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Quantum leap sequel pilot
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From: guest , 28 months, post #21
Quick update. The new leaper will be Dr. Ben Seong, played by Raymond Lee. So we'll have a male leaper again. There will be a female observer filling the Al Calavicci role, and three other regulars who will be involved with the Quantum Leap project in the present day, including the great Ernie Hudson.

You can find a lot more information here:

From: guest , 28 months, post #22
Also... I hate to bring this up, but since the subject has already been broached in this thread... a couple of thoughts on the question of "wokeness."

1. The leaper is described in the casting call as "a man of faith," and two of the other four characters are military veterans, including the new "Al." That doesn't really read as "woke" to me; if anything, it seems like a show that wants to welcome a variety of perspectives.

2. One of the characters, Ian, is nonbinary. That will probably raise some people's hackles, but I think it may actually be good news for us. I think it's probably a sign that Ben Seong will leap into at least as many women as Sam Beckett did, if not more. I've seen people on this site express concerns that Hollywood might be afraid to explore gender-bending and body-swapping in the future because trans people might find that offensive; having a nonbinary character neatly sidesteps that criticism. I also think Ian could play a very interesting role any time Seong finds himself leaping into a woman; I think Ian's presence on the show ensures and practically demands that there be a lot of good gender-bending content.

3. The fact that the leaper is an Asian-American man actually defuses a lot of tension around race, too. An Asian-American man leaping into characters of different races simply won't ruffle anyone's feathers the way, say, a white man leaping into a black man's body might, and it probably won't lead to as much heavy-handed discussion about race on the show. Race just doesn't have to be a big consideration most of the time.

(Of course, it's also worth pointing out that Quantum Leap was always a very "woke" show, and episodes about race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation would be very much in line with the original series.)

Oh! And one more note: the information that's been revealed so far confirms that this is a sequel to the original series, not a reboot. One of the regulars is a man Sam leaped into in the original series, Ziggy will be involved, and Sam and Al are acknowledged. There's speculation that some of the other characters may have connections to the original show as well.

From: guest , 28 months, post #23
Honestly don’t care about Quantum Leap style swaps really. They had barely any focus on the body, and I’m more interested in differences in body instead of seeing someone dress in different ways and act like they aren’t wearing another person’s skin. Just feels like we’re playing make-believe even more than it already did.

From: Holly Dunn , 28 months, post #24
With Deepfake technology they can put a face on a different body, and make it talk with the original voice or that person's voice. This might be very interesting to see. There may be a new "Quantum Leap Style" of swap.

From: Random , 28 months, post #25
Well, they didn't focus on differences in the body in the original show because they established that it was Sam's actual body leaping(and being masked by the aura of the person he leapt in to), not his mind jumping from body to body. I think early on in the show they were undecided if it was just his mind, but they eventually went with his actual body jumping in time(I think the first time we had evidence that it was really Sam was the episode where he leaped into a double amputee).

Although, at least with the one book "The Wall", it was written as if Sam's mind alone is leaping, and does have him making note of the differences of having leapt into the body of a six year old girl, and into the woman the girl grew up into. Not sure about any of the other QL novels, as I haven't seen those online anywhere.

From: Holly Dunn , 28 months, post #26
My previous comment about the deepfake technology means there is a lot more room for the audience to see things regardless of the rules. He could be in his own body, and they could show his face digitally replicating the person's facial movements he leaps into because that is what everyone else sees. The few and seldom mirror scenes may be part of this Quantum Leap's past.

Storytelling can sometimes bend and break rules. When Sam jumped into a pregnant lady he felt the baby kick. Yet Sam doesn't have a uterus. If it was Sam's body, he would bust out of petite women's clothing when leaping. The shoes wouldn't ever fit. He would swim in really big guy clothes and his pants might fall down due to real gravity if he is in his real body. But this is storytelling.

From: guest , 28 months, post #27
Yeah that’s why I wish it was just a standard possession or body swap. We already suspend enough disbelief to imagine possessions and body swapping actually could happen, but it just feels silly to me when they can’t fully commit to that.

From: guest (Buddybuddy) , 28 months, post #28
Im really praying just maybe just maybe sam jumps into a playboy bunny and has to deal with that costume big boobs shaved pussy and me slapping hisher big arse . That would be a great episode

From: guest (thriller16161) , 27 months, post #29
It's official! Hollywood Reporter reports that NBC has ordered the series to air this upcoming fall.

From: guest (2 0 0 5) , 27 months, post #30
I'm assuming that the older episodes they have on NBC's official webpage will be labeled as "Quantum Leap (Classic)" in order to separate the two from one another.

From: guest (4 1 3 4) , 27 months, post #31
At least in the original series, Sam Beckett was never in blackface for the episodes The Color of Truth from 1989 and A Song for the Soul from 1992.

From: guest (guest) , 24 months, post #32
new trailer

From: guest (1 8 6 0) , 24 months, post #33
1. Will Ben say the catchphrase "Oh Boy!" (a.k.a. carry over) like Sam?

2. Will the classic theme song still be carried over from the original series although slightly upgraded for the modern era?

3. Will the classic opening monologue still be in use for this version but Dr. Sam Beckett will be replaced by Dr. Ben Seong?

4. Am I the only one feels that this version was going to be on its streaming service Peacock?

From: guest (Spyeye) , 24 months, post #34

From: guest (leaper) , 23 months, post #35
Last night one of the commercials during Jimmy Fallon showed a quick promo from the new Quantum Leap with the leaper landing in a female rock star in 1986. He looks at himself in the mirror and sees a gorgeous big hair rock chick. It was brief but cool.

From: guest (jacques) , 23 months, post #36
pilot for the series is supposed to air on Sep 19. surely we will be getting an official trailer soon.

From: guest (8 6 0 5) , 23 months, post #37
So I'm assuming this will not be like the episode from the original series "Glitter Rock" where Sam leaps into a British male rocker named Jeffrey Mole from the band King Thunder.

From: guest , 23 months, post #38
Can anyone post the new trailer?

From: guest (1 4 9 2) , 23 months, post #39
I know this won't happen, but since the #metoo movement has started in this day and age I wonder if their will be a new episode of the reboot where Ben leaps into a young college-age waitress who works at a Hooters-like restaurant (or should I say "Breastaurant") where not only he'll has to deal with uncomfortable skimpy clothing but drunk guys who do whistle/cat calls & slapping him on the booty.

From: Tuggy24g , 23 months, post #40
I never liked the concept of quantum leap. Where the main character acts like the person he's possessing and you only see what the real person looks like when they look at a mirror. Not a big fan but since this is the only body swap content that's new. I guess I'll have to like it or force myself to like it

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