From: guest (G7subs)
, 200 months, post #21 |
Michele, I'd swap with you in a second! Think you could handle
bewing 6'2" , 200#? I'd kill to hear what you'd do first!
From: guest (Michele)
, 200 months, post #22 |
Pee on a tree.
From: guest (Michele)
, 200 months, post #23 |
Ooops, I mean, piss on a tree.
(See, how complicated gender is ... even the verbs are different.)
From: guest (G7subs)
, 200 months, post #24 |
Write your name in the snow? LOL. Anyway you could contact me,
From: guest (Michele)
, 200 months, post #25 |
Got a boyfriend, G7 ... but if you want to talk privately for some
other-than-romance reason ... just set up a temporary gmail account
... and I will too.
From: guest (g7subs)
, 200 months, post #26 |
Absolutely! Shoot me your G mail address?
From: guest (G7subs)
, 200 months, post #27 |
I'll send you mine if you wish, Michele.
From: guest (CAS)
, 200 months, post #28 |
Hi, All, again!
Please forgive a (very bragging) note about Michele's observation
that I must have had a girl help me write the scenes about the
protagonist's sexual response as a new woman.
Well, she guessed right that I did have a couple of women friends
"vet" those scenes while the book was still in manuscript.
But ... and here's the bragging part! ... BOTH of them were pretty
happy with the scenes pretty much as originally written. In fact, , both told me that they were amazed on how right on I got that
early "exploration" scene. (I can't talk much more about that scene
here because of the spoiler factor, but I think you guys who have
read the book can figure out which scene I mean.)
These genetic women both also separately volunteered that they did
personally find the touched-for-the-very-first-time element to some
of the later scenes pretty hot themselves ... so I later used a
variation on that idea as part of my promotional copy in my website
for the book. (I thought I might get some more straight women
readers ... but ... except for Michele's note here ... I never got
any feedback before that that every actually happened much.
Absolutely all my efanmail has been from what are genetically males
with some kind of an interest in gender transformation or
exploration ... and from all the many places on that spectrum.)
In fact, the sexual response scenes just came out of my imagination
... and I guess :I don't know how relatively good I am at at, but I guess, at
least, I must be a pretty observant lover!
(In honesty, there is one other place that those scenes came from;
but this is not the place to talk about that. If you are really
curious, write to me at alanbarrie@yahoo.com.)
Thanks again for your interst in my book. Spread the word.
Alan Barrie
From: guest (Michele)
, 200 months, post #29 |
G7, you can write to me at MicheleMeta@gmail.com.
Alan, I agree with your woman friends. As a woman, I found some of
the scenes very hot to read. Thanks for a great book. Do you have
another one coming?
P.S. Alan, just to give you a really swelled head, the other thing
that I thought was amazing about the book was the transformation
during the book of the nature of the relationship between Allison
and Cassandra. I remember thinking when reading one scene ... I
can't remember the details of which scene it was at the moment ...
but I remember thinking as I was reading it that this is really a
real kind of a conversation between two girls now! That was very
From: guest (G7subs)
, 200 months, post #30 |
Sent, Michele!
From: guest (Barbara)
, 198 months, post #31 |
Got the ebook because of the notes here. Thank you all! This really
is the best novel about gender change that I have ever read ... by
far! (I can't figure out how I missed it before.)
From: guest (thesaint)
, 198 months, post #32 |
Definitely my favorite.
From: guest (freeballer)
, 198 months, post #33 |
deff got me interested in seeing what this is all about, sadly no
When I get some I think I'll pick up the book, I'd like to see how
the scenes played out,
and the insights the women helping had given u to write it.
Thanks for contributing to the community in this way, fantic is
nice but real insights are betters
ps. a natural girl! wow, myth = busted
From: guest (Barbara)
, 198 months, post #34 |
Booklocker.com now lets you download a pdf of 2/3s of the book for
FREE to be sure you want to buy it.
(You will because the most explicit, but still quite lovely, scenes
are in the last 1/3! But anyway you can decide for yourself.)
From: guest (Barbara)
, 196 months, post #35 |
Booklocker took down the long pdf of 2/3's of this book. But if you
go to live.com and search on... "woman's passion" barrie ... that
long excerpt is still cached under one of the responses there ...
even if a bit harder to read in that cache than the pdf of the book
It IS a great book ... although I do agree with some of the others
here who were a bit disappointed with the resolution. The ending
was very well written and believable (that is believable, as in
consistent with a consistent fantasy) ... I just kind of wished it
had worked out for "her" the way I hoped it would work out for her
... but can't say more here without being a spoiler.
