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Natten Är Ung / The Night Is Young
From: guest (the saint) , 24 months, post #1
Short Film
Natten Är Ung / The Night Is Young 2019
A shy young man decides to view women as purely objects to easier hook up inside a nightclub, he will later regret it.

From: guest (bobby21) , 24 months, post #2
only 14 mins long which is a shame but yes good find and he's stuck forever as a young woman we are left to imagine he will back at that club in heals tight dress boobs on show waiting for man to take her home

From: ColoradoDog , 23 months, post #3
Wow! Thanks for sharing this, Saint. This is the first good M2F video I've seen in a while.

From: guest , 23 months, post #4
Yes I liked this. It's a shame that that the M2F part of the content is less than half of the video, but it was an actually good short, with a realistic reaction, too.

From: guest (MacGuffin78) , 23 months, post #5
Wow! That was one of the best TG themed professional short films I’ve ever seen, if not my favourite! Perfect casting; especially loved the mysterious lady at the bar, perfect look for the part and strikingly beautiful. Thanks so much for this lead!!!

From: guest (Anon) , 23 months, post #6
Excellent find, thank you

From: guest (Mindi Flyth) , 23 months, post #7
Huh. Not sure what I think of it. From the official description it sounds like this is supposed to be a feminist revenge thing, as if he was acting like a sexist and he got his comeuppance. I'm fine with that stuff, as anybody who knows my work can tell you. But this guy never does anything remotely sexist in the film!

He starts as a shy, awkward guy, and his friend gives him some really sexist advice which the protagonist doesn't seem really into. Then he goes into the club and starts a quietly flirtatious conversation with a woman, but he's hardly being pushy or gross. He still seems like a pretty nice, gentle guy. She's the aggressive one, and when she slips him the drug it plays a lot like she's roofied him. He gets transformed, men leer at him, he has a bad confrontation with his friend and then the story just ends. Seriously, movie, what the heck?

The scenario was sexy, the actors were good and the dialogue wasn't bad. There was a lot to like here, but I felt like I was watching someone pay for a crime they never committed. If they were going for a story about a sexist getting punished, it really should've been the FRIEND who was transformed! He's the one talking about "holes" and all that. I even would've been OK with it if they were both transformed, like the sexist friend was being punished and the nice guy got dragged into it somehow. But as it is, it's kind of like watching a version of A Christmas Carol where we watch Scrooge be a jerk for a while, then Bob Cratchit is the one who gets visited by the ghosts!

From: guest , 23 months, post #8
Yeah my quick read of the short is actually that the world isn't really that just and right. I think it's supposed to leave you a bit unsettled because this guy who was interested in treating women well isn't spared from the plight of women but is stuck taking women's perspectives even more intimately than he already was. I liked the choice of making him the woman for that reason. Just felt more unique.

From: guest (venus89) , 23 months, post #9
yes missed chance to be great this short film to short really, needed to be 30mins min would have been nice to see the horrible friend turned into a sexy young woman and then kidnaped by mobsters and forced to be a sexy dancer in a sex club his fate sealed by his horrible atidude to woman and leave the poor boy who was nice alone.

From: guest (Syberia) , 23 months, post #10
Mindi has a good summation, but I agree with post #8. The woman didn't seem to be doing it for karma or anything. She stuck me as doing it because she wanted to. A predator similar to but different from the friend. Nothing about this was right, or supposed to be. And while the ending just kind of dropped, I like that aspect of it.

From: guest (Joe Biden wears diapers) , 23 months, post #11
I was thinking maybe she was trying to give him an insight into women so he can better approach them. Maybe it was just a temporary change and he will change back later with a lot more knowledge of a mysterious subject.

From: guest (Gorg) , 23 months, post #12
The message might also be that if you as a man don't stand up to misogynists then you are complicit in their behavior and encourage it, there's been some public statements from feminists in Sweden to that effect in recent years. So perhaps the guy gets transformed to show him what it's like to be on the receiving end of guys like his friend and that he should have stood up to him instead of just tolerating him.

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