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Review: Zerophilia
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In this provocative teen comedy, Luke, a young man insecure about his masculinity discovers he's a Zerophiliac, with the ability to change sex at will. Join Luke as he journeys into the extraordinary world of Zerophilia where so many crazy questions arise, only one question matters: "Whom do you lo ...more
From: guest , 224 months, post #1
Review - Zerophilia November 11, 2005
By: Raven

I just returned from the screening at the Fort Lauderdale Film Festival. I can encapsulate my review in one sentence. Best TG movie . . . ever! It is screening again 3:30 p.m. on Sunday. If you are anywhere close, you have to get here to see it.. I wil answer Mako's question first. It is not slated for general release. However that question was asked of the director after the movie. They are having a meeting (and screening) with a major distributor next week. Keep you fingers crossed. Ft. Laude was only the 4th place it screened. The others were Toronto, Breckenridge, and Sao Paulo, Brazil. They've gotten a good response from college aged kids.

Onto the plot. SPOILERS AHEAD

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Mrebcuvyn ersref gb n pbaqvgvba jurer lbh unir na rkgen puebzbfbzr. Gur "M" puebzbfbzr. Gurer ner 100 gb 1000 mrebcuvyvnpf va gur jbeyq, ohg abobql xabjf, orpnhfr vg tbrf haercbegrq. Gur "M" puebzbfbzr vf yngrag hagvy lbh unir frk (pyvznk/betnfz) sbe gur svefg gvzr. Gur lbh orpbzr n fcbagnarbhf mrebcuvyvnp. Gung zrnaf rirel gvzr lbh trg ghearq ba lbh fgneg gb punatr vagb gur bccbfvgr traqre. Lbh erireg ol erzbivat gur fbhepr bs orvat ghearq ba (be n genadhvyvmre). Vg jnf pyrire, gur pnyyrq vg n abpgheany erzvffvba.Gur zbivr fgnegf bhg jvgu Yhxr ba n pnzcvat gevc va gur zvqqyr bs gur jbbqf. (Vg jnf svyzrq va naq nebhaq Rhtrar, Bertba). Uvf grag vf eha bire ol n cvpx hc gehpx gung vf qenttvat n genvyre. Gur cvpx hc gehpx vf qevira ol Xryyl Yr Oebpx. Bar guvat yrnqf gb nabgure, naq Yhxr unf frk jvgu guvf fgenatre.Jr arkg zrrg Yhxr�f ebbzzngr Xrrana. Gur xvaq bs orfg sevraq rirelobql jvfurf gurl unq. Xrrana�f tveysevraq vf Wnavar. Yhxr tbrf gb ohl n cvpx-hc gehpx, naq raq hc ohlvat guvf ovt qvrfry gehpx gung vf frra ba gur zbivr sylre. Uvf rkcynangvba vf uvf sngure (qrprnfrq) unq bar whfg yvxr vg. Va fubeg beqre, gur gehpx qrirybcf zrpunavpny ceboyrzf. Yhxr gryyf Xrrana nobhg guvf qernz gung ur�f orra univat yngryl. Uvf cravf vf trggvat fznyyre. Ur gryyf Xrrana gung gur guvat vf, vg vfa�g n qernz. Xrrana qbrfa�g oryvrir uvz. Ur guvaxf gung Yhxr whfg unf fbpvny nakvrgl nebhaq jbzra. Ur ercrngf Yhxr�f flzcgbzf jura ur vf nebhaq jbzra ur vf nggenpgrq gb. Ur fjrngf, srryf hapbzsbegnoyr, svaqf vg uneq gb oerngu, rgp.Yhxr gnxrf uvf gehpx gb nabgure sevraq, Znk, jub ehaf n tnentr. Znk gevrf gb purng uvz. Ur gryyf uvz gur wbo vf tbvat gb pbfg uvz $200-$300, juvpu ur qbrfa�g unir. Ohg ur fnlf ur�yy tb naq