From: guest (Michele)
, 191 months, post #36 |
This is a little confusing because there are two Michele's who post
in this string ... but I am the real xx girl Michele.
I saw a squib about this author also writing a book called THE
SUNDAY GAME under a different name. Anybody have any info on that
From: guest (Saint)
, 191 months, post #37 |
It's unfortunate that they still post an ad for The Sunday Game.
I've emailed the author a couple times and he is extremely
reluctant to release this manuscript. Apparently he feels that the
subject matter and the fact that the characters are in their early
teens is to controversial. Apparently there is even a scene with
"adult themes", but if you've read Woman's Passion I imagine it's
handled with care and respect. A Woman's Passion is probably one of
the 5 best TG stories I've ever read, and I wish Alan Barrie would
write some more transformation fiction.
From: guest (CAS)
, 190 months, post #38 |
Hi, All, again,
Although its existence is mentioned a few places on the web, I
don't think THE SUNDAY GAME is "advertised" anywhere anymore. (At
least it shouldn't be because after Lee Brewster's Mardi Gras Press
stopped publishing with Lee's death, the copyright reverted to me
... and I'm not selling it anywhere.)
Saint is correct in his reporting. I stopped selling the book
several years ago.
When it was originally published (according to Lee who knew the tg
world of that day better than anybody), it was, by far, the most
popular tg-themed novel ever published.
However, the political climate changed, and I became afraid of
distributing the book. The protagonist is only 10-years-old early
in the book and barely 13 when "she" goes to her first birthday
party as a girl. There is in the book the inevitable
early-teen-party kissing game that eventually puts the protagonist
on a darkened porch with an older boy.
Although that scene becomes a bit explicit, it is, I believe,
handled tastefully and convincingly true to teen life (as much as
adults may try to deny it to themselves); but still I worry that
the powers-that-be might interpret it as an illegal exploitation of
a "child" in the text. I simply don't know enough about the
pornography laws to know if the book can be distributed.
After several requests, I did try to rewrite the novel two ways.
Both turned out to be impossible.
I couldn't make the timeline of the novel reasonable and believable
if I tried to make her older than 10 the first time she is dressed
by her Aunt or much older than 13 or 14 at the time of the
climactic party. So that didn't work.
And, although the darkened porch scene is only one small part of
the book, it is so integral to its climax and resolution, that
cutting it out seemed to cut out the heart of the book. So that
didn't work, either.
Thank you all for your continued interest in my work. I have a
contract for a "straight" novel (under another name), so haven't
been writing much tg fiction lately. I will get back to it
A WOMAN'S PASSION continues to sell steadily; and I much appreciate
any comments, good or bad, from any readers. (Here or at
alanbarrie@yahoo.com is fine; I do check that one regularly)
Sincerely yours,
Alan Barrie
From: guest (Michele)
, 189 months, post #39 |
I was in San Francisco on vacation about a year ago and scored an
old copy of THE SUNDAY GAME in a used bookstore. It was in two
separate volumes ... just saddle stiched books ... about 100 pages
each. I'm not a lawyer, but I don't think Alan Barrie is right. I
don't think that there is anything so terrible in that book that
would make it a legal problem to ship it. I also don't think he
remembers his own book, because I'm pretty sure she's 14, not 13 at
the party ... and the boy is 15 or 16 ... so it's really not like
it's an adult with a child. (Oh, just to keep the confusion down
because there are two Micheles who post to the string, I'm not the
gg one, I'm the other one, the cd one.)
From: guest (CAS)
, 186 months, post #40 |
Wow, Michele! You have the original two volume version of THE
SUNDAY GAME from Lee Brewster's classic Mardi Gras Press. I only
have one kind-of-beat-up version of that myself.
I wish that there was a lawyer here to whom I could send a pdf copy
of THE SUNDAY GAME ... so that s/he could advise me if I can
distribute the pdf version I have without possible legal problems
because of the young age of the protagonist. (It's not about money.
It's just that so many people have begged me for a copy. And I
always turn them down out of legal-fear.)
Alan Barrie
P.S. Just as info: sales of the paperback version of A WOMAN'S
PASSION have dropped off sharply in the last few months on Amazon.
I don't know if it is the economy ... or that the market is
exhausted. (Sales of the inexpensive pdf version on booklocker.com
have held up better.)
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