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X-men 97 New Animated Series Disney Plus!
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From: guest , 5 months, post #1
X-Men '97 will consist of ten episodes, kicking off with a two episode premiere on March 20, 2024, and culminating in an epic three-part finale, "Tolerance is Extinction. Morph is in this one!

Also will pick up where the previous series left off! Only About 1 week left!

From: guest , 5 months, post #2
He doesn't make an appearance in the newest trailer. Made me worry that he'll be a minor character that only transform into male characters or doesn't transform at all. Hopefully Mystique made an appearance in this season

From: guest , 5 months, post #3
Morph is supposed to be one of the main x-men in the series. Perhaps not one of the central characters such as Cyclops or Wolverine. But since Mr. Sinister should be the main villain, it would be a lost opportunity not to include Morph there, considering their connection in the original series.

Mystique hasn't been casted, or at least not informed to be in the first season so I wouldn't hope too much her there.

From: DaveS , 5 months, post #4
One of the reasons I am fairly confident that Morph WILL transform into female forms is statement made last year by show creators (that caused an uproar with the "anti-woke" crowd) that Morph's character will be "genderfluid" in X-Men '97, hence his new base form appearance with a blank face and no hair.

Pandering accusations? Don't particularly care. But really, how else would you describe a shapeshifter who casually changed into Jubilee while flipping TV channels in the very first episode of the original series, and later seduced Gambit while diguised as Rogue and changed into Jean Grey (twice!) to mess with Wolverine?

From: guest , 5 months, post #5
That is a good point DaveS. Of course Morph's look is also now more comic accurate.

From: guest , 5 months, post #6
Hopefully they didn't cheapen on Morph's transformation effect. The effects on the original series is really good and detailed

From: guest , 5 months, post #7
Its modern marvel so of course they're gonna cheap out lol

From: guest , 5 months, post #8
The show's creator was fired from the show a week before it released.

From: guest , 5 months, post #9
So does that mean the show will never come out if the showrunner fired?

From: guest (Guest) , 5 months, post #10
The showrunner is just a showrunner. He's not the producer or the owner of the show. If everything is already filmed, edited, and set to be released, why bother thinking that it will never coming out?

From: guest , 5 months, post #11
Did you forget that the live action Wile Coyote movie was cancelled after it was done filming or literally the Batgirl movie, a finished movie but WB decided to scrap it for monetary reasons. Studios are more brave just because the fuckers up there with their ESG Scores is messing up the entertainment industry for "Inclusivity".

From: guest , 5 months, post #12
The show will air and most likely with several seasons. Second season has been confirmed and script has been done. There has been already talk from season 3 as well. Certainly this was before firing.

But X-Men is crucial to MCU, and even this animated series isn't really part of it, it's important for Marvel to make the characters more known again.

From: guest , 5 months, post #13
The showrunner being let go so close to release without any reason given is very suspicious. He must have done something beyond the pail for that happen, especially given that he was a gay black man working for disney.

From: guest (MrInternetMan) , 5 months, post #14
The showrunner who was let go has a long history of abusive behavior and statements in other jobs.

Likely the reason he was let go was that he had engaged in abusive behavior during production of this series, or there were allegations made against him internally that warranted his dismissal.

From: guest , 5 months, post #15
I’m sorry, I can’t get over ‘Guy Who Blames Wokeness For Batgirl Being Scrapped’. Why does this board have to be like this lmao

Anyway DeMayo was probably fired for constantly being insane and arguing with fans on social media who were just teenagers ranting about shipping Emma and Scott or complaining about Sunfire’s appearance without even tagging him.

From: guest , 5 months, post #16

New clips for the show has arrived but none of em show Morph using his power

From: DaveS , 5 months, post #17
Multiple transformations for Morph in the first two episodes.

Episode 1
Female:Click to show spoiler
gheaf vagb Wrna Terl juvyr gnyxvat gb Jbyirevar ng n pyho
Male:Click to show spoiler
Cebsrffbe K ng gur ortvaavat, gura Nepunatry naq Oybo qhevat gur Fragvary svtug

Episode 2
Female:Click to show spoiler
Ynql Qrngufgevxr, gura Cflybpxr juvyr svtugvat K-Phgvbare ng gur Havgrq Angvbaf
Male:Click to show spoiler
Pbybffhf qhevat K-Phgvbare svtug (uvf sbez orgjrra Ynql Q naq Cflybpxr) naq Fnoergbbgu arne gur raq bs gur rcvfbqr va n cergraq svtug jvgu Jbyirevar

From: guest , 5 months, post #18
where to watch?

From: guest , 5 months, post #19
Disney plus

From: guest (homielander) , 5 months, post #20

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