purpx vs ur unf fbzr hfrq cnegf. Znk tbrf vagb gur onpx, naq uvf fvfgre, Zvpuryyr pbzr vagb gur ragenapr gb gur tnentr. Yhxr xabjf bs Zvpuryyr, ohg fur jnf va Arj Lbex. Nccneragyl fur�f pbzr onpx sbe njuvyr. Gurer vf na vafgnag nggenpgvba. Yhxr ohzoyrf naq fghzoyrf uvf jnl vagb nfxvat ure bhg.N srj qnlf yngre gurl tb bhg. Gurl ner trggvat nybat yvxr tnat ohfgref. Nyy bs n fhqqra, Yhxr ernyyl fgnegf srryvat hapbzsbegnoyr naq pna�g oerngur. Ur rkphfrf uvzfrys gb gur onguebbz. Ubjrire, ur tbrf bhg gur onpx ragenapr gb gur erfgnhenag. Ur bcraf uvf fuveg, naq vf abj fcbegvat n avpr cnve bs oernfgf. Yhxr cnffrf bhg. Ur n jnxrf hc ubhef yngre, naq rirelobql unf yrsg, naq gur erfgnhenag vf pybfrq.Yhxr gryyf Xraana jung unccrarq, yrnivat bhg gur cnegf nobhg gur oernfgf. Yhxr gevrf gb punyx vg hc gb n sbbq nyyretl (zhfuebbzf). Xraana, haorxabjafg gb Yhxr pbzzhavpngrf guebhtu gur vagrearg gb n qbpgbe nobhg Yhxr flzcgbzf (nf sne nf ur xabjf). Zrnajuvyr, Yhxr frrf Znk, naq jnagf uvz gb gryy uvf fvfgre ur�f fbeel. Znk gryyf Yhxr gb fgnl njnl sebz uvf fvfgre. Gurl nyzbfg trg vagb n svtug. Svanyyl Znk eryragf, naq gryyf Yhxr ur�yy gryy Zvpuryyr nobhg gur sbbq nyyretl. Xraana gryyf Yhxr gung gur qbpgbe sebz gur rnfg pbfg vf tbvat gb fraq uvz fbzr zngrevnyf nobhg uvf pbaqvgvba.Va gur arkg frra Yhxr vf jbexvat uvf wbo nf n pyrex va n eheny 7-11 glcr bs fgber. Na byqre puvpx pbzrf va, naq gevrf gb frqhpr Yhxr. Npghnyyl cebcbfvgvbaf uvz. Ur gheaf ure qbja. Npghnyyl, ur guvaxf fur vf n cflpub. Yhxr gryyf Xrrana guvf gur arkg qnl, naq gurl trg n ynhtu nobhg vg.Xrrana, Yhxr, Wnavar, naq Zvpuryyr ner bhg ng n one ba n qbhoyr qngr. Gur jbzna jub gevrq gb frqhpr Yhxr vf gurer. Gurer vf n irel shaal fprar jurer gur sbhe ner cynlvat cbby, naq gur phr onyy whzcf bss gur gnoyr naq fgevxrf Yhxr va gur onyyf. Ur srryf ab cnva. Gurl nyy ybbx ng uvz fgenatryl. Yhxr srryf qbja gurer, naq gura ntnva rkphfrf uvzfrys. Ur tbrf vagb gur onguebbz, naq chyyf qbja uvf cnagf gb svaq ur abj unf n intvan. Xrrana sbyybjf, naq ur raqf hc fubjvat Xrrana. Gur fgenatr jbzna svaqf gurz. Fur gryyf gurz ure anzr vf Qe. Flqarl {jungrire}, naq fur pnzr va erfcbafr gb Xrranaf r-znvy. Fur fnlf fur pna uryc Yhxr, naq tvirf uvz n frqngvir gb qevax. Fur neenatrf gb zrrg gurz gbzbeebj gb rkcynva jung vf tbvat ba jvgu YhxrGurl vaqrrq zrrg gur arkg qnl, naq Flqarl gryyf Xrrana naq Yhxr gur zrqvpny rkcynangvba V tnir ng gur ortvaavat. Fur gryyf Yhxr gung gur bayl jnl gb fgnovyvmr uvf pbaqvgvba vf gb pbzcyrgryl fjvgpu bire. Gur tbny vf gb svther bhg jung ur ernyyl jnagf gb or, n tvey be n obl. Fur gryyf uvz gung ur pna pbzcyrgryl fjvgpu ol univat na betnfz/pyvznk. Ur pna qb gung ol znfgheongvat.Xrrana raqf hc gryyvat Wnavar. Fb abj guerr bs gurz xabj jung vf tbvat ba. Yhxr�f nggenpgvba gb Zvpuryyr vf gevttrevat guvf, naq hayrff ur pna pbageby vg, fbzrguvat onq jvyy unccra. Yhxr qrpvqrf gb haqretb gur genafsbezngvba. Ur qbrf, naq ur vf abj n irel phgr tvey. Ur gevrf gb fjvgpu onpx ol erirefvat gur cebprff (guebhtu srznyr znfgheongvba), rkprcg fur pna�g. Fur pna�g trg urefrys bss. Wnavar erznexf, �Jrypbzr gb ZL jbeyq.