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Fun little free Ai video generator
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From: guest (spiritoftg) , 5 months, post #121
This is what I got by adapting many prompts given here, after (too) many attempts :

From: guest , 5 months, post #122
yep thats right for post 117

i thought there would be improvement it's the same

but on the new website, you can re-upload the failed generate, on the old website you can't and you have to recreate it

From: hskfmn , 5 months, post #123
The system's imagination/originality has taken a major hit -- it seems to now be constantly drawing "inspiration" from sitcoms like The Office, Big Bang Theory, and Two & A Half Men in its results. Really pretty disappointing quite frankly...

From: guest (Guestimation) , 5 months, post #124
I made several attempts a creating a scene in which a pretty woman laughs mischievously as she uses a magic lamp/magic bottle to transform a guy into a pretty little Marilyn Monroe-type gal in their living room.

Many were nearly perfect, except the A.I. wouldn't make the male victim disappear when the female "Marilyn" version appeared (he would still be standing right behind her)... or it would make the woman using the lamp/bottle transform (or the lamp/bottle itself would transform) into Marilyn... or Marilyn would appear next to the guy, as if she was a genie summoned from the bottle.

However, here are the better efforts:










I tried a non-Marilyn prompt for this one:

From: guest (Heyta1) , 5 months, post #125
Hey Guestimation! What prompt did you use?

From: guest , 5 months, post #126
I've had some success

Prompt: American boy in clothes completely covered with magic smoke suddenly transforms into a plump, curvaceous Japanese adult woman in a black top, with a shocked expression on her face, then lowered her head and groped her rear with her hands, marveling at her new body. After the magic smoke was sprayed on the boy, everything from his head to his body changed. High-quality movie scenes.

From: guest (spiritoftg) , 5 months, post #127

From: guest (Guestimation) , 5 months, post #128
@guest (Heyta1)

Minor variations on this:

Prompt: Stationary medium shot of a modern living room. In the foreground, seen in a three-quarter view from behind, a pretty brunette woman is standing casually, laughing, while rubbing a glowing, Aladdin-style genie lamp she is holding, as she faces a tall, fit, handsome man, who is standing in the center of the room, looking nervously back at her. He is wearing a white t-shirt and red shorts and is standing still. A bright burst of sparkles silhouettes him in both a glow and a puff of smoke, from his torso outward, as he reduces in size and height, quickly transforming into a very beautiful, petite young woman, reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe, wearing a tight white t-shirt and tight red shorts, who runs her hands up the sides of her own body, while displaying a shocked, terrified expression on her face. High-quality movie scene.

From: guest (Heyta1) , 5 months, post #129
Thank you guestimation

From: guest , 5 months, post #130
Slightly refined

Prompt: American male college student in clothes completely covered with magic smoke suddenly transforms into a curvaceous Japanese adult woman in a black top, with a shocked expression on her face, then lowered her head and groped her rear with her hands, marveling at her new body. After the magic smoke was sprayed on the boy, everything from his head to his body changed. High-quality movie scenes.

From: ShiftingFun , 5 months, post #131

post #130

You got me in the mood for asian women lol

From: Shapeshifterry , 5 months, post #132

Child with a surprised look, gets on all fours and then transforms into a Busty blonde woman

From: guest , 5 months, post #133

From: guest (Alex Tandori) , 5 months, post #134

From: guest , 5 months, post #135
your prompt rocks post #128, easy to make a few tweaks and get a consistent result e.g.

Stationary medium shot of a modern living room. In the foreground, seen in a three-quarter view from behind, a pretty brunette woman is standing casually, laughing, while rubbing a glowing, Aladdin-style genie lamp she is holding, as she faces a confused, college aged, white teenager who is standing in the center of the room, looking nervously back at her. He is wearing a white t-shirt and red shorts and is standing still. A bright burst of sparkles silhouettes him in both a glow and a puff of smoke, from his torso outward, as he decreases in size and height, quickly transforming into a very beautiful, curvaceous Japanese woman, wearing a tight black top and heels, who runs her hands up the sides of her own body, while displaying a shocked, terrified expression on her face. High-quality movie scene.

From: guest , 5 months, post #136
For the long prompts, do you use word optimization?

From: guest , 5 months, post #137
post #136 yes

From: guest (Heyta1) , 5 months, post #138
I’ve been doing the woman in the genie lamp prompt but have been only getting 15 to 20 percent success all day haha

From: guest (Alex Tandori) , 5 months, post #139

Been tweaking the beggar prompt

From: guest (Alex Tandori) , 5 months, post #140

Transfigure seems to be working.

A shocked man in beggar clothes suddenly transfigures from himself into Kate Beckinsale in sports bra and thong with a grin, then looks down and is amazed with her new body. Transfiguration with puff of magic smoke on the man, transfigure from head down to body. High quality movie scene.

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