From: guest (guest)
, 4 months, post #161 |
Haunting of Lanquetot (2022) what is the time stamp ?
From: guest (Answer)
, 4 months, post #162 |
Towards the last 10-15 minutes of the movie, right after the ritual
From: guest (JackSket)
, 4 months, post #163 |
- 151
Stop asking for the timestamp on every thread of this forum. Read
the title of the topic, watch the flick.
From: guest (JackSket)
, 4 months, post #164 |
151- The Privilege (2022)
German horror movie on netflix. About adults taking over the bodies
of young kids via some fungus. Main guy, his bestie and his crush
find out that main guy's twin sister was taken over as well. Kill
her, find out that a demon is responsible for the adults taking
over younger bodies. They manage to outrun the demon but their car
crashes into a bridge and they manage to crawl out finally free.
However, the demon turned into smoke and entered the car
beforehand. Turns out the guy's crush is now the flesh that the
demon is wearing as they kiss and hug and while everyone walks
away, she stands back looking at the camera, grinning.
Good movie. Pretty good threesome scene. Thats all Im gonna say.
(Add to the list if you can! Thanks!)
From: guest (Rax)
, 4 months, post #165 |
Thanks for keeping this thread up-to-date bro, preciate it.
From: guest (Stag)
, 4 months, post #166 |
Second that, thank you!!!
From: guest (JackSket)
, 3 months, post #167 |
152. The Wretched (2019)- Based around a Skinwalker. Not gonna
spoil anything but the actual skinning scenes are really good.
From: guest
, 3 months, post #168 |
The Privilege (2022)
there is only a fungus that possesses people, its not got anything
worth watching unless you like horror movies
the teenagers in the movie are all in the mid to late 20s and it
From: guest (A)
, 3 months, post #169 |
The Eighteenth Angel (1997)
From: guest (Looko)
, 3 months, post #170 |
- 169. That was a difficult movie to figure out…I think….?
From: guest (A)
, 3 months, post #171 |
Basically, as the priest says at the start of the movie something
like “ Satan will no longer be beast... but beauty”. Satan posseses
the teen girl at the end to live as teen girl.
From: guest (A)
, 3 months, post #172 |
Mister Frost (1990). there seems to be possession in the end, can
anybody confirm
From: guest
, 3 months, post #173 |
does this movie contain face swap?
From: guest
, 3 months, post #174 |
The Eighteenth Angel sure is an interesting find. Now has anybody
watched the "uncensored" DVD version and can say if it is worth it
compared to the free youtube version?
From: guest
, 3 months, post #175 |
post #172
Click to show spoiler
Gur onq thlf tebj ornhgvshy obqvrf jvgu htyl snprf naq ab fbhyf.
Gurl chg gur tvey'f snpr ba bar bs gurfr oynaxf (guvf unccraf
bssfperra va gur irefvba v fnj). Gura gur obql trgf cbffrffrq ol
From: guest (A)
, 3 months, post #176 |
Last Gasp (1995)
From: guest (JackSket)
, 3 months, post #177 |
- 176
I dont think it counts tbh. It wasnt the spirit jumping from body
to body, it was the curse. The gods chose the killer of the
previous warrior to kill for them from then on and they made the
current warrior have nightmares to keep them on a leash and gave
them immortality.
From: guest (JackSket)
, 3 months, post #178 |
153. Nightmare Man (2006)- B-horror about a spirit called nightmare
man. He possesses the female lead in the climax. The secondary
female lead kills the main one. The spirit then says "you will be
my new home" and honestly, quite graphically possesses the
secondary lead. Rips off her clothes, molests her then enters
theough her vagina. The scene even details the spirit moving
through the body. Very very good possession sequence. She gets
taken to the mental hospital where she gets completely taken over
by him.
154. Dr. PRIM (2021)- Anthology, second story. Its about
dopplegangers replacing the real humans.
From: guest (Another Guest)
, 3 months, post #179 |
Doctor Death- Seeker of Souls (1973)
About an immortal man who lives forever through soul
transmigration. Surprised I haven't noticed it on this list (or
maybe I just overlooked it).
And, good news...here it is...
From: guest
, 3 months, post #180 |
Smile 2
The demon once again possesses the female lead in the end and makes
her kill herself then spreading the curse to a whole crowd
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