� Fur gevrf gb uryc Yhxr ol trggvat n ivoengbe. Fgvyy qbrfa�g jbex. (*Abgr: shaal fprarf urer).Znk pbzrf bire gb Yhxr naq Xrrana�f cynpr va gur zvqqyr bs nyy bs guvf. Ur vf frrxvat Yhxr�f uryc va qrirybcvat uvf ubpxrl fxvyyf. (Yhxr vf n tbbq ubpxrl cynlre.) Yhxr pbzrf gb gur qbbe (jenccrq va n furrg). Gurer vf vafgnag nggenpgvba ol Znk jvgu Yhxr. Wnavar rkcynvaf fur vf Yhxr pbhfva����.Yhpn. (tbbq bar). Znk yrnirf n zrffntr sbe Yhxr.Yhxr ehaf onpx hcfgnvef gb uvf ebbz. Ur ybbxf bhg gur jvaqbj ng Znk (jub abj unf uvf fuveg bss). Lbh thrffrq vg. Yhpn vf culfvpnyyl nggenpgrq gb Znk. (Bu zl TBQ. Pna guvf trg nalzber pbashfvat?? Whfg jnvg). Wnavar pngpurf Yhpn tnmvat ybatvatyl ng Znk. Yhpn pybfrf gur qbbe. Wnavar gevrf gb uryc Yhpn ol qrfpevovat jung vg srryf yvxr gb unir n zna znxr ybir gb lbh. Yhpn vzntvarf vg vf Znk, naq znfgheongrf. Yhpn eriregf vagb Yhxr ntnva.Gur zbivr qrirybcf n yvggyr snegure. Obggbz yvar, Yhxr vf va ybir jvgu Zvpuryyr, ohg unf gur culfvpny ubgf sbe Znk. Gbhtu fvghngvba gurer. Yhxr tbrf gb frr Qe. Flqarl. Qe. Flqarl rkcynvaf gb Yhxr gurer vf n jnl gb svk uvz. Ur unf gb unir frk jvgu nabgure Mrebcuvyvnp, naq ng gung cbvag ur vf nzabzbeucvp. Va bgure jbeqf, ur�yy or ybpxrq vagb bar traqre, naq pna bayl punatr vs ur nf frk jvgu nabgure mrebcuvyvnp. Yhxr zhfrf �jurer qb V svaq nabgure mrebcuvyvnp?� Qe. Flqarl rkcynvaf gung fur vf n �m�� urefrys, naq gung vf jul fur pnzr fb dhvpxyl, fb fur pbhyq uryc uvz serrmr uvf traqre. Gurer vf bayl bar jnl vg jbexf gubhtu. Gurl obgu unir gb or nggenpgrq gb rnpu bgure. Yhxr fnlf gung jba�g or ceboyrz. Gurl nyzbfg qb vg, ohg Yhxr onpxf bhg. Gurl znxr na nccbvagzrag gb qb vg gbzbeebj.Gur arkg qnl, Yhxr eriregf gb Yhpn. Fur zrrgf hc jvgu Znk, naq gurl cynl n yvggyr ubpxrl. Gurl fgneg gb znxr bhg, cnffvbangryl. Ubjrire, fur chyyf njnl. Fur gryyf Znk vg pna�g jbex. Fur vf yrnivat gb tb onpx ubzr. Znk yrnirf. Ubjrire, Xrrana unf orra jngpuvat gur ragver guvat, naq vf qvfthfgrq. Yhpn rkcynvaf fur unq gb xabj sbe fher, abj fur qbrf. Xrrana fnlf ur�f zbivat bhg. Ur�f tbvat gb trg uvf bja cynpr orpnhfr guvf vf trggvat gbb jrveq sbe uvz. Vg�f pnhfvat svtugf orgjrra uvz naq Wnavar. Ur guvaxf Wnavar jnagf Yhpn zber guna uvz. (gbyq lbh vg trgf pbashfvat�va n tbbq jnl.)Yhxr fubjf hc ng Qe. Flqarl�f ubgry. Gurl qevax n yvggyr gb trg va gur zbbq. Yhxr nfxf ubj qb jr qb vg. Qe. Flqarl rkcynvaf gung fur unf gb gvr uvz qbja sbe gur svefg gvzr, orpnhfr frk orgjrra gb �m�f� vf irel cnffvbangr, naq bgurejvfr ur pbhyq trg uheg.Va gur arkg fprar, Yhpn vf gvrq naq tnttrq gb gur orq. Qe. Flqarl vf abj n thl. Yhxr vf ybpxrq vagb Yhpn, hayrff fur pna trg Qe. Flqarl gb unir frk jvgu ure ntnva. Qe. Flqarl rkcynvaf gung vf jul ur pnzr fb dhvpxyl. Ur jnf gverq bs orvat n jbzna, naq hfrq Yhxr gb orpbzr n thl ntnva. Bu jryy!! Xrrana svaqf Yhpn naq hagvrf ure. Xrrana rkcynvaf ur oebxr