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Comment: Yu-Gi-Oh!, "Evil Spirit of the Ring"
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Yu-Gi-Oh! episode Evil Spirit of the Ring
One of my favorite episodes. Bakura, the foreign exchanged student, has come to Duelist Kingdom with Yugi and his friends. In reality, Bakura holds the Millennium Ring, which allows the evil spirit (Yami) of a thief to take over Bakura's body against his will. In this episode, Yami Bakura challeng ...more
From: Annamous* , 240 months, post #1
What I would like to know is why only Yugi and Bakura's Millenium Items have spirits in them, while the other items don't. And why Yami Marik is just Marik's dark side, not the spirit of the Millenium Rod.

From: Matrix81* , 240 months, post #2
The Millenium Rod act like a spirit because since Marik have it, he develop his dark side and with power his Dark side grow bigger. By the way, Mr. Pegasus was possess by the millenium eye.

From: annonymous* , 240 months, post #3
oh god this sucks, cartoons are for little retarded kids

grow up, watch something that is REAL, like the news

From: eh?* , 240 months, post #4
The news isn't real. The news said that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

From: anonymous* , 240 months, post #5
Now that's not fair to say that the news isn't real. I dont agree with the above posting by annonymous but the news does keep me informed about current issues. The news only stated that there weapons because they were told to. However, that's getting into government and politics which is a completely different story. I don;t support Bush by any means but the News is true for the most part.

Go Kerry!

From: eh* , 240 months, post #6
I was joking/flaming

From: neverhappy* , 240 months, post #7
Let me just say a few things, (deep breath) Kerry sucks, Bush Sucks, Yu-Gi-Oh sucks, You suck, I suck, People suck, this site sucks, every where a suck suck old McSuck Suck had a farm EI EI EI Oh, That sucks.

From: anonymous* , 240 months, post #8 guess with all this election controversy going on recently, it's hard to tell. Sorry.

From: el alamein* , 240 months, post #9
Has anyone wondered why there are so few TG sites?

From: Neverhappy* , 240 months, post #10
Because it is a stupid subject to talk about, it ranks up with religion and MTV. It serve not real purpose in your lives, just another failed experiment that was made to give us meaning in a meaning exsitence.

From: el alamein* , 240 months, post #11
Democracy itself is a failure. We do not choose what people that will rule over us, just the political party that will select the people to govern our nation.

From: Reynold James Dalton* , 240 months, post #12
Political Controversy? Excelent!
My stance. How sad that an election such as this must fall on such dark times.
Here's the real break down of the situation. There are indeed weapons of mass distruction in Iraq. We've found them, the media just isn't going to say anything about it because our media is rediculously liberally biassed (except for talk radio, which nobody really listens to anyway) and George Bush is conservative.
Here's what's wrong with Kerry. He's a complete idiot. He's a man who thinks twice before saying nothing. His policy on the Middle East conflict will put us into a threat as great as the one we just deposed. It's a shame that he's running now, because, for certain reasons, he would better serve the country after we have dealt with this issue.
Here's what's wrong with Bush. He's a cowboy (no offense intended to any cowboys reading this). While he's certainly a better choice than Kerry given the situation, he doesn't truely understand the situation and is too influenced by political parties to do what needs to be done.
What we need to do is declare martial law in Iraq. Most of the people in Iraq want us there. Don't let any of those uneducated fools running our television networks tell you otherwise; they don't know what really went on there. I have friends who have served in Iraq and they will tell you that the horrors of Saddam Husein were far worse than the current situation. Those that want us out, do so for two reasons.
First, now that Saddam is no longer there to place restrictions on the religions people can practice, fanatics have slipped in. These people are a surprisingly small minority. Nearly eighty percent of the Muslim people are very peaceful and very tolerant. Of the remaining twenty percent who aren't that tolerant, most still uphold the Qoran's commandments of peace enough to not get involved.
Second, most of the people who want us out of the country wish it not because they want to do it themselves, but because they are beginning to understand our politics. They may not know all of the tiny details, but they do understand that the civil war going on in our country is making it impossible for us to do what needs to be done. They feel that, even if they can't take care of themselves without help, they'd rather die defending themselves properly that cowering under the inneficient protection our pathetic government is providing.
Sidenote: General Clark. Now there's a canditate I would vote for. It's a crying shame he's not still running.
Sidenote: We are not a democracy. We are a republic who elects our officials in a democratic fashion. On its own, democracy can never work effectively on as grand a scale as our country.
Your rebuttal.

