From: guest (Inquirer)
, 20 days, post #1 |
I'm curious what are the various methods/tropes that people are
aware of and which one(s) are their favorites? Below is what I can
think of right now.
- Possession by bodyhopping
- Creating mask/skinsuits without harming the person (like Kelly
Hunter's Inside Job and The New Wife)
- Morphic Adaptation Unit (MAU)
- Costume Gun
- Skinchanger/skinwalker a la Native American-style mythology (like
Chronicstuss' Shaman and Skinwaker)
- Body swapping by machine
- Shapeshifting by Medallion of Zulo (Altered Fates)?
- Shapeshifting by mutant power (like Morph/Mystique from Marvel or
Chronicstuff's The Prisoner or Fast Teddy)
- Spells R Us
- Shapeshifting by turning the other person into dust through touch
(like Chronicstuss' Chairman P or the Lifechanger movie)
- Shapeshifting by vampirism (like Chronicstuss' The Coven)
- Shapeshifting by consuming the original person or body part (like
Chronicstuss' Professor Templar)
- Shapeshifting and trapping the other person into an inanimate
object (like the Model Maker universe)
- Body swap by magical item (like The Appraisal story by Waskily
Wrabbit and Treecatt or Treecatt's Stolen Lives stories)
- Possession by parasite (like the Lonely Hearts episode from the
TV show Angel)
- Phased changes by natural phenomenon (like the Venus Phenomenon
- The Great Shift universe
I'm wondering what new tropes/methods you creative minds out there
might be thinking of or have heard of.
From: guest (Miss Pinky)
, 19 days, post #2 |
One 'trope' I like is the 'Incidental Change'. This is when there's
a gender transformation or swap in the main plot of a story but a
second swap also happens at some point. An example of this would be
the webcomic 'I dream of Genie' where the MC is turned into a
female genie and has to grant wishes for a kid, and he turns
another boy into a girl so his friends can practice talking to a
girl. Another example of this would be 'Honey I'm not Clowning
Around' from the show Honey I shrunk the kids when the chief is
accidentally turned into a bikini model at the end of the episode.
Incidental changes are generally left unresolved, which is why I
like them.
From: Generic guest name
, 19 days, post #3 |
I think my favorite trope is shapeshifting, generally any will do
fine but the 2 most that I like are the almost churning type Herzha
from Derpixon's animation where it looks plausible or a bit
grotesque like Capella from the new Re: Zero season in her debut
episode. I hope the rest of her appearances aren't just quick ones
since they wasted showing her powers and how it looks like.
The last one is the shifter modifying the person they copied like
the various comics by Troubletro, Nexstat.
I also like skin suit take overs but the body of the person that's
wearing the other person dictates the shape so the one being worn
will have their proportions.
From: guest (Boccher)
, 19 days, post #4 |
For me my favorite method/trope would be shapeshifting like
morph/plastic man/martian manhunter/skrulls or faye from
lemonfont's "shapeshifter". Its something about physically shaping
yourself to mimic someone or something that I really like. Notable
mention, my other favortie is also technique shapshifting like
tanuki transformation or naruto's sexy jutsu.
Another type that I sometimes like is any form of possession, only
if whoever is possessing is able to mimic that person's mannerism
or personality to a certain degree. Like be able to blend into the
possessed person's normal day routine without anyone noticing any
big differences.
And lastly there are some skinsuit methods that i really like,
specifically when the person who is doning the skins has to contort
their body to the persons shape.
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