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Review: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon episode Unknown
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon episode Unknown
The newest scouts, the star scouts, are three boys that change into female sailors.
From: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon fan , 292 months, post #1
There are 5 seasons to Sailor Moon (Original Japanese version) of which the first 4 have been dubbed into english and had some Modifications done to make it more suitable for the US audience...

Season 1: (Dub Change) The Bad guy "Zoicite" was originally male in the Japanese version, but made female in the English adaptation.
Transformations: Other than the 5 Girls that transform into "Sailor Senshi" , The MOTD(Monster of the Day) are derived from objects, or humans that become the MOTD.
Also features in one episode where Sailor Moon is breifly de-aged. Mamoru/Darien transforms into "Tuxedo Mask" and wields a rose.

Season 2(Season R),Aliens Story Arc:The aliens use "cards" that when Ail/Allen's flute is played they transform into the MOTD.
Mamoru's other self is the Moonlight Knight(Dub name),they merge back at the end of the Arc.

Season 2(Season R), Black Moon Arc: Chibi-Usa/Reenie is from 30th century Crystal Tokyo, she goes back in time. When she arrives she falls from the sky and interupts Usagi/Serena and Mamoru/Darien when they are about to kiss. This fact isn't revealed until the middle of the story arc.

Season 3(Season S): This season features MOTD's that happen to be everyday objects embued with a deamons egg(when put into what's reffered to as the "Tomoe EZ-monster oven" by fans). This season also features a female that is confused for a male for the first couple of episodes (and all the girls have a crush on) because she wears male clothing all the time. 3 new senshi are introduced, the 3rd one having the power to end the world.
The season ends with Hotaru being turned back into a baby.

Season 4 (Season 4 bleeds over into Season 5): Head Monster arc 1: (Amazon Trio), the 3rd of them "FishEye" is actually a cross-dressing male that wears female clothes all the time. This fact isn't aparent till one scene later in the arc that he takes off his top (quoting he doesn't like it).
Head Monster Arc 2, Amazon Quartet, one of the girls decides to grant Sailor Moon and Chibi-Moon their wish, and they switch ages. In the end if this season (before it bleeds into Season 5) the Head bad guy(girl in this case) age is reversed and becomes young again. It is also revealed that the MOTD's were once humans, having turned into circus creatures.

Season 5(bleed over from Season4), The Head bad guy(girl) from the previous season comes back with assistance from an unknown entity. The first story arc features the return of the 3 other senshi from Season 3. Hotaru (Sailor Saturn, the one that can end the world.) is age-advanced rapidly to approximately her age in season 3.

Season 5 (Sailor Stars)Story Arc 2, introduces the Starlights, which become a popular band. The starlights turn out to actually be 3 girls that are the "Sailor Starlights", that only appear in male form to hide their identity.(Note the Manga version indicates that they are supposed to be females and always are, however the Anime changed it from "desguised as boys")

The last season features the Girls developing crushes on the Starlights (when male), and Usagi goes out on a date with one of them. There is one scene that features ALL of the girls and the starlights all being at Usagi's house at the same time, and the situation following it is quite hilarious.

It is later found out that they are infact girls during a battle when they have to henshin(transform) in front of each other.

(On a final note: the description for "Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon" is wrong, it should read with some of the details from above. Though a quick and easy edit would be to change it to:
Season 3: One of the Senshi is a Cross-dresser
Season 5: The newest Sailor Senshi are the "Sailor Starlights" who are female, but are originally introduced as Singers of the Band "The three lights" who are male.

  • note* there is an extensive summary of all the sailor moon episodes on , click on sailor moon, and then the episode summaries. )

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