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Comment: Boys to Girls
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Boys to Girls
Just found this by chance whilst on YouTube. Two young guys drink a sex change drink and it turns them into girls. It is poorly done and off camera - but hey its something
From: guest (TrunKated) , 220 months, post #1
It was cute. Too bad they didn't try some kind of 'Poof' with some fake magic or something. Too bad they didn't have a read director type doing some close ups and editing. But it was a cute quickie concept.

From: guest (The White Lion) , 220 months, post #2
I can't say it was all that great, I mean it's pretty obvious they were girls to begin with. It really seems like they just took off a layer of clothes

From: guest (maine02) , 220 months, post #3
The White Lion,

Are you on crack?

From: guest (The White Lion) , 220 months, post #4

The film is of two girls claiming to be guys, and all they do is go off camera, and take off the layer of clothes they used to poorly portray males.

From: cj , 220 months, post #5
The White Lion - I believe maine02 was being facetious.

From: guest (The White Lion) , 220 months, post #6
Who is "Facetious"? Never heard of him/her...

From: cj , 220 months, post #7
facetious -
1. Given to jesting; playfully jocular.
2. Amusing; intended to be humorous; not serious.

From: guest (maine02) , 220 months, post #8
No, seriously, those are two teenage boys who go off camera and just have their two girlfriends go in front of the camera.. If you can't see that, you are on crack.. You really think those are the same people?

From: guest (probe) , 220 months, post #9
You can watch the girls change clothes in the reflection on the picture frame. LOL

From: cj , 220 months, post #10
The "boys" have the same lips and facial features as the girls... those "boys" would definately pass for girls.

I'm fairly certain that The White Lion and probe are correct - those are girls pretending to be boys... "boys" who are TF'd into girls.

From: guest (Weirdoid) , 220 months, post #11
I saw it, i didn't like how girly they acted as girls. It made it seem more fake. They should have acted a bit more guyish so it seems like a transformation not an offscreen replcement.

From: cj , 220 months, post #12
Thank God I'm not the only one! :-)

From: guest (DeathMetalAngel) , 220 months, post #13
yes you can tell they are girls dressed as guys because when that "guy" on the left of the screen laughs he sounds like a girl, plus you can see them changing clothes in the picture in the background.

From: guest (maine02) , 220 months, post #14
I stand corrected.. Probably not a good judge of gender after my mishap with that hooker last week.. Let's just say "she" had a surprise in her pants.

From: guest (TrunKated) , 220 months, post #15
...suprise in her pants???

Now that's "Facetious"!

From: guest (The White Lion) , 220 months, post #16
I was not the one who posted : Who is "Facetious"? Never heard of him/her...

Is it that hard to come up with original guest names. I need to figure out what my password is.....This white lion is Lio.

From: LilBigMan , 220 months, post #17
A different White Lion, eh? Well, then sign up/sign in and you won't have that problem... Or, you're saying you forgot your password? hmmm... Is it Kimba? haha

By the way, I am a Tezuka fan and I grew up on Astro Boy and Kimba, The White Lion. But I wish I could see Tezuka's other works. Most of them are pretty rare here in the states. Melmo would be an example appropriate for this site. Very hard to get in the states. Popular in Italy it was, though. They sell it to other Italians very cheaply. But not internationally. Very closed country it seems. Oh, well, no biggie.

From: leeman , 220 months, post #18
Instead of facetious, the adjectives maudlin, uninspired and insipid come to mind. CRIKEY!!!

From: cj , 220 months, post #19
I suppose... however, my vocabulary suffers greatly from my disdain for the written word when I was much younger. :-P

From: guest (The White Lion) , 220 months, post #20
The white lion I derive this name from is Lioconvoy, the Transformer. My log in is just Lio, but I forgot the password, and the email acount it was attached to is no longer in service.

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