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List of Movies with 'Bad End' Possessions
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From: guest (newcururu27) , 9 months, post #81
Question about film? Is there any film, series or similar that features possession (preferably female) of dead people?

From: guest (JackSket) , 9 months, post #82
  1. 81

Yes, The Hagstone Demon has the demon possess the guy's dead wife's body to turn her into a seductive vixen.
And Ghouls (2008) as well. The main character is sacrificed but overpowers her captors, she presumably dies in the end but that helps the spirits take over her dead body.

From: guest (newcururu27) , 9 months, post #83
Thank you, Jacksket.

From: guest , 9 months, post #84
In which links and in which minutes?

From: guest (JackSket) , 9 months, post #85
  1. 84
Both on Tubi, climax scenes

From: guest (JackSket) , 9 months, post #86
Another one! (Bad end fans be eating good lately!)

138. Girl Upstairs 2024: A depressed painter's painting comes alive, its a guy who isnt familiar with the outside world and shares her depression. The painter draws another painting, this time a black haired girl called "Mimi". Mimi dresses similarly to the painter but is more sexually provative, creative, and curious about the world. The painter doesnt allow her to go outside, Mimi goes psycho and kills the painting guy, skins him alive and starts laughing as the girl sits over the guy's corpse. Next scene, Mimi wears a sundress as she opens the door to outside. Suddenly we see that its the painter, all dressed up and in makeup. (SHES FUCKING HOT) she walks over to a theatre, goes to the attendant and tilts her tits down to make sure he cwn see them and with a sultry voice says "Hi, Im Mimi!". Possession sequence isnt shown but the story is that Mimi kills the painter, takes her body/appearance and roams free in the world.
Really hot actresses and then ending scene.

From: guest (Alex Tandori) , 9 months, post #87
Great find!

From: guest (john) , 9 months, post #88
this is amazing! thank you!

From: guest (Ry) , 9 months, post #89
Where can I watch Girl Upstairs 2024

From: guest (Good Job) , 9 months, post #90
Really digging this possession scenario...

I wonder if there's one where a bad end is from the title's first movie which then continues the possession to the sequel

From: guest (JackSket) , 9 months, post #91
Nah, we really eatin good these days.
139. 10/31 Part 2- It is the second or third sequence, I think.
Young asian woman thinks something is in their basement and her younger brother is talking with it. Then one night while with her boyfriend, she is attacked by the younger brother who feeds the boyfriend to the creature from the basement. The boy peels the face off and says "he never eats the faces". She gets knocked out. Wakes up in a ritual chamber with her parents and neighbours. The creature crawls to her to eat her but she bits its flesh off. The creature falls down as does she. The creatures white iris then swaps out with hers. The creature awakens in her body, free from the monstrosity before.

From: guest (Guest) , 9 months, post #92
What is timestamp

From: Argienator , 9 months, post #93
Post #92 38:10

From: guest , 8 months, post #94
140. Friend Request(2016) - A Popular female College student accepts a friend request from a socially awkward outcast and have semi-friendly chats with the outcast until The Popular student discovers a dark twisted aspects of the outcasts and distances herself and unfriends the outcast. The outcast kills herself and turns into a demonic creature slowly killing the popular girl's friends all the while the popular girl's friend count on the site slowly goes down to zero like the outcasts' friend count and in the end the popular girl is alone and gets jumpscared by the demonic version of the outcast from looking into a mirror and fades to black. It fades back to a completely different college with the now popular girl dressing very similarly to the outcast in the start of the movie staring at a new group of college students showing the popular girls social media account having zero friends, the profile picture looking almost exactly like the outcasts and one of her eyes are the same color as the outcasts.
141.Dark Summer (2015)- A Male teenager is put under house arrest for stalking a female classmate and hacking into all of her accounts. His male and female friend goes to his house to hang out. The Male teenager tells his friends he suddenly was obsessed with his classmate virtually overnight with no interest prior to then. The Female classmate skypes the teenager and kills herself on screen. From investigating the female classmate, the trio discovers she was obsessed with the teenager and casted a spell to make the teenager fall in love with her. The spell works but he was too shy to contact her, so she began a second spell to allow her spirit to enter his body so they can be together. they figure out that if the teenager isn't the one who completes the steps for the spell it wont work so the female friend does the final step. hoping to break the spell. However we soon find out the female friend was unknowingly was doing all the steps to the spell and completed it which allows the classmates spirit completely possesses the female friend. The Classmate who is now possessing the female friend, kills the male friend, abducts the teenager, and leaves town with him against his own will.

From: guest (JackSket) , 8 months, post #95
Excellent additions! Really wish we got to see more of the witch in Laura in Friend Request.
Any more additions are always welcome!

From: guest (JackSket) , 8 months, post #96
Also the plot for Friend Request is INSANELY SIMILAR to ALTER's Short Movie Odd Girl. The possession sequence in Odd Girl is S+ Tier tho. Much better watch. Straight to the point.

From: guest (Female possessor) , 8 months, post #97

Girl upstairs full stream

Possession at the last 10 mins

From: guest (Guest) , 8 months, post #98

From: guest , 8 months, post #99
Hey mods can we delete post 98 wrong thread

From: guest (JackSket) , 8 months, post #100
Just make your own damned thread dawg wtf. Stop spamming Shitty links on every thread.

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