hc jvgu Flqarl. Gurl ner sevraqf ntnva.Abj gur ivrjref trg n erny pheir onyy. Vg fubjf Zvpuryyr trggvat vagb gur fubjre. Terng obql, ol gur jnl. Fur znfgheongrf naq gheaf vagb Znk. FUR VF N �M� GBB!!!! Guvf vf jurer gur zbfg genafsbezngvba fprarf bpphe. Irel jryy qbar jvgu fbzr zbecuvat fbsgjner. Gur qverpgbe rkcynvarq nsgre gur fubj gung gur urnq vf fcrpvny rssrpgf ng HFP svyz fpubby pnzr vagb gur cebwrpg naq qvq guvf. Abguvat fcrpgnphyne gung lbh unira�g frra va Fvera�f Fbat, ohg jvgu yvir npgvba.Yhpn�f qver fvghngvba npghnyyl trgf Wnavar naq Xrrana onpx gbtrgure (Lnl!! Gurl jrer tbbq gbtrgure). Gur guerr svaq naq pbasebag Qe. Flqarl gb sbepr uvz gb unir frk jvgu Yhpn. Ubjrire, ur vf znxvat bhg jvg nabgure thl. Ur rkcynvaf ur�f tnl. Gung vf jul ur orpnzr srznyr, fb ur pbhyq rkrepvfr uvf frkhny cersrerapr. Ur�f abg yvxr Yhxr jub vf urergb jura ur vf va uvf znyr obql, naq urergb jura va srznyr obql. Ur tbg gverq bs orvat n srznyr naq unq gb svaq n jnl gb ghea onpx. Ur shegure rkcynvaf gung vg jvyy abg jbex orpnhfr ur�f abg nggenpgrq gb jbzra. Gurl xabpx uvz qbja naljnl, naq Yhpn gevrf gb zbhag uvz. Zvpuryyr fhqqrayl nccrnef naq frrf guvf. Fur vf uheg orpnhfr fur gubhtug gung Yhpn yvxrq Znk. Zvpuryyr ehaf bss.Yhpn tvirf punfr. Fur gevrf gb rkcynva rirelguvat, naq jul fur jnf qbvat vg. Zvpuryyr fghaf ure ol fnlvat fur xabjf jub fur vf . . .Yhxr. Zvpuryyr fgvyy ehaf bss.Yhpn gevrf gb znxr gur orfg bs vg. Fur unf gehpx/ratvar gebhoyr ntnva, naq gnxrf vg onpx bire gb Znk�f tnentr. Znk gryyf ure gung Zvpuryyr jrag onpx gb Arj Lbex. Yhpn nfxf Znk gb gryy Zvpuryyr gung fur ybirq ure, naq fur bayl qvq jung fur qvq fb fur pbhyq or jvgu ure sbe tbbq. Znk vf gbhpurq. Ur snxrf n sbbg vawhel, naq gnxrf uvf fubr bss. Ur pnyy Yhpn n zbeba sbe abg xabjvat. Xabjvat jung? Ur fubjf ure n bar bs n xvaq gnggbb ba uvf sbbg gung Zvpuryyr unq. Yhpn abj xabjf. Gurl cebprrq gb unir frk bire naq bire ntnva. Fjvgpuvat traqref nf gurl tb. V gubhtug gung jnf ERNYYL ubg, naq bar bs zl snagnfvrf. Va snpg V�ir arire frra n fgbel dhvgr yvxr gung. Gur arkg zbeavat vg vf Yhxr naq Zvpuryyr va orq gbtrgure. Fur fnlf fur unf gb tb gb jbex. Ur fnlf, bxnl, V�z whfg tbvat gb fgnl va orq nyy qnl. Lrnu, ohg fur pna�g tb va GUVF obql. Gurl fgneg znxvat ybir ntnva.N arj glcr bs eryngvbafuvc vf obea. Rnpu gnxvat gheaf ng orvat gur zna naq gur jbzna.Sbyxf. Njrfbzr zbivr. Orsber guvf, �Qngvat gur Rarzl� jnf gur zbfg ernyvfgvp/uhzna GT zbivr. Guvf oybjf vg njnl. Guvf vf n zhfg frr. V bayl ubcr zl erivrj unf qbar vg whfgvpr. V pna�g pncgher gur rzbgvba, cngubf, naq punenpgre qrirybczrag, juvpu ernyyl znxrf n zbivr oerngur. Gur jubyr gurzr vf pbzvat gb tevcf jvgu frkhny bevragngvba. Gur guvat juvpu shryf gur jubyr ceboyrz vf gung Yhxr unq na haqreylvat nggenpgvba gb Znk gung ur qvqa�g rira xabj jnf gurer. Nf Qe. Flqarl rkcynvaf orsber gur orgenlny, fur pna svk gur ceboyrz, ohg bayl nsgre Yhxr pbzrf gb grezf jvgu gur cnvashy gehgu.Gurer vg vf: Fvfxry & Roreg yvxr V cebzvfrq.

