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Jockey - Out of Line
Jockey Television commercial "Out of Line"
Male, Female, Gender
Normal looking people are put through a conveyor belt factory with a large machine chamber that turns them into nearly identical, "perfect" clones. It removes tattoos and any body piercing. The resulting male clones are all dressed alike, as are all of the females. Spoiler below (Spoiler Text ...more
From: Lady Sekhmet , 209 months, post #1
New commercial pictures regular folk stepping into a chamber and coming out like cookie cutter perfect people.

They have it viewable on their website:
Out of Line

From: Sara , 209 months, post #2
I particularly liked the one woman that comes out, and has her breasts continue to expand after transformation. Love the inflating sound used. Was a nice video, too bad they did not make it longer. One part I am a bit confused on, was I swear a guy went in once, and the blonde with inflating breasts is the one that came out, but I cannot ever really get a good look.

From: guest , 209 months, post #3
They have a "making of" short, too, that's always nice.

From: Lady Sekhmet , 209 months, post #4
>>I swear a guy went in once, and the blonde with inflating breasts is the one that came out

Nice catch there Sara, I didn't see that until you mentioned it. Definitely was a guy next in line followed by the blonde coming out. However, I'm pretty sure that was just a continuity error - just the way it was cut (or was it?! )

And for some reason I didn't notice they had that "making of" short either guest. I'm really slipping up these days...

From: Sara , 209 months, post #5
Yeah, it is sort of hard to follow it, because it looks like a few times the one main guy is closer to the machine, and then it looks like he is further back.

From: Sara , 209 months, post #6
Okay, I just wached it a bunch more times. I do not know where the girl is coming from. There is a guy that comes out, and right behind him is a guy, then the machine closes on the next person, and the woman comes out, and has her boobs expand. It looks like a guy was changed, but I think it was only because of the way it was shot, or maybe it really was meant to do that to keep the number of men and women equal. This should at some point be put into the DB, it is at least a Male change for the Male, and whatever for that Female.

From: guest , 209 months, post #7
I think it's obvious that the guy in front of the guy that runs away becomes the woman, it's just that something got screwed up and they put things in wrong order.

From: ROBO , 209 months, post #8
OK, I watched this and CLEARLY it is not the guy that transforms. They show him as he is wearing a white T shirt and then a woman comes out (I don't know where from) but the guy behind her is the same guy they showed wearing a white T shirt.

So he couldn't have been tranformed as he was behind her so he couldn't have changed. Very poor editing and/or shooting of the ad.

Unfortunately no Transformation at all...just wishful thinking by the members here. Take a look and you will see him before and after the transformation so he couldn't have changed.

From: ROBO , 209 months, post #9
In fact, look at the making of the ad on the same site. It shows some of the edited parts. The girl runs forward and grabs the guys arm and pulls him out of the line before the form closes which is why it was empty when it opened again.

From: guest (bourn) , 209 months, post #10
people, desperate help, anyone know the name of the song at the end of the commercial?

From: guest (Gorg) , 209 months, post #11
One way it does make sense is if you see it as depicting the same event out of two angles. First we see the guy becoming the strong guy and then the next guy become the woman from the perspective of that side of the machine. After the new woman gets her breasts inflated we go back a bit in time and see the same event but from the perspective of the other side of the machine.

The machine opening when they run away in chronologically at the same point as the machine opening up to reveal the new woman. This is the only explanation that makes sense since there are two guys in front of the guy who flees, and the first one becomes the strong man. There is no one else there who could have become the woman. Remember to not watch the youtube version as it is shorter.

From: guest (Junko) , 209 months, post #12
I think it's clear that he doesn't want to go in, he is very unwilling and indeed we don't see him go in... what we see instead is the chamber was empty and him jumping from the line, running away with a girl. (I think Lady Sekhmet is right, it's an continuity error that a girl came out, they simply forgot to put another person between th e two guys)... otherwise it would make no sense to me because the message seems to be: get away from all those terrible fashion stores that make you look like everybody else on the street (though i can't believe that jockey is any better ;))

From: cj , 209 months, post #13
>>> "Unfortunately no Transformation at all..."

Except for the guys and gals ahead of the main character that get TF'd into cookie-cutter stereotypes of "perfection".

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