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Review: The Hot Chick
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The Hot Chick
Age, Female, Gender
In the beginning of the movie, a female commoner steals a pair or earrings and gives one to a princess ready to get married. The commoner wears the other one and the two switch bodies by the magic earrings. The switch was used by Princess Nawaa as an opportunity to escape a bad marriage. The re ...more
From: Dale Ribbons , 264 months, post #1
Not really a review since I haven't seen the movie. In fact, NOBODY has! I can't say enough how much these type of postings irritate me! Can't you just wait until the movie comes out or the TV show airs before you post these? Or else put them on the message boards?

From: anonymous , 263 months, post #2
just got through seeing the sneek preview of The Hot Chick, and all i can say is this is a must see. Rob Schnieder is great as a man and a woman, and Rachel McAdams isnt bad either! Anyway, The whole thing is that Jessica is like, prom queen material and very popular, but also mean. One day, at this gas station, she thinks this loser named clyde is an attendant. after pulling some pranks, she drops one of her earrings, which just happen to be magical. He takes them, just for value, and puts it on before he sleeps. She does too, and in the morning, their bodies have been changed into each other. This makes one of the funniest moments in the movie, when jessica wakes up and she pisses on the ground, and clyde wakes up and find his... She then has to find out how to switch while dealing with school, a sissy brother, and trying to clear her name, and finding her body. As hard it is to believe, the "new" jessica doesn't want to switch back. There's too much to explain here, but if you want more, see the movie. Opens Dec 13, 2002. See it!!

From: Eric , 262 months, post #3
Hot Chick is well worth seeing even though Rob S has a bad rep for movies. HE does more than an OK job and the girl is first rate!
It's funny and has some LOL scenes. The opening set in ancient times has a real feeling of myth.

Some really good moments when the guy realizes he is a woman, with him as her coming out of a drug store reading a box of tampons And he loves being her making a good living as stripper, lap dancer.
Others include Jessica in his body having to show 'it' to all her friends. Her best friend falling in love with her and making friends with many of those she wronged. It has a great surprise ending.
Also, when as herself she hooks the horn when he is under the hood of the car. The license place is Hot Chick by the way. There are some funny throwaway scenes between her best friends parents. The mother is crazy and the dad is laid back.
Ways I think the movie could have been funnier and more dramatic.
If when Jessica's boy friend sees who he thinks is Jessica have the fake girl pump him for information, fine out Jessica has it made and go back to her house pretending to be her ? perhaps with Amnesia! Then she would have to fight him more through out the movie to get her life and body back. And he's pretty crude as a man, but really is well groomed and sexily dressed as a woman! He really likes being her and doesn't want to give it up ? she would have to watch him drive her car, wear her clothes and basically act pretty clueless at school and maybe get elected Prom queen.
But the movie is still very funny.

From: theArch , 262 months, post #4
Saw the movie it was great, but it could have a sequel about what he got upto as her, and what about the brother if he got his hands on the magic earings in a dressup.

From: JayGee , 257 months, post #5
This was really disappointing. OK, I wasn't expecting the next Casablanca, but it wasn't even all that funny.

From: Max , 257 months, post #6
I thought the movie had many funny scenes! Like Jessica being so vain thinking all the girls envied her. Honking the horn when Clive is uner the hood, mena but funny. Clive as her bying tampons, rob sndeider rolling painfully down the stadum seating. Its worth seeing if you can sset back and relaz and ignore the bad scenes - for example too much toleit humor. The girl Rachel MacAdams is really beautiful & sexy! Great legs.

From: Mako , 240 months, post #7

The movie itself is nothing short of boring and non-comedic. It tries to have a heart, but falls flat. I wanted to see much more of Clive in Jessica's body, but you barely see any of it at all in the movie. There's a brief moment when she wakes up in a chair. A brief moment with a box of tampons. A moment where she takes the boyfriends car, and the final confrontation at a strip joint.

Now... for those of you who haven't seen the DVD... you may want to check it out for nothing else but the deleted scenes. There's a four minute deleted montage, of various scenes of Clive as Jessica. (Like the look in the mirror in the pic posted here). There's Clive (Jessica) at make-up counter/a clothing store/a steam room/ and a much extended moment at the strip joint. There's also the music video that is described in a previous review above.

From: him , 231 months, post #8
I found this movie very disapointing, I was looking forward to alot more of him being a woman and not her being a man, he as a she was barely shown we did'ent even see him check himself out! poor poor film.

From: ROBO , 230 months, post #9
I thought the movie was OK although I liked the start more than the rest of the movie. However, on the DVD in deleted scenes there are 2 or 3 scenes of him as the girl. Just wished there had been more of that.

From: guest , 141 months, post #10
I HATED this movie simply because Rob Schneider stars in it. I loathe any movie that man is in, he gets on my ever loving nerd. If Rob Schneider is in a movie it belongs in the garbage.

From: guest , 141 months, post #11
ever loving nerve*

From: JayGee , 141 months, post #12
then don't watch it, guest.

From: hskfmn , 141 months, post #13
"Makin' copieees..." ;)

From: guest , 141 months, post #14
@Post 11

Too late and too bad that I already have watched this movie. :P Every single solitary movie that Rob Schneider is in sucks. But hey that's me, but I hope I'm not pissing off any Schneider fans here. And are you trying to torture me hskfmn lol?

From: guest (Jayzie) , 141 months, post #15
It was lame. Mostly focused on Rob Schnieder playing the woman in a man's body. I'm not into that.
Can't believe I sat through the whole movie.

Oh, so get this. The preppy girl becomes the "victim" while the grown loser (in her body) is the "bad guy."

Are us body snatchers really "bad guys?" LOL, okay, gotcha. Yeah, we most likely are, but we're sinister bad guys. Not body snatching creepers who probably drool over the under aged.

From: guest (guest2) , 141 months, post #16
Schnieder wasn't a "body snatcher". He didn't set out to take the girls body he was just dealing with the situation. And YES, he was a bad guy. Not because he swapped bodies but because he was an unscrupulous guy who robbed a gas station.

You're really reading too much into this. The point of having Schnieder's character be a small time criminal was a plot device. Having the guy be a thief and a stranger is what makes this story different from Freaky Friday. It's an excuse to focus on one character, the girl in the guys body, instead of two characters.

From: hskfmn , 141 months, post #17
"And are you trying to torture me hskfmn lol?"

ME? No. Where in the world would you get that idea?! >:)

From: dis_guise , 141 months, post #18
I just wanted to see Rachel's body and not Rob's, particularly with Rachel playing the character of the petty criminal guy in an attractive young female body. There just wasn't enough, and for obvious reasons.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 141 months, post #19
Yeah, because Rachel Adams is a sh***y actor.

I forgot the detail of Rob being a bad dude, but still the purpose was to put males in female bodies in a negative light. That's why he was grungy, dorky, selfish, and perverted. I mean, am I the only one who got that impression?

From: guest , 141 months, post #20
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the woman also kind of a "bad person", as well? Didn't she steal the ear rings that lead to the body swap in the first place? (Please correct me if I'm mistaken, it's been many years since I've seen this movie)

I'm not quite sure why were talking about the philosophy of bad and wrong and thus body swap here...

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