From: guest (Jayx)
, 6 months, post #1 |
New Movie called Substance starring Demi Moore
From: guest (Hufo)
, 6 months, post #2 |
Which is about…..
From: guest (Gnosis)
, 6 months, post #3 |
It's about a middle aged woman who becomes young through a
mysterious substance. Based on the description and existing
reviews, I don't think there's much of a transformation, as it's
more like she split into two people (with two separate bodies)—the
younger self exists independently from the original. They are only
linked in that when one is awake, the other has to sleep.
From: guest
, 6 months, post #4 |
So the nutty professor
From: guest (TNC)
, 5 months, post #5 |
trailer is here
From: guest
, 5 months, post #6 |
It basically looks like a rated r nutty professor
From: guest
, 5 months, post #7 |
But I feel like there might be a onscreen transformation
From: Generic guest name
, 5 months, post #8 |
Ok that looks interesting, hopefully there'll be a screen rip of it
on the day of the movie release
From: guest (MrInternetMan)
, 5 months, post #9 |
@post #8
Or you can just go see it in theaters...
From: Generic guest name
, 5 months, post #10 |
The problem is I don't know if it'll be airing where I'm at
From: guest
, 4 months, post #11 |
hopefully we get a on-screen transformation
From: guest (Yapping)
, 4 months, post #12 |
Don't get your hopes up this early they probably won't do it
From: guest (Yamchan)
, 4 months, post #13 |
If I remember correctly it got some high praise for some bloody,
practical effects which will be nice to see regardless if it shows
a true onscreen transformation. I do have some some hope though
especially from seeing the themes of cell division and showing one
of the main actresses with a giant scar on her back. I have a hunch
were gonna see the younger version emerge from here like a cocoon.
From: guest
, 4 months, post #14 |
My understanding is that the "transformation" is pretty gruesome
and that, yes, the younger version bursts out of the older
version's body like a cocoon, and vice versa. It's not going to be
the kind of transformation most people here are going to want, lol.
From: guest (Yamchan)
, 4 months, post #15 |
I'll be satisfied if there's some practical effects showing the
younger version pushing her way out of the old version. Hopefully
giving skinsuit vibes lol. Gotta a little bit of hope for a bit
more because of the trailers showing mitosis and the shot with
multiple pupils showing in the eyeball.
From: guest (templaryo)
, 4 months, post #16 |
Excellent Movie.
very graphic and visceral. handles the topic of how fame destroys
your life when you are the star of the moment and you still don't
have your self-esteem well defined. It can be said that it is also
a theme towards the criticism of physical beauty. Both actresses
were phenomenal. I recommend it.
From: guest
, 4 months, post #17 |
Cam rip found
From: Argienator
, 4 months, post #18 |
Timestamp for the TF: 23:05
"De nada, amigos"
From: Argienator
, 4 months, post #19 |
25:40, sorry
From: guest (Captain Pickle)
, 4 months, post #20 |
Finished it. Well made, but i didn't like it. SPOILERS AHEAD
First the good: The three big characters were interesting to watch.
Demi Moore plays a good role as an aging celebrity passed the end
of her career. And Margaret Qualley is hot as her younger alter
ego. Dennis Quaid is awesome as the scumbag producer with bombastic
personality and cartoon villain energy. Interestingly he is not the
antagonist of the story, but serves just to represent the shallow
and unrelenting pragmatism of the industry. I'll be honest i had
more fun watching him than the main character,
Skin factor is pretty good. If you're in this just see hot women
and nude bodies, you'll get it. Both Demi Moore and Margaret
Qualley spend a fair number of scenes baring it all especially
during the transformation sequence.
Special effects are great. the transformation sequence having
margret qualley rip out of the skin of demi moore is well done.
Quite visceral is also the degeneration and decay of demi moore as
the movie progresses. Makeup did and excellent job turning her into
a grotesque hag. The final monster form margret qualley becomes is
straight out of "The Thing". Only downside is that you can tell
it's a rubber/latex prosthetic, but its good enough that it works
for the scene and doesn't detract from it.
Cinematography is also good, i'd expect nothing less from a
hollywood production. But in age of rapidly shrinking budgets and
corporate greed, you never know.
The not good:
Story pacing is uneven and disruptive. First thing that bothered me
was that for a good couple of minutes we just watched closeups of
dennis quaids mouth eating. Maybe the director likes watching
people eat, but i don't. What's "Visceral" to some is just
disgusting to me. Some scenes take excessively long to play out
that you feel it was done this way just to pad out the time. This a
2+ hour movie with what feels like a half hour of padding. The
music video scene where we see margaret qualley's ass for 4 minutes
bored the crap out of me and i just wanted it to end to advance the
plot. There was honestly no reason to let it go on for that long.