From: Mako , 208 months, post #2

So I won't go into the full details and synopsis that Raven has given us (up above).... but I did want to point out that having to wait over 3 years to see this movie.... and hearing all the great praise for it from the community... had elevated my expectations for it. Coming from someone like me.... that is a foreign concept to say the least

A comedy? Oh dear... anyone who knows me... knows I have a dark spot in my heart for TF comedies. And although I had been told this was meant to be a drama with comedic elements... the contrivances and twists in the script... made my stomach hurt (not in the good way) and feel this was made more for laughs than taken seriously. Also... when one reads "Like American Pie... on crack"... one has to question... drama? I can't really even say it was a romantic comedy... because quite frankly... there's hardly any romance in this movie when you boil it down. Just a lot of "implied" masturbation and sweating at the site of the opposite sex.

Now... not everything is wrong in this film. Martin Curland has done a good job of capturing the feel of a small Oregon town. Even the shop that Luke works at is a small dive that feels more at home in the 1950's than 2007.

The highlight of the movie for me is Dustin Seavey as Luke's best friend, Keenan. He steals the show everytime he is on the screen... which is also a bad thing. Mainly because the characters don't feel developed or interesting enough. Just when we start to get to know about Luke (his father's death - we are instantly interrupted by his "newly found curse"). Also... I think Curland's choice of cuts/compositions also contributed to the feeling I got (of a lack of character engagement).

I know I know.... I'm one to talk. It's always easier to criticize than be on the other end (which I often find myself). But Zerophilia could have been so much more. I sat there... crossing my fingers that Curland would give us a full blown 3 coarse meal... and instead feel like I got appetizers.... and a decent banana split sundae.

One major issue I have - is that we don't spend that much (if not anytime) really experiencing Luke's TF from a man and into a woman. It's done more for shock value as he pulls open his shirt and "walla" he has a pair of breasts. Now... I would have been fine with this had Curland not then focused on a TF scene with Max/Michelle. Why invest the time getting to watch a Zerophilia whom is already quite used to their own body... which leaves no room for drama? Other than the shock factor is "Wow... Michelle is Max?" So much more could have been made and focused on with Luke/Luca's TF... and it wasn't.

Also... as a director myself... I felt nothing was really done with the cast (on an acting level) to help us believe they were the same character. Luke/Luca felt like different characters and not the same person. The same goes for Max/Michelle. Yes... the make-up crew tried to make the actors/actresses look somewhat similiar... but that's only 1/2 the battle.

