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From: hskfmn , 4 months, post #421
Message deleted by hskfmn. The link I provided does not work. Apologies.
From: ShiftingFun , 4 months, post #422

Fantastic idea keeping all these in one place, if they do add a payment feature i'm actually willing to fork over some cash to extend the length of these

From: guest , 4 months, post #423
the man hugh wrong person
but the scene seems too sexual

From: guest (MasterMini) , 4 months, post #424
Felt like sharing this one:

Prompt: Medium shot of Black cat sitting on a couch cushion suddenly enveloped in smoke, seamlessly morphing into a crawling beautiful brunette woman with cute costume cat ears in a black latex catsuit with shocked face, hands feeling body. Movie scene with magic.

From: hskfmn , 4 months, post #425
@ MasterMini

Wow! Impressive! :D

From: ShiftingFun , 4 months, post #426
Btw am I going crazy or is your imgur link not working? @hskfmn

From: hskfmn , 4 months, post #427

Hmm...yeah, I think there might actually be a problem with it. However, I have absolutely no idea what the actual problem is! It works for me, but that's very likely because I created it. I don't know why no one else seems to be able to able to access it.

Does anyone have any free alternative media sharing site recommendations that I/we might use instead?

From: guest (MasterMini) , 4 months, post #428

Thank you. Over my prompting history I'm starting to believe the magic word is "seamlessly" as in "seamlessly morphing" or "seamlessly transforming". Could be just lucky renders but that word seems to line up the before/ after pretty well.

From: ShiftingFun , 4 months, post #429
@hskfmn Dropbox or google drive works well. Theres also

From: guest , 4 months, post #430
Trying to make multiple clips that can be put together for a story. I’ve found using actors/actresses names help with consistency, especially unique names (i.e. no Johns or Emilys). Here is an example with Zac Efron and Mika Kunis. Didn’t have time to do too many prompts so just a proof of concept others can use in their projects.

Today I was running along my street when I saw my new neighbor for the first time. She is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen:

After making eye contact with her, I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I pulled under a tree to catch my breath:

“What happened?!” I say looking at my new body.

From: guest (Call Me Jennifer) , 4 months, post #431
Well I need a booth that works like this one:

Thanks for the idea and prompt to play with!

From: ShiftingFun , 4 months, post #432
@mastermini I think you just solved the puzzle, i've been getting smooth shapeshifts 90% of the time now holy shit

From: hskfmn , 4 months, post #433
So cool, Jen! What's your basic prompt for those?

From: guest (Call Me Jennifer) , 4 months, post #434
Someone else posted a version of the prompt earlier but here's my modifications
Apologies to the previous poster I havent had the chance to go back through the thread to give you due credit - but thank you!

A guy wearing a shirt and pants walks into a small pink photobooth . a pretty female employee presses a display screen on the side of the booth containing the guy which begins to glow. In a flash of light the guy quickly disappears from the booth and is replaced during the flash with a beautiful woman wearing a turtleneck sweater and a short skirt and steps out of the photobooth.

From: hskfmn , 4 months, post #435
Thanks, Jen!

On a side note, could someone please tell me if I set up this DropBox folder link correctly?

From: guest (ninhjimmy007) , 4 months, post #436
My first try, thanks to ShiftingFun

From: ShiftingFun , 4 months, post #437
yup it's working perfectly

@ninhjimmy ayyyyeee nice attempt fam

From: hskfmn , 4 months, post #438
Excellent! As I said earlier, my plan is to continuously add content to that folder depending on the success of my results. But as ShiftingFun accurately pointed out -- it's good to have them all in one place!

From: guest (Spiritoftg) , 4 months, post #439

From: guest (ninhjimmy007) , 4 months, post #440

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