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What if everyone in the world woke up as the other gender one day?
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From: KitsuneKit , 217 months, post #1
Just posing a scenerio for you all to comment on.

What if everyone in the world woke up one day to find themselves as a girl if they were a guy or a guy if they were a girl?
What would the global reaction to it all?
Do you think that life would be the same?

From: leeman , 217 months, post #2
Of course not. I'm thinking anarchy with a touch of mass hysteria, (to say the least)

From: guest (anonymous cj) , 217 months, post #3
it's called the Great Switch, created by Morpheus, and many stories in that scenario are stored at FM. I wrote more than a few of them myself!

From: JayGee , 217 months, post #4
Everybody. I mean, even George Bush, the Pope and Pat Robertson? That would be weird.

From: guest , 217 months, post #5
The world has different time zones, so countries would probably warn others not to go to bed. I think some countries would handle it better than others. Religious people would probably see it as a sign that Jesus is returning or God is angry with feminism or male chauvinism. There would be chaos to begin with, but after a while, I think people would start to relax and enjoy themselves. I think it would be very, very awkward and embarrassing for people, so women would treat men like women and vice versa.

From: cj , 217 months, post #6
Suicide rates would rate would soar to all-time highs. They would be significantly higher in certain nations that still see women as inferior to men - and the figures for those nations would show a significantly female slant on the ratio.

There would be an increase in domestic violence and rapes... though I'm not certain how much of an increase. This would be likely seen in the areas above. There may also be incidents of men who were once silent victims of such mistreatment who lose control under their new hormonal influence and become the monster they fear.

Children would likely bear this transformation the best, especially those who have been taught to respect others without prejudice for gender, race, religion, or ability.

Teenagers would be the most diverse group. They are already searching for and finding themselves... they are trying to define who they are and become and individual while still trying to "fit in" to the "norm". The shift will cause great pain to most as they attempt to readjust to their really new and changing bodies and realities. They are also the most at risk of becoming victims of their own (new) bodies - as they would be grossly unprepared for the effects of their new hormones.

Now the interesting thing would be for those who are transgendered AND have gone through SRS... would they revert back to their birth gender... or would they be magically TF'd into their proper (after surgery) gender (ie. they were TF'd to opposite their chromosonal / biological gender)?

I also wonder what type of effect this shift would have on every individual's preference in sexual parnters... would gay men become lesbian women... would hetero men become hetero women or would their preference for a female partner remain?

I'd think that after a few months to a couple years after the event that a vast majority of the world will have become quite understanding and accepting of each-other's differences. Gender and sexual preferences will have become relaxed, and the "glass ceiling" will have, for the most part, disappeared.

There will be some body-gender-specific separations that will remain I'm sure. Those with a male body will still be unable to become pregnant, and the average male body will still posess more strenght and a size advantage when compared to the average female body. And the plumbing and certain health-care would still be different between the male and female bodied persons.

From: guest (magma) , 216 months, post #7
Reading cj's last paragraph, what happens to previously pregnant women and their unborn children in this scenario?

From: guest (Steve Allen) , 216 months, post #8
Gratuitous uterus explosions :)

From: cj , 216 months, post #9

Some of the "new" women find themselves pregnant as well as female ???

From: guest , 216 months, post #10
It goes to the father?

From: cj , 216 months, post #11
LOL - well... I guess that would make the most sense. :-)

From: guest (Sola) , 216 months, post #12
yes, but what if the father has more than one woman pregnant at the time? I believe there would be a lot of triplets (or more), being born around the world.

From: guest , 216 months, post #13
or maybe, everyone swaps with a certain woman, so there would be a lot of boyfriends and husbands switched with girlfriends and wives

From: guest (Weirdoid) , 216 months, post #14
I prefer the women change gender but stay pregnant as men, mpreg is fun too.

From: cj , 216 months, post #15
Sounds to me like there'd be a lot of different possibilities if it actually happened.

Personally, I like the idea that if one guy had impregnated several women, that he pay the price for his indiscretions. Of course, the exception to the rule... if that type of thing is a "normal" occurance in that culture - then it wouldn't necessarily be an indiscretion.

From: Sola , 216 months, post #16
Yes, and what if one of the women he impregnated is 8 months pregnant, while other is four months and a third has a three week fetus inside of her. What would happen then?

From: Sola , 216 months, post #17
But anyway, I believe that it would probably be a good thing, since population woud certainly decrease and the new generations would be more integrated and there would be no sex discrimination, since no one would know if the fenomenon could repeat in the near future.

From: Haviarre , 216 months, post #18
Well, after reading all of y'all's posts. I have one question to ask.

Would the people of the world switch bodies with one another, or would they just change genders. Because when you guys said pregnant women would be men, and their father would then have the baby, it sounds a lot like body switching.

From: KitsuneKit , 216 months, post #19
"Just change genders" was the scenerio, not body swap. I didn't think about pregancies when I wrote it.

From: guest (Haviarre) , 216 months, post #20
I see, well I thought as much until someone said something about the "Great Shift."

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