platform, thus screwing his chances for winning a second election (damn political parties to hell). Therefor, Bush is the only one capable of doing what needs to be done at the moment and, while he may not go as far as he needs to, he will do more than Kerry, upon which the next president can build upon. If we wait for Kerry's second term, it will most likely be too late.
Someone commented that something big is comming. Would you like to know what it is? WWIII. Look at history, look at psychology and then look at the present situation. We are on the onset of another world war; sometime between the next 50-100 years, it will begin. Our chance to stop it is already passed, but we can still change the outcome of it. If we do not break the back of the Islamic radicals, they will get their hands on nuclear weapons or other WMD. You think the reaction was bad when terrorists killed a few thousand people, think about how bad it will be when they level entire cities, killing millions of people in an instant. Our reaction will be, of course, retaliation with nuclear force. End of life as we know it. That's worst case scenario, but here's another.
We keep up in Iraq as we are now, but we stop the countries currently attempting to become nuclear powers (their securities are weak, this is where the radicals will get their nukes). When the war starts, it will last a long period of years, far longer than has ever before been seen in history. In the end, one side of the war will be devistated and recieve the entire blame because of the corruption within the UN. That side will slowly (but not slowly enough) become a dictatorship that will rise up again, leading to yet another world war, after which the cycle starts over with another time of peace before the next set of world wars. And do not tell me that we're better than that, because we're not. History will repeat itself as long as humanity remains unchanged.
Of course, there is a best case scenario, wherein we break the cycle of war, peace and revolution. It is possible now because of the new levels of communication we have acheived, but it all depends on whether or not two certain things happen first. First off, we need to open communication to the highest level we are able. If we do, the marketplace of ideas will spread, breaking down political bounderies and national borders. Second, we must break the Islamic radicals. If we have these terrorists involved, their sickening blind devotion to their corrupt cause will drag the war on for too long and the communication will break down before it can be effective.
If we do these things, the length and brutality of the war will be significantly diminished and will be just as much a war of words as a war or weapons. When it ends, humanity will have finally become better than it was, will have reached a new level of understanding. The United Nations and all of its corruption will be disolved and a new, actually effective organization will take its place. Conflict will not cease to exist, but it will never again reach the horrifying levels it has in the past.
Of course, that is a longshot. The biggest thing preventing us from opening communication as much as we need to is our politics. If you look at colleges and government funded research programs, they have to produce results that actually have applications in the real world or they loose their funding. Because of this, their experiments are most often biased in favor of what the government wants and must also be kept mostly secret. What we need is to allow scientists to study just to learn more, to understand how the universe really works. There are more than enough scientists who would love to be able to do this.
So, Think! Challange what has always been accepted! Strive to understand! The future depends on it.
Oh, and one more thing. Neverhappy is right. All presidents lie. It's just how and why they do it that matters. Some presidents lie to protect the American people (this does not always have bad results). Others lie to inrease their control over the country. In Bush's case, he intentionally missled us (at least those of us who bought it) to get support for the Iraq campaign. While I personally feel the reasoning is wrong, it may truely have been the only way to get this thing going. In Kerry's case (the man lies through his teeth), he's lying because he wants the democrats to win the presidency. While neither is truely a nobel cause, Kerry's is the lesser of two evils.
On a closing note, whoever's parading themselves around as me had better stop. If you keep it up, I track you down, shatter your kneecaps, nail your hands to the ground and brand runes of the void on your body.
Have a nice day.

From: hskfmn* , 240 months, post #29
Reynold, that was truly insightful. Thank you. I know you're right about many of the issues that you have touched upon. I still want Kerry to win this election. That's just who I am; a Democrat through-and-through. You are right about history repeating itself. There is no doubt whatsoever about that. I do wonder; however, if you're correct about Kerry pulling out of Iraq immediately. I would think (at least hope) that he knows he can't do that. I may be mistaken. No one really knows that but him and maybe a few others.

When I said that Bush invaded Iraq on a "whim," that was not what I should have said. But I do believe that Bush invaded Iraq, as you said, for his father. This, to me, seems to imply a sort of grudge, no matter how small, and I'm not sure whether or not the American people would have allowed Clinton to do it either, but that time has passed and no one can really say. My real point is that we should not be "invading" anybody. We should be making treaties or agreements that insures an American presence in the Middle-East but not a violent one like we currently have.

Lastly, I know that all presidents lie. That is a fact. It's just that when Bush lied, he did it to get support to invade a country that, in my mind, we had no business being in. That's just my opinion and that's why it angers me so much.

Those are my thoughts. Thanks for reading.

P.S. - I like your last comment/threat. I think it's funny.

From: Neverhappy* , 240 months, post #30
Reynold James Dalton, you are a very smart person to read. Ricktumor, on the other hand is a Ass-Clown from the plant Moron in the Retarted galaxy. The other thing is that I do not know proper English due to the fact I went to a public school in the armpit of the world, North Texas. Plus I was born with only half of a brain but I still seem to be smarter that the rest of the humans walking the earth. hskfmn I do not tells lies they're just truth bent out of context to serve my purpose. That Micheal Moore does it all the time but do you hear people winny and complaining no, they give him awards.