Now another more technical gripe of mine... that the choice of compositions and editing fell flat for me.

Case in point - What was the deal of Kelly LeBrock running into a tree - and staying outside the truck and never cutting in to see her or Luke watching her? You can't relate to characters if you are always standing away from them. Another example - Gina Bellman walks into the store to first come on to Luke. We spend a lot of time on one single coverage shot - and then cut away to another FS but just slightly to the right next to Luke. Moments like that take me right out of the movie. And perhaps... I'm a bit too hard on these kinds of common film making techniques because of what I do.

I do give props to Curland and his producion staff and cast for making this movie. As hard as I am on it right now (and disappointed as many people have claimed it's the best M2F TF ever) I recognize the effort and dedication one has to make to create a work such as Zerophilia. My hats off to all of them for even attempting the subject matter But in the end... a show like Ranma 1/2... or even the manga Futaba-Kun Change did this kind of story already... and did it better. Zeropilia is a step up from many of the movies that have been made with this subject matter. But it leaves me asking what Indiana Jones might ask....

"Comedy.... why did it have to be comedy?" Oh he didn't say that.... he said "Snakes.... why did it have to be snakes?"

- Mako -

From: Bodyswap1 , 208 months, post #3
Mako are your movies for sale?

From: guest (guest) , 208 months, post #4
I won't go into a great deal of detail, but it is meals have "courses" not ""coarses" and a banana split is three sundaes served, side by side, between to long slices of banana (it isn't, strictly speaking, incorrect -- but saying "banana split sundae" is like saying "sedan automobile") and -- as any radio/televison/film professional can tell you a "walla" is a sound effect meant to simulate the murmuring of a crowd, while "voil�" -- from the french for "look there" -- is the phrase used by stage magicians to punctuate a reveal.

As an amateur film maker and animator myself, and someone who paid for all three of your DVD releases, Mako, I gotta say you are being unduly critical. Don't get me wrong, you are to be commended for getting your stuff shot and finished, but you are not in the same class as the guys who pulled off Zerophilia, either as a story teller or a filmmaker. Plus which, dude, SPOLERS!

Zerophilia was a competent and workmanlike production that exceeded expectations on several counts, and certainly made the most of a microscopic budget.

That said, there were many problems with this film:

Most of your criticisms about shot selection are valid, but I suspect that they can all be attributed to scheduling problems. I've worked on a few run-and-gun productions, and I am guessing that they just didn't have time or money to get coverage on every scene -- which left them to try to cut what they had into something resembling the story in the screenplay. More experienced filmmakers would have been prepared for this, would have done a better job of hiding the seams in their repairs, and would have had the nerve to throw away the scenes that just couldn't be made to work, but they did an okay job.

Taylor Handley wasn't up to the task. He gets credit for some of the more embarrassing prosthetic make-up scenes, but his acting was about what you'd expect from a Disney Channel sit-com.

Keenan was, IMO, a tedious and predictable stock character -- and Dustin Seavey's performance was uninspired.

Gina Bellman was wasted.

Kyle Schmid and Rebecca Mozo both turned in restrained and well-executed performances, but neither was really given much to do.

The climax of the movie is a bit of a mess. I cannot tell whether the filmmakers deliberately jettisoned the traditional Hollywood 3 Act structure, or whether they just screwed it up, but there is an uncomfortable change in the pace of the film between the climax and the d�nouement.

Also, it bugged the crap out of me that Luca makes her first appearance wearing eye shadow, mascara, and lipstick. I am guessing that Marieh Delfino didn't want to appear on camera without beauty make up. but it was an obvious and jarring directorial mistake and it collapsed my willing suspension of disbelief.

As for comparing this to Manga or Anime treatments of similar material -- Apples and Oranges. I am a big fan of Ranma 1/2, and I thought Futuba Kun Change was pretty good but -- even ignoring the cultural differences between Japan and the US, -- comic book storytelling is significantly different from filmic storytelling. This is not to say that there are not similarities, and certainly some kinds of comic books can be successfully made into movies, but the expectations of the audience for a 90 minute film are very different from the expectations of the audience for a serialized comic of the zany-juvenile-manga variety.

