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Siren of Bagdad
Magician turns his male assistant into a beautiful harem/dancing girl to spy on the evil Vizier.
From: guest (dutch) , 208 months, post #1
The Siren of Bagdad will be shown on Turner Classic Movies Jan 10, 2008 at 10:30AM Eastern.

From: Eric , 208 months, post #2

From: guest (Shaftway) , 208 months, post #3
Wow. Thought this one was lost forever. I sent a couple of emails to TCM, maybe it actually worked.

From: guest , 208 months, post #4
Can someone please capture this.On holiday that date.

From: guest (Ciberman) , 208 months, post #5
Wow, this movie is very old. but have a good scenes wend the witch tranfrorm a guy i to bely dancer girl.

From: cj , 208 months, post #6
My PC for video capture is still down. I'll try to work fixing it into this weekend's plans.

From: Lady Sekhmet , 208 months, post #7
That really is a rare one. There is already a low quality clip out for this but I'll be sure to tivo it and post a nicer clip.

Good catch Dutch!

From: Lady Sekhmet , 208 months, post #8
And don't forget about these two gems that will air on the 5th:

Turnabout, All of Me

Gotta love TCM :)

From: guest , 207 months, post #9
Did anyone manage to get any clips from Siren on the 10th?

From: Lady Sekhmet , 207 months, post #10
I managed to archive the relevant scenes here:
The Siren of Baghdad

I'm borderline on the duration of that clip as far as fair use goes - so enjoy it while you can, I may soon chop it back to around 90 seconds or so.

From: guest , 207 months, post #11
Thank you! Much appreciated.

From: cj , 207 months, post #12
Thanks for the clip Lady S. :-)

From: Bodyswap1 , 207 months, post #13
Thank you for the clip Lady Sekhmet. Keep up the good work.

From: guest (Shaftway) , 207 months, post #14
there is another TG scene in the movie, but it's subtle.Click to show spoiler
ng gur raq, V'z cerggl fher gur gjb tveyf jub pbzr bhg bs gur obk ner fhccbfrq gb or gur Ivmvre naq gur Fhygna nf gurl ner jrnevat gur fnzr pbybef gur gjb jrer jrnevat jura gurl jrag va, gur fnzr nf Ora Nyv.

From: Miss Pinky , 207 months, post #15
Dang, the clip I have ends before that happens. I don't know if Lady S has the scene in question, perhaps?

From: Lady Sekhmet , 207 months, post #16
We have to leave something to entice you to run out and buy the DVD Miss Pinky.

What's that you say? It's not out on DVD, or VHS, or on broadcast tv in the last 10 years, and didn't even do well at the box office 55 years ago? Hmmm... :)

fwiw, that final sequence is very minor. Nothing like the scenes with Vivian Mason.

From: guest (Pinky) , 207 months, post #17
But it IS there? That's just neat to me, because I've liked the main Siren clip for years, but never heard about the second one. I dled the one you put up on YouTube, its very nice to see that and not the original clip we've all seen that is so old its practically a scan of 38mm film ;)

Thank you for getting it and putting up the longer version.

P.S. In the second scene do either of them talk? I'd love to see it even if it was only up for a few days. It must be added to the MIGHTY TIMBER TORRENT! (MTT)

From: Lady Sekhmet , 207 months, post #18
Well, at least one clip from that movie that's been out there awhile was (I believe) from Shaftway Danger. My understand it is was recorded on VHS from TBS or WGN, copied to another VHS tape, converted to DVD, then compressed using Divx, then uploaded to youtube.. that sort of accounts for the condition :)

But yes, the scene IS there at the very end.

From: guest (Miss Pinky) , 207 months, post #19
Oooh... putitup putitup putitup putitup putitup putitup putitup!


From: paul , 207 months, post #20
< Spoiler Warning >

I am not certain that the two girls at the end are the transformed characters. I remember thinking that they might be, but dismissing the thought as they showed no signs of being anyone other than two random girls. But it has been at least ten years since I have seen the movie. Can anyone who caught the recent airing help clearify this issue?

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