From: Neverhappy* , 240 months, post #13
You have to be one of the most intelligent people I have ever heard in my life, which is a pretty short list in begin with. It is true that we never vote on person but a party. People have gotten so blind to this that is all they do. They will back a party before hearing that party policies. People must read and understand the constitution to see the truth, and the thruth is that royal families and noblity was never abolised 200 years ago. The Founding Fathers just change the names to make it sound more fair to the common man. What you must also realize is that the Founding Fathers never meant for the common man to understand or even run this country. It has always been the rich and powerful that ran countries, that has never change in 2000 years. I also feel that the Bill of Rights where made only for the rich to use. The Freedoms we have is a form of control that the government uses to get use to do what they want us to do. They know that the American people are a bunch of sheep looking for anyone to lead them. We never question the governemet or ask why that decision was made. For the one reason of we do not care, as long as it does not effect us. Old people are the worst about this they want to feel the way they did 40 years ago so they follow any flim-flam man that puts on a good show. We want the good olds days, but they never exsited and never will. You must realize that every day is a constant battle to survive this world. Let me tell you I do not hate America I love this country it is the only country where you can be yourself. That is why we must protect it for those who want to take it form us, be foreign or domestic.

From: hskfmn* , 240 months, post #14
Okay, firstly, I do not hate Bush by any means but I do not want him in office. I thnk Kerry would be a much better candidate because:
A) He will not invade countries on a whim strictly because his father fought the leader of that country in a war. I do not believe Kerry do be the type of person who would hold a grudge. Though it is true that Iraq is far better than off than it was, I still think it needs the kind of help that Bush is not giving.
B) He will not leave Iraq immediately because he realizes that we need to help the country and concentrate our military intelligence (which is a contradiction in terms) all around the Middle-East. What should be done are negotiated contracts with the leaders of countries within the Middle-East, not so we can invade thier countries, but tho survey them and cut down trouble before it starts.
C) I don't think that our foreign policy can be any worse off than it is now. It can only be improved. I believe Kerry will do just that. He is not an idiot, and neither is Bush. I do agree that neither candidate has a real grasp of the situation and know precisely what they're doing. I just think that Kerry has a clear head about it and Bush does not.
D) Bush flat out lied to the American public. I do not want a man in office who would even consider bending the truth, let alone lie.

That's my schpeal. However, I still think Bush has a much better chance of winning this election.

From: anonymous* , 240 months, post #15
"Let me tell you I do not hate America I love this country it is the only country where you can be yourself. That is why we must protect it for those who want to take it form us, be foreign or domestic."
I think that applies to every western nation, add Japan and South Korea, not just the States.

From: cj* , 240 months, post #16
The U.S. Constitution was written over 200 years ago, and times have certainly changed the face(s) of the world. The Constitution was never written to be the end-all, be-all set of rules to govern man (or even just the United State), at least in my opinion. I believe that the Constitution was created to be guide - A guide for government to follow in SERVING the people of the United States, and setting an example of truth and justice for the rest of the world.

It is very true that the "democracy" of our capitalistic country these days leaves much to be desired. The government is supposed to be comprised of a small group of leaders to REPRESENT the needs, values, concerns, and wants of their constituency. The thing is that these "representatives" can sometimes be "bought", and thus the government becomes tainted toward "serving" those who have the money to buy the vote. Such is the nature of greed and to some extent capitalism.

There used to be a time when this great nation had to offer more than just two (major) political parties for the people to choose from. There are still more parties than just Republican and Democrat to choose from, but the other parties have not the money or mass-media coverage to gain the support of more than just a small percentage of the people.

Much of the problem with the increased "corruption" and diminished diversity of the United States government lays with the ingnorance and apathy of the citizens of the United States. Those who remain uneducated as to their choices and the actions of their government (and representatives); Those who remain quiet, leaving their representatives to guess what choices to make; Those who do nothing to remove / replace a representative who isn't doing their job; Those who choose to ingnore what is going on in their government and what choices their representatives are making; Those who choose not to vote; and Those who vote blindly - without checking out other choices, and the details of those they choose to represent them.

It's not impossible to make the United States a strong and just nation again - but it is going to require a concerted effort from all the citizens of this great nation to bring about the change that is so drastically needed, and to stop the rape of the government by big business and corporate interests (that includes the major media / news organizations, who have the power to influence the opinions and decisions of millions of viewers / readers).

From what we're now being told (is it fact or another lie???) - it seems that even the President of the United States is not above being influenced by misleading, incorrect, or incomplete information.

As for Pres. Bush lying to the American public... I challenge anyone to name a past President (or future hopeful) that hasn't lied, cheated, philandered, or otherwise had a "black-mark" on his (or her) record.

So far - the best candidate for President, in my opinion, has been Alan Keyes - who didn't run this time around.

Just a piece of my mind there... something to think about.

From: Neverhappy* , 240 months, post #17
anonymous what did you graduate in high school Magna-cum num nut! I realize your a young sexually confused castrated male(maybe). But repeating someone does not make you smart it makes you a dumbass. So form Now on you will be known as Riktumor King of the dumbasses!!! Do you like it, of course you do Riktumor.

From: Da Superfan* , 240 months, post #18
Hay this section is for talking about YU-GI-OH, not for political propaganda. So realize to who ever wins, this stupid farse you call an election, you still get strewed by the MAN. Then lets get back to what is really important to life discussing the detail of a 2D animated show.

From: eh?* , 240 months, post #19
wow, I didn't know I would start a debate so long I don't even feel like reading it.

From: hskfmn* , 240 months, post #20
LOL! Ricktumor.

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