From: Mako , 208 months, post #5
Dear Guest.... (you must have a very large family by the way :)

I appreciate and thank you for taking the time to obtain and watch my movies. Are they perfect... "hell no". I have the discipline to step back and see the flaws - listen to the opinions of others - and know what worked and what didn't. You mention "apples and oranges" in my opinion of anim/manga/movies... and I can see your point.... but maybe you need to look at your own comparisons between my "short" movies and "Zerophillia" (which you are comparing by the way).

"Zerophilia" = bigger budget/known cast/shot on film/weeks shooting - used as a vehicle for commercial distribution. My films were "hobbies". Things to do on the side for "A LOT LESS" money/shot on video/unknown cast/days shooting - used as a vehicle for selling the idea of a feature/and just to do for fun. Way more experimental in their style/story and approach than "Zerophilia".

I've obviously pushed a button with you or else you wouldn't have taken issue with me? Going after my spelling mistakes? Looks like you're reaching to discredit me.

"Don't get me wrong, you are to be commended for getting your stuff shot and finished, but you are not in the same class as the guys who pulled off Zerophilia, either as a story teller or a filmmaker. Plus which, dude, SPOLERS!"

I have to ask you... why attack and downgrade me as a filmmaker unless you have taken this personally? Criticizing my movies and whether or not they are better or worse than "Zerophillia" is one thing. I've gotten both positive and negative feedback over my shorts... and I don't take it personally.

Coming after me personally... when you seem to really have no clue what I have done outside of these short films does make me think you haven't done your homework (which in turn leads me to believe you possibly had something to do with Zeropillia). I'm only commenting on the movie called "Zerophillia" and what Curland has created since he was the director. You are commenting about me and my experience as a whole... which if you believe my TF work is all I have done... and are basing your opinions on that alone... you don't know me.

I'll end my response to you... by quoting myself from my first post:

"I do give props to Curland and his producion staff and cast for making this movie. As hard as I am on it right now (and disappointed as many people have claimed it's the best M2F TF ever) I recognize the effort and dedication one has to make to create a work such as Zerophilia"

I think this pretty much points out that I respect these filmmakers and what they have tried to accomplish. If I told you I didn't like "Citizen Kane" are you going to attack me for my opinions? Even though I recognize the hard work and effort that went into it?. Same thing applies here...

- Mako -

From: guest (vaginemagique) , 208 months, post #6
Can't we all agree we love magical vaginas?

From: Bodyswap1 , 208 months, post #7
Mako I would like to buy all three movies from if you have them for sale?

From: Mako , 208 months, post #8

I spoke with Ray (Producer) about this and he thinks he may be able to sell the DVD's again come this summer for a short time. That's really all I can tell you at this moment and time.

- Mako -

From: Bodyswap1 , 208 months, post #9
Thank for the information Mako!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: guest (tseug) , 208 months, post #10
Geez Mako -- you post a long, misspelled, and ill-considered complaint about Zerophilia, reminding us along the way that you are " a director [yourself", then complain that you are being attacked when somebody takes you up on your invitation to compare the film in question to your movies.

Zerophilia has a lot of problems. It is very much an indie production, and the inexperience of its creators is evident in every frame. That said, they managed to secure funding, put named talent in front of the cameras, and get a feature into movie theaters. In short, they pulled it off. And for all its flaws, the movie delivers pretty well without trotting out any if the all-too-familar sex-swap cliches (no high heels, no trying to pee standing up, etc.).

I am sorry, I respect the hell out of you for getting those three shorts made and getting people -- including me -- to pay to see them, but your review (with its unscrambled spoilers) really reads like you are trying to tell us that the grapes were probably sour anyway.

From: guest (InKpott) , 208 months, post #11
I am so glad the response to this flick is there . The corporates are standing-by , waiting to see just how much of a chance there is to see if anyone is planning a sequel , if there's any profit margin will be indicated . . if there's any MONEY to be made if they BUY the rights to this movie so they can tap in to the T-F, T-G market , or SCI-FI group . . .
Think I'm not serious ? Think I'm delirious ? ? . . Think I got JOKES ? ! ?
Yea . . . you just watch . It's not about creativity ,with them . . .nope .
Dollars n' cents . . .yep . . . .

From: guest (InKpott) , 208 months, post #12
Message deleted by cj. Off topic
From: Bieeanda , 207 months, post #13
It always amuses me to wonder, about threads like these, if the long winded personal attacks aimed at critics are coming from people with a stake in whatever's being discussed.

