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From: guest (Gnosis) , 22 months, post #41
Aus meiner Haut
Family Leave
Here Comes the Groom
Switched Up Christmas
Villains of Valley View (season 2)

From: guest (Mindmaster) , 22 months, post #42

From: guest (Curious) , 22 months, post #43
Watch online Aus meiner Haut and NA TWOIM MIEJSCU?

From: guest (Guest) , 22 months, post #44
Mindmaster brings up Irish Wish again.
I'll ask again. Why do people assume this is a body switch? The description sounds like it's just an altered fate where the world changes and she's the bride to be. That does not suggest a body switch.

From: guest (Guest 17) , 22 months, post #45
@guest it is probably in the way certain articles describe the movie like this one

From: guest (Guest) , 22 months, post #46
@Guest (Guest 17)

The article makes the assumption it's a Freaky Friday, then posts this:

"Though the description does not specify if the film goes full body swap, this is still the third film in which Lindsay Lohan takes another person’s place in some capacity (The Parent Trap definitely counts, with or without magic)"

Honestly if you read the description on other sites, this sounds something more like "The Family Man" where reality changes to Nicolas Cage.

From: guest (Guest 17) , 22 months, post #47
@guest thats fair

From: guest , 21 months, post #48
Secret Invasion is an upcoming American television miniseries created by Kyle Bradstreet for the streaming service Disney+, based on the Marvel Comics storyline of the same name.
First episode date: Wednesday June 21, 2023
Note it’s only 6 episodes but still high hopes for cool tf in this one

From: guest (Tero) , 21 months, post #49
Extraordinary episode 03

From: guest (Alex) , 21 months, post #50
@guest Tero. Is it a mtf or ftm

From: Nixon , 21 months, post #51
Here Comes the Groom

From: guest (Pincel 2) , 21 months, post #52
See post 41

From: guest (Curious) , 21 months, post #53

From: guest (Guest 74) , 21 months, post #54
I have uploaded the full movie and with update the thread for this movie with the link as well. Enjoy!

From: guest , 21 months, post #55
Anyone know when Villains of Valley View season 2 airs?

From: guest (TA) , 21 months, post #56
Thank you very much for uploading the film Guest 74.

Although, I can't say I liked the movie. I mean, she is wearing pants half of the film, there is very little femininity, I guess, there is no classic scene of him/her struggling to put pantyhose and so on. Maybe... actually, probably this is sign of something bigger and different, women got less feminine is the last decades you are barely see girls wearing skirts and dresses nowadays, so the movies just... passes this new reality onwards, I guess...

I think I will have to wait for AI generated movies to make more 90s style body swap movies...🤔

From: guest (okay buddy) , 21 months, post #57
"women got less feminine is the last decades you are barely see girls wearing skirts and dresses nowadays"

Very dangerous and wrong sentence LOL

From: guest (Zzzzzz) , 21 months, post #58
I havent heard any women saying "men got less masculine". So its unfair for them from us men to say they were wearing wrong outfits these past years.

From: guest (okay buddy r word) , 21 months, post #59

From: guest , 21 months, post #60
I don't think this is the purpose of the thread or this forum to start discussions as stupid as this one but now that we are at it I might as well give my opinion.

User TA has stated his preferences on women and has given his opinion on a trend he sees. You all have the right to an opinion on such subjects you may agree or not. Bashing him/her for their opinion is plain stupid and only can be done in a position of moral and subjective considerations. As long as TA doesn't enforce his views on anyone, where is the problem? And yes, Zzzzzz any women could say that if that's what she thinks. There are absolutely no dangers in expressing an opinion.

We do not have "hive" minds nor men and nor women so trying to antagonize between sexes just by remarking a statement we don't like expressed by an individual is ridiculous. This sort of behaviour is eroding society and rotting coexistance. Say no to identity politics, live and let live and try to be as free as possible.

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