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Lalola TV series
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“Lalola” (Argentina)
From: guest (Guest) , 201 months, post #1
Does anyone know where, or whether, US-format DVDs for the TV series Lalola can be purchased?

From: Repulso , 201 months, post #2
It can be downloaded from You Tube but sheesh!! I can't tell what order they're in so it's really hard to follow it in order. I just gave up.

Also, there's no sub-titles. Hopefully this series will be popular enough to merit a DVD soon (with subs!).

From: guest (twitlie) , 201 months, post #3
FYI: cap is short for capitolo which is Spanish for episode.

The first episode on YouTube is titled lalola.cap01.1 & then lalola.cap01.2 for the second part of the first episode, lalola.cap02.1 for the first part of the second episode and so on.

Sucks that ya'll can't read it, maybe you should try learning the language and Argentinian specific usage of the langu--nah, wait for a possible subtitling. Heck, maybe it will come onto Telemundo or another US based Spanish language station which may make an English sub (possibly fan based) more likely.

From: guest (twitlie) , 201 months, post #4
sorry, the Spanish word for episode is cap�tulo, not capitolo.

From: guest (pedro) , 201 months, post #5
para alguien de argentina:

saben de donde puedo bajar la serie por torrents?


From: Repulso , 201 months, post #6
Hey twitlie,
That helps.

Thanks. I'll try again.

From: guest , 201 months, post #7
I think the show went too fast with the character's adaptation and transition to being a woman. It would have been funnier if he had resisted his female body a little longer.

From: guest , 201 months, post #8
I agree, guest (above). The distance from resenting to accepting the transition was covered in only one episode. If the producers had drawn it out a lot longer Lalola would get my vote for best TG TV series ever.

From: guest (Arkain) , 201 months, post #9
Not that there's so many such a rating would mean much.
Still, quick adaptation to change in a TV show? Little silly.

From: guest (Peter S) , 201 months, post #10
It's too bad that the adaptation was so quick. He/she at first fights getting dressed in women's clothing by his former girlfriend, and then by the end of the same scene starts dancing and getting into it. The series already has over a hundred episodes. Such a quick change was unnecessary and totally wasted what could have been a good part of the whole story. Still, the actress playing Lalola is very good.

From: guest , 201 months, post #11
Well, he hasn't completely adapted. I mean he still walks like a man and even sits like a man. And I think there was one episode where he had flashbacks of being a man when he was kissing his boyfriend.

From: guest , 201 months, post #12
Is it true that this is actually a body swap? I heard that he just found out that a woman is in his body now. That woman was originally in the female body that he's in now.

From: guest , 201 months, post #13
I think you may be confused. I think the show Lola is the one with the body swap, not Lalola.

From: guest (thesaint137) , 201 months, post #14
Actually, I got the impression that in a recent episode a total stranger recognized Lola as somebody else. I think what was original thought to be a transformation is actually a bodyswap. Not sure. I'm behind.

From: guest (bla) , 198 months, post #15
can somebody tell me what happens in the last episode of lalola? that is capitulo 148.

From: guest (Lola Padilla) , 198 months, post #16
Yes, although I watched all the episodes, including the last one, it would be nice if someone who spoke Spanish could tell us exactly what was said in some of the major scenes.

I can sort of guess, but I'd like to know for sure.

From: guest , 198 months, post #17
In the last episode, Lalo sees the woman that in his body. They talk and catch up on old times. Anyways, they decide to stay in each other's bodies. And Lalo winds up with his boyfriend at the end and they live happily ever after.

From: guest (gast84) , 195 months, post #18
''And I think there was one episode where he had flashbacks of being a man when he was kissing his boyfriend.''

^^ Do you mean LALO used to have a boyfriend or do you mean Lola? I've been trying to catch up on this series on YouTube but my Spanish is so bad that I dont get half of what they're saying. Please reply!

From: guest (Brad) , 193 months, post #19
Here is the only part of Lola I could find with subtitles

From: guest (Scipio) , 178 months, post #20
Regarding the speed of Lola's change from masculine to feminine, I agree that that common mistake in sex-change works is done in Lalola. But look how many writers of Internet tg fiction make the same mistake. They can't wait to have their hero act girly. The best stories are the one that have a long process of personality evolution. It beats me why so many professionals and so many amateurs who want to write a story about a guy who changes into a girl really are writing just about a girl, except for a mostly irrelevant starting point.

But regarding Lalola, a lot of it depends on which version you are talking about. YouTube has mostly the Argentinean and Philippine Lalola, with a decent number the Spanish. They change fast. But if you look up "El é Ela" (the Brazilian) you also get a fair number of finds. In it, the early Lola is brash and physical, and does not appear in dresses. She watches girls hungrily. To watch a girl like that be progressively feminized would be fun. But I have not had time to check out mid- and later episodes; I've been concentrating on the Spanish Lola lately. She isn't as pretty as most of her sisters, but she's not ugly and she's a talented comedienne who can also play a tender and passionate scene. She really comes off as an anguishing woman in love in the last shows. I think she gets the choice to be a man or stay a woman. The decision is hard for her, because she's in love.

There is so physically much Lalola that it makes one's head spin. Who could ever expect that so many nations would put out this story almost at the same time? It's a phenomenon that is never talked about. I actually never heard of it until this fall. This is one of the rare situations for someone looking for interesting TG, to discover that there is not too little, but too much. Why are people talking so much about a D-rated movie, IDENTITY THEFT, which has a poor ending I hear, when there is too much of this high-quality Lalola material to assimilate? I hope these foreign nations come out with DVDs. If they do, they will want the Anglo market and will at least have subtitles. Why shouldn't they? They need to make money, and they don't seem to be embarrassed by the work, like American studios seem to be embarrassed about, say, TURNABOUT back in the 70's. It was never revived for DVD's. (Okay, it was a rotten handling of the material, but that's not the point). THE LAST PRECINCT was a good comedy that featured a beautiful transgendered cop. The audience shunned it and the production company has never put it out in DVD (about 10 episodes, I think).

So far, the Philippine version of Lalola has the best ending I've so far found. She is also a charming young actress. The worst cinematography, to judge from the quality of the scant material on the net, is in the Indonesian Lalola. Next worse in that way is the Chilean Lalola, which is called "Lola." If that really was a clip from the final chapter I saw, it appears that the ending would disappoint most people. I won't say more to be a spoiler. After seeing that much, I'll leave the Chile story for last, if ever. After seeing the Philippine ending, tho, I want to see the whole series, anticipating where it's going.

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