From: Repulso , 207 months, post #14
I personally loved "Zerophilia" and yeh, it wasn't perfect by any means but it was well done and complete without a lot of dumb sex jokes that tend to dominate way too many main feature TG movies poured out of Hollywood.

I truly hope for a sequel to "Zerophilia" but in the meantime, I go over the film again and again filling in with my own imagination some of the questions that are unanswered in the movie itself.

I hope they made a lot of MONEY$$ on the movie.

From: Mako , 207 months, post #15
I have no problem what so-ever in people's opinions of my movies... whether they liked them, didn't like them or were indifferent etc. My experience has always been you can't please everyone all the time. You may enjoy "Zerophillia" way more than anything I have ever done... and you know what? Fantastic. I don't take it personally cause I know everyone has differen't tastes.

My initial review of "Zerophillia" (however flawed my spelling was at 4:15am in the morning) still holds. I reviewed the movie, and it's got issues even for an independent film. I have 13 years of professional experience under my belt working on major motion pictures. I know what it takes to make these movies... and even in my initial review... I DID give credit to the efforts made -and I wonder if that effort I made to point that out keeps falling on deaf ears here?

That being said... the only reason I keep coming back to this thread is for one main reason. A personal attack that had little to do with my movies as much as it had to do with me (which I will glady re-post again below):

"Don't get me wrong, you are to be commended for getting your stuff shot and finished, but you are not in the same class as the guys who pulled off Zerophilia, either as a story teller or a filmmaker. Plus which, dude, SPOLERS!"

Did that really need to be said? I don't remember stating I was any better or any worse than the makers of Zerophillia... but when I get a comment like this... it becomes personal. In addition... the "spelling" attacks don't really help this not feel like a personal matter.

Sure... I don't care much for TF comedies. I take the time to point that out. That's a preference. I have the right to say it... just like many people have told me they don't care for TF Horror (which my shorts are).

Like you bought my shorts... I also bought "Zerophillia". I wanted to support these guys. I think they have a lot of potential. Now whether they want to make TF related material... I don't know. But I wish them luck with any future endeavors.

- Mako -

From: cj , 207 months, post #16
Please keep this thread ON TOPIC - about Zerophilia ONLY! No personal attacks, please.

From: Michael Binary , 207 months, post #17's pretty hard to be fair.
And...well...I haven't seen the whole movie of Zerophilia nor Mako's work, just the clips of Zerophilia and Eleven(TLPS and so one).
I was very (positive) surprised about the showing transformation scene in Eleven.
And, I told it to Mako already few years back, I am not so into horror movies, I prefer SciFi-stuff. (But House from 1986 is, I am sorry, pretty funny [<<---is it allowed? , and still a kind of a mild shocker ).

Back to topic: I have seen the clip of Zerophila in which the Zerophiliac transform into his female equivalent.
The scene shown in the clip is, in comparsion with Eleven, really simple :-)
(maybe the scene of the whole feature is different from the clip)
So, I thought, basically Eleven bases on the very long transformation, while Zerophilia
pull it's storyline from other things, like dialogues or...I have just seen both clips.

I think, one cannot compare the work from different directors.
(no one compare 2001-A space odyssey with Alien, and both movie are milestones and so different, both movies have similar ratings on IMDB)

From: cj , 207 months, post #18
"... is it allowed?"

Sure, you're commenting on the comparisons of Zerophilia to other works.

From: guest (guste) , 207 months, post #19
Message deleted by cj. Most of this post was OFF-TOPIC and a personal attack, after I have asked for everyone to keep this thread on-topic and to refrain from personal attacks. HERE IS THE EDITED VERSION: Michael - certainly you can compare the work of different directors when they are treating the same material, or working in the same genre...Mako -- it was not a personal attack, it was a rebuke for what was -- IMO -- an ill-considered and disingenuous review of the movie...I tell you plainly, allowing for differences in scope and budget, Zerophilia is more successful effort than any of the Mako trilogy... movies actually compare favorably to Zerophilia when it comes to production values and effects, and you ought to be proud of your technical achievements in that regard... And I am done. We now return you to your regularly scheduled "Message Deleted -- Spam" posts, and demands for free clips of copyrighted material.
From: guest (guste) , 207 months, post #20
Quote Makoe: "I have no problem what so-ever in people's opinions of my movies... "

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Reason:abuse - continual off-topic posting.