It added absolutely nothing to the story beyond the first 15
seconds. There are a lot of scenes that just go on for much longer
than they should. Another scene is the stitching of demi moore's
back together. We spend a few minutes watching margaret qualley do
a bad suture job. I honestly kept trying to find a fast forward
button because it bored me to death.
The story construction is contrived and also suffers from filler.
"The Substance" is given to demi moore by some random nurse and we
don't really learn who makes it, why, and anything about it. This
is understandable as its just a plot device and not meant to be
explored. But when such a major thing is left hanging, it just
makes the rest of movie's flaws more apparent.
The movie spends ten minutes with margaret qualley smashing up a
wall to hide Demi moores body and the usage of the substance. You
get the impression this is going to be a huge plot point later,
maybe she'll hide out here from someone, maybe she'll trap someone
or trap herself here. Maybe something bad happens because no one
knows about this hidden room.... and nothing. It serves no real
purpose to advancing the plot. We could say its needed to hide the
bodies... but without a subsequent scene of people looking for them
its kinda useless. You could edit out the whole wall smashing scene
and the movie wouldn't change, at all.
On the flipside there some important scenes that are rushed
through. Margaret Qualley spends a few weeks/months withdrawing the
life force from demi moore and parasitizing her. But all we see is
a 10 second clip show of her taking it out, coming back the next
day, and continuing in. We don't see what she is doing during that
time. Then we skip ahead to seeing demi moore all dying and
decaying from the continual loss of life. If you're going to spend
2 minutes just watching dennis quaid's mouth, at least give me 2
minutes watching what margaret qualley was doing. It was so rushed
i honestly wondered what i was suppose to see.
Now i'll give it that maybe the movie was just trying to quickly
establish that draining the life force kills the host. And i could
forgive that if this was just done once. But we get another scene
at the end where she drains it all out and again we skip ahead
months to the aftermath without watching anything she did during
that time. I feel no connection to margaret Qualley's character
because we never see her build character. If we could see how she's
enjoying her life, how she's getting all the love and attention she
missed while she was demi moore, then i could sympathize with her.
But i don't. All i get is is how she's killing demi moore. Pacing
is terribly uneven.
Another point that bothers me is the nature of the substance and
how it splits you into a better version yourself. It's extremely
confusing the relationship between Margaret Qualley and Demi Moore.
If they're the same person mentally then Margaret Qualley should
know the dire implications of excessively draining Demi Moore.
Maybe she's just stupid, but after the first overuse it should be
clear that this is dangerous. But she keeps draining. And even when
demi moore is hag Margaret Qualley keeps doing it. Demi moore made
it clear she was terrified, angry, and NOT okay with being turned
into a hag. So if they have the same mind, why does Margaret
Qualley keep doing it? Now lets say they have separate minds, and
Margaret Qualley has her on selfish wants and desires. Then there
should be no reason for Demi moore to let it go on as long as it
did. Demi moore had all the power to stop her and even kill her,
but she doesn't. It's not explained and is very confusing.
Finally i want to critique the horror elements. The only difference
between "Visceral" and Disgusting is that people like one. Some of
the body horror is interesting, like when margaret qualley rips out
of demi moore, or when demi moore becomes a grotesque zombie. Hats
off to the makeup department for that. But other parts are not
nearly as interesting. Lots of scenes with needles so if that's not
your thing, DO NOT WATCH this movie. I do know needles can be
extremely scary to some people and this movie is not for you if
that's the case. Anyway, we get lots of detailed shots of needles
being used on people and going into diseased flesh. If you're into
pus and necrotic tissue, then this movie is for you. But otherwise,
you'll just be disgusted.
I don't like leaving a review on a negative point so i will
highlight the themes of self-esteem, beauty standards and
celebrity. The movie tries to show the toxic and shallow nature of
fame, and i think it does a mediocre job. Maybe its being
deliberately ironic when it shows that you're only valuable if your
beautiful. But there is one scene that i think could have hinted at
a deeper meaning. Demi moore meets an acquaintance and plans to go
on a date with him. He's portrayed as completely accepting of who
she is, age and all, and we get the impression he'll get along with
her no matter what. But just as she's about to leave her apartment
to go on the date, she sees her old self in the mirror and hates
what she sees. She rips off her clothes and makeup and cries,
clearly suffering from crippling low self-esteem. She doesn't go on
the date and leaves the poor guy bewildered and confused why she is
ghosting him. Its a powerful scene showing that her greatest critic
is herself. And all she had to do was accept herself to be happy.
Even though dennis quaid and the rest of the world still discarded
her like yesterday's trash, she didn't have to discard herself. But
she did. it's a great scene and the one that i will take away from
this movie.
Overall though, the whole movie just doesn't work for me. 4/10
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