From: anti Reynold James Dalton club* , 240 months, post #31
YOU ALL LICKING Reynold James DaltonS ASS "lick lick"

plus who the fuck do you think you are! coming on this web page speading yo shit thinking yo better than us fuck off!

oh yer Neverhappy i will make it so yo neverhappy again bitch!

From: Neverhappy* , 240 months, post #32
anti Reynold James Dalton club, Don't sing it just bring it
anytime, anywhere you just show up I will bring the pain.
I don't like you, I don't respect you, and I sure as hell don't fear you.

From: Nevermadeawomanhappy* , 240 months, post #33
he he he

From: Neverhappy* , 240 months, post #34
Nevermadeawomanhappy, final some that is turthful with thenselves.
Remember just because you Nevermadeawomenhappy dosn't make less of a man your just slow and scared of them.

From: Nevermadeawomanhappy* , 240 months, post #35
but yo mom said she liked it! good and and hard, but i had to turn her down i dont like fat chicks with hairy armpits and smelly breath yuuuk, but i suppose shes your mom and you love her, i just could'nt bring myself to do it with her sorry!

From: Neverhappy* , 240 months, post #36
hey tony is that you my mom's been trying to ring you??????
she said she want to wrap her large flabby arms around you she misses you so much

From: Neverhappy* , 240 months, post #37
hey paul can you do smothing about this guy i love him so much!

From: Reynold James Dalton* , 240 months, post #38
There's part of your problem. Only a fool ties himself to a party beyond all compromise (look at all the fools in Hollywood).
Here seems to be the real problem. You believe in honor in war. That's the biggest load of garbage I've ever heard. People have something against striking first, but to sit and wait for them to hit you is just plain stupid. An example one of my friends used when we discussed this, he can cripple you with one blow and he doesn't have to hit very hard (he nearly hospitalized me by accident once). Why would you sit and wait for him to attack if you know that? To tie in the metaphor, even when I was still questioning whether or not WMD were in Iraq, I still believed the strike to be the propper thing. Saddam is completely unstable and paranoid (wouldn't you be if almost everyone in your own country would gladly torture and kill you slowly if they could get their hands on you?). We should have struck the moment he became non-compliant. There are times when striking first saves more lives and Iraq is the best example. How many less people would have been killed by that inhuman creature if we had taken him out when we first knew? How many children would have been able to grow up? How many people who didn't die would still be able to have children? We can't make treaties with ruthless dictators because their too paranoid. We can't make treaties with radicals because their logic is in no way similar to ours. Striking first, before they can kill us, is the only way sometimes. We had no business in Iraq? No offense, but wake up, please.
Now, don't get me wrong; I'm not trying to justify war. War is always wrong, always evil. But what you fail to realize is that there is a different between right and correct. For the greater good, sometimes you must set aside your emotions and preconcieved notions of right and wrong to realize what is the correct thing to do. It's sad, but it's a fact.
On my threat, I do that all the time. It's my way of saying I really don't like what you're doing, but I'm not going to do anything about it. I once threatened to lock someone in a dark room with a bunch of gay oompa-loompas while playing Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On." It made a bunch of gay people angry too. I had a hard time appologizing because I was laughing so hard that people would take offense to such a bizzare statement.
I glad you like reading my posts. I exist only to make people think. But please, stop your continual insulting of other people (or at least be a little more creative). We don't need to give justification to their meaningless comments by responding.
Anti-me club:
Bring it on. But know this, if your arguments are not logically thought out, based on solid facts or don't make a clear point, I will simply ignore you.
I don't think I'm better than anyone. Quite the opposite, I happen to know exactly what I am. All I know is people and people are nothing. They are infentessimal specks, wandering half-conscious on an infentessimal speck, which orbits an infentessimal speck in a cluster of infentessimal specks. I strive to know more, though I am completely aware that in my lifetime I will never know more than nothing. You, on the other hand, seem to beleive you actually know something.
And what about all the liberal propoganda that's been spreading out on this threadline? I'm not pushing forward some political scheme, I'm presenting the facts. If you don't want to listen to it, just shove your head further up our ass until you can't see the computer screen anymore (Neverhappy: don't take that as an example of being creative).
One little clarification: I accidentally said that Kerry's lie was the lesser of two evils; I meant Bush's (but I'm hopping you already figured that out).

From: pylea_girl* , 240 months, post #39

Yami Bakura was a thief and a tomb robber. One day he went in and tried to steal the millennium items and to make a long story short his soul was sealed in the ring. The Pharaoh used up all his power and sealed himself in the millennium puzzle.

Pegasus and Marik just happen to have items and be the season villains nothing else. But, I do agree that Bakura and the dark spirit are rather interesting characters.

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