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Comment: Emmanuelle : Pie
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Emmanuelle 2000
Gender, Female
It is the beginning of the various movies played by Holly sampson, the main topic of all the series is the transferring the mind of a person with a device (Headband), while the other one is in "stand by" in the body of the other one. In this series: Emmanuelle pie; emmanuelle is a corresponden ...more
From: comp* , 256 months, post #1
Which film was it?

From: guest (NPN) , 232 months, post #2
What channel is Showcase on? I have never heard of that channel.

From: cj , 232 months, post #3
The Emmanuelle series appears to be show on Cinemax.

From: guest (asnjohn) , 232 months, post #4
anyone know where i can find a copy of this film?

From: guest (JJ) , 232 months, post #5
Does Anyone Has a Picture or Video Clip of this Movie?

From: LilBigMan , 231 months, post #6
Are we sure of the name of this Emanuelle? I was googling, and I don't see a "Pie" movie.

Here is the wikipedia list:

Here's a great site by a major MC fan:

Could this Emanuelle Pie, be Emanuelle 2000?


From: Lady Sekhmet , 231 months, post #7
Looks like it's a dupe for this entry:

So it appears to be both "2000" and "Pie"

IMDB entry:

From: guest (TG COLLECTOR) , 231 months, post #8
Actually, I think it's a series called "Emanuelle 2000" and "Emanualle Pie" is an individual episode (the one with major TG).

From: cj , 231 months, post #9
Okay... is there such a thing as "Emanuelle" , or is the correct spelling Emmanuelle , with 2 "m"'s.

From: guest (ROBO) , 231 months, post #10
I am pretty sure it has 2 mm's

The tiles came uo and said Emmanuelle 2000 and then second tiltle page said Emmanuelle Pie.

It IS the Emmanuelle series as it's the same cast for the core from the others in the series. Cinemax might show showcase is the Canadian Equivalent.
The series here on the west coast airs at 1:35am due to the content on Saturday Morning.

From: cj , 231 months, post #11
I wish I had 2 m&m's right now... I'm hungry. :-P

From: guest (yes123) , 231 months, post #12
It is "PrettyCool"

From: bdaddyn , 231 months, post #13
I only wish the powers that be release the unrated, uncensored, and uncut version of "Pretty Cool." I would really love to see that flick. Oh, .................. I also want to see Emmanuelle 2000: Emmanuelle Pie.

From: guest (aznLvr) , 227 months, post #14
Do you know where could i find this movie? Or donwload it?

From: Bodyswap1 , 225 months, post #15
This movie is for sale at

From: guest (mrwhite_13) , 225 months, post #16
try imdb, they might show all of the lists of emmanuelle series

From: guest (simone) , 225 months, post #17
to clear the air, here's the direct quote from imdb:

Trivia for
Emmanuelle 2000: Emmanuelle Pie (2003) (V)

  • This is a re-edited version of the 2001 film "Pretty Cool" with added sex scenes.

From: The Gambler , 225 months, post #18
No. It's not on sale in Amazon. Besides, it's in PAL format, in German.......

From: guest , 222 months, post #19
anyone know where I can see this film?

From: guest (CHIPPER) , 217 months, post #20
hey guys I have this film recorded if anyone wants it let me know

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