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Comment: Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon
Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon
I know what ya'll are thinking, but It's not completely like the other Pokemon games. This time you wake up in a strange place & find yourself as a Pokemon, Depends on something like a survey or something. Your in a world only inhabited by Pokemon as well you can understand them & they can under ...more
From: rsmith3813 , 217 months, post #1
From what I know, the Pokemon you become depends on the answers you choose (they're based on your personality and gender) in the survey.


Male Female
Tenacity: 004-Charmander 025-Pikachu
Honesty: 001-Bulbasaur 152-Chikorita
Bravery: 066-Machop 004-Charmander
Cheerful: 007-Squirtle 158-Totodile
Naughty: 025-Pikachu 104-Cubone
Innocence: 158-Totodile 133-Eevee
Timidity: 155-Cyndaquil 258-Mudkip
Impatience: 255-Torchic 300-Skitty
Arrogance: 252-Treecko 255-Torchic
Aloofness: 258-Mudkip 001-Bulbasaur
Carefree: 054-Psyduck 007-Squirtle
Loner: 104-Cubone 054-Psyduck
Whimsical: 052-Meowth 252-Treecko

From: rsmith3813 , 217 months, post #2
Personality: Pokemon Number-Male Pokemon Number-Female

From: KitsuneKit , 217 months, post #3
I find Pokemon games to be a nice distraction, there not a very great video game series, I've lost track after they added number 251.
And what is with you can't be an Eevee and a guy? Since when have Eevee's be only girls?
Oh well, I think I'll take either Pikachu or Meowth.
but I am totally getting that game... too bad I don't have a GBA...
<span style="font-size: 6px">but that's what ROMs are for</span>

From: guest (MVG) , 217 months, post #4
You can evolve in this game, but the evolution method is much more complicated than in previous games.

From: guest , 217 months, post #5
Its for the ds

From: KitsuneKit , 217 months, post #6
They shoulda just stuck with the 151, I say. 151 different pokemon? I was able to memorize 151 and I could even tell you how to find "MissingNo." (check the east coast of the island). But 395? Can't keep track of all of them.

From: rsmith3813 , 217 months, post #7
Correction: the Red version is for the GBA, and the Blue version is for the DS.

Also, the Pokemon that can join your team are the 386 before the 4th generation was revealed. Four of the nine Pokemon revealed for the fourth generation can be found as little figurines.

And yes, it's ironic that Eevee are exclusively female when in the previous RPGs, there was only a 1/8 chance of finding a female Eevee. The same goes for Chikorita.

You always had a 75% chance of finding a female Skitty in the wild, though.

From: ThineEyesDeception , 217 months, post #8
Pokemon became too large to be supported on just 151 species, and the designer of the characters is apparently very imaginative, and had to create 100 new Pokemon for the second generation, 135 for the third generation (including Deoxys), and nine announced Pokemon for the fourth generation (there will obviously be more coming, though).

From: KitsuneKit , 217 months, post #9
Eh, numbers aside, it still is a good series. A little winded at this point, but good.

You know I've read tha the creator said that he created it just to entertain his niece, he never expected it to become this big.

From: rsmith3813 , 216 months, post #10
I think it will definately pick up steam around Diamond and Pearl.

Even as a person who has been a Pokemon fan since it first came out, I have to admit that Pokemon is dwindling in some ways, yet is gaining ground in others.

From what we know so far, and knowing that there's more to come, the Diamond and Pearl generation can ultimately change Pokemon for the better.

From: KitsuneKit , 216 months, post #11
They are running out of things to name these games. Be on the look out for the new pokemon games: "Pokemon: Brown" and uh... "Pokemon:...Sand Peach".

But yeah Pokemon is a good series and the got to catch 'em all thing is still a good draw, but it is showng it's age. It's a turn based fighter in a real time world. Pokemon would have a little more excitment if the battles were a little more twitch based.

From: PokemonTrainerLisa , 214 months, post #12
Actually, I agree with rsmith3813.

Pokemon Pearl and Diamond are gonna have a HUGE impact on the game industry, most likely.

And that's for 3 big reasons:

1. It's the next 2 Pokemon games, the fourth generation of new Pokemon, and they're on the DS.

2. Wi-Fi. - You will be able to battle ANYONE in the whole world. That's right, with Pearl and Diamond, you won't even need a Friend Code or anything like that. I've heard that by just going to the Battle Tower, you can battle (and trade) with anyone in the world who's on the Wi-Fi connection! That sounds absolutely amazing! I mean, can you imagine what battling and trading Pokemon with people from many different countries will be like? That's like the coolest thing ever!! (and knowing Nintendo/Game Freak, they're bound to have some way around the language barrier or something, lol. XD)

3. Also, these games will be compatible with Pokemon Battle Revolution for the Nintendo Wii (lol). And what I'm really excited about is the fact that Diamond and Pearl will allow you to use the DS microphone when your having an online Pokemon Battle!!!!!! =D So I could actually yell out all kinds of stuff to my opponents!! LOL. XD

From: KitsuneKit , 214 months, post #13
I just got Pokemon Dungeon Red and it said that I was Totodile... which means that I'm Innocent. <span style="font-size: 8px">(Ha! Take that American Justice System, the game even said so, I'm innocent)</span>
Good game from what I got to see of it so far, but while we are on the subject:

All the Toys 'R' Us will be having a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon event on September the 30th where kids can get and exclusive Mew for their games and participate in activities and such.
(I know, the boss put me in charge of running the event)

From: guest (Cyber Fox) , 214 months, post #14
This is no TF!

From: KitsuneKit , 214 months, post #15
But it is an implyed TF.
Basically the same with Kafka's "The Metamorphosis", there is no actual TF sequence, but it opens with
"As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from a troubled dream, he found himself changed in his bed to some monstrous kind of vermin." (cockroach)

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon starts with
"As the pokemon trainer awoke one morning from a troubled dream, he found himself changed in a field to some cuddly kind of japanese monster."

It's basically the same kind of plot device.

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