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Review: Michael Blumlein book XY
Michael Blumlein book XY
A dancer in a topless bar and a customer change bodies after a loud noise. There is a lot of confusion in the girl's mind as she only knows she is a man.
From: Caitlin B , 671 months, post #1
This is a fascinating exploration of the degree to which gender is core to a person's identity. It is also ambiguous and very intricately involved with the overlaps of pain/humiliation and sex. For those not thrown by these aspects, this is probably a 4.

From: Fish , 671 months, post #2
I'll be right up front and say I didn't like this book. The physical differences between male and female are explained at some length, but the author's relentless pounding at psychological studies wore on my nerves. Throughout the book, the author referred to the body-switched character by his male name, and using male pronouns. This reinforced the character's gender confusion, but made the book hard to follow. There are incidents of body-piercing, drug use, rape, humiliation, almost-discipline (although no SM), and a lengthy section about picking out new clothes, dresses, bra, etc. For those who like this stuff, have yourself a big time; I found it just made me queasy.

From: Rose , 285 months, post #3
The bodyswap between the old guy and the dancer is upfront. This is a very gory book, with scenes of mutilation. Difficult to swallow in several senses. I haven't been able to go back and re-read it.

From: The Saint , 253 months, post #4
This book startedoff as a very promising gender bender, developed nicely and slowly, and then disingrated into a nightmare or surreal weirdness. Frankie is a topless dancer who has an unwanted bodyswap with one of her patrons. She faints on stage and is taken home by her loser boyfriend. When she wakes up she has total amnesia except for the strong feeling that she is in the wrong body. The first half of the book is about how Frankie has a very difficult time, both physically and mentally, in her new body. She tries to convince everyone of her problem and eventually her boyfriend humors her by trying to track down her old body. Frankie finds her old male body in the hospital; unconsicous and on life support. After her male body dies, Frankie slips into depression and her boyfriend overboils with rage. He finally rapes Frankie. Soon, her worried mother takes her home and tries to coax her daughter back to health. She even takes Frankie on a shopping trip to buy her some nice femmine clothing. Frankie gives in and slowly starts learning how to be a woman since she has no memory of her past life she decides to start a new one. This is were the book takes a turn for the unpleasant. While Frankie starts to shave her legs, wear stockings and heels, and learn how to apply makeup, she only does this to torture her boyfriend. She gets him to agree to body mutilation and humilation with the promise of sex. She still considers herself a He though and won't allow him any intamacy. The novel ultimately ends on a very sour note. Overall, the book is a let down, with very few details on femminity but loads of gory body piercing and mutilation descriptions.

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