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From: guest (Ftcpowercat) , 16 months, post #121
Was it almost backwards?
Post 120… I could not find it other then a movie that was almost a backearfs intriputation (jumbled) version described

From: guest (Ftcpowercat) , 16 months, post #122
Post #111 I could not find any of those films online

From: guest , 16 months, post #123
What's the plot of Foutez-moi par tous les trous then #120?

From: nightmareman81 , 16 months, post #124
Post 120 is full of shit it was as described by Prof Farnsworth

From: guest (Prof Farnsworth) , 15 months, post #125
Good news everyone!

I'm back with a few more movies. They are nothing really out of the ordinary but I guess the most important ones where already spotted and added to the already extensive database of movies this forum has. As per usual I'll briefly review the findings in order from less to most interesting.

FTF?: Nuit noire (2005). I have to admit that in this movie I skipped most of the plot as I found it with one of those horrible overdubs in russian. It was a matter of sheer luck I found this one as a caption in one film forum grabbed my attention. In this dark and weird hommage to Kafka's Metamorphose, what seems to be a professor (Fabrice Rodriguez) interested in insects finds one day a very pregnant black woman in his bed (Yves-Marie Gnahoua). This woman turns into a cocoon and when it opens, a naked little white readhead girl (Iris Debuschere?) gets out. It is a movie that creeped me out because while they do not engage in explicit scenes, there are a couple of very young women who merely exist in the plot so that the main character can fondle them. Some may consider this art, I beg to differ.

MTM/MTDog?: It's a wonderful sexlife (1991). Another hidden gem from the 90's that parodies "It's a wonderful life" (1946), who said that you didn't need culture to produce porn? This movie starts with R.J (Nick East) having sex with a hooker (Teri Diver) until he has a stroke and dies. A "male" angel appears (J.B). R.J tells the angel that he has a fantastic life and doesn't want to go yet, he has a beautiful and loyal wife (Bianca Trump) and a couple of mistresses (Devon Shire and Mona Lisa). He is a douchbag but the angel, through a series of flashbacks with plenty action, shows him that his lawyer (Tom Chapman) is scheming with his "loyal" wife to divorce him and take everything from him. His mistresses (who unaware to R.J know each other well) are also being used so that the lawyer can prove infidelity in court. The angel confesses to R.J that he is not technically dead but given that his life is a lie, wouldn't he like better inhabiting another body? So R.J asks to be a dog (LOL). Once granted, the angel says that R.J owners will be soon neutering him. The angel possesses R.J's comparatively young and handsome body and R.J's wife enters the room. The angel starts clearing R.J's messy life and boinking her wife. The end.

FTF(Rejuvenation): Week end obscene chez les Sadiques (1985). Another fantastic french film from Socai. In this movie a group of four people (two women and two men) stop at a hostel in the middle of the french countyside. The hostel is only inhabited by an old hag. The men and women in the group start having drinks and getting drunk, then they start undressing and having sex french style (i.e swapping partners and putting candles in vaginas) under the attentive sight of the old hag (WTF!). The party moves to the rooms where now there are one on one actions, first the girls and then boy-girl. When it seems it's over and the men are spent, the old hag which is walking the corridor next to where the men are sleeping makes a spell and "poof" she turns young (Anna Lombardi). Let me stop here real quick, the old hag makes a gesture and then we see Lomardi in the same position but people who had to edit the scene kept Lombardi in static position for a weird amount of time when they should have make it seamless which makes the scene funny enough. Young "hag" enters the room and seduces the man, has sex with him and then grabs her things and enters the other room (nasty hag is insatiable, maybe that's the key for a long life) she also seduces that man and has a disappointigly short scene with him (wouldn't book him after that, can't perform). The movie ends with old hag in her old appearance saying goodbye to the group, the men are none the wiser. She'll wait for other travellers.

While I enjoy watching these, among many other movies, and I like to share with you my findings. So now it's your turn, I'd like to know your opinion in return. Do you like my reviews? What should I change? Which reviewed movie did you like the most so far in the whole thread? Why? Which one did you like the least? What do you like the most in this sort of movies, the plot, the scenes, the actresses? What would you change in your favorite one?

It may seem the contrary but I have a quite busy life, I'd do this more happily if I knew that what I do is appreciated. Waiting for your thoughts!

From: Bodyswap1 , 15 months, post #126
Thanks for the hard work you do (Prof Farnsworth).

From: guest (Ben) , 15 months, post #127
Thank you very much for sharing your research, Prof Farnsworth. Especially since M2M porn content is often harder to find and I'm always happy that you manage to find it.

From: guest (Ftcpowercat) , 15 months, post #128

You always do great work and I don’t think you get appreciated or recognized that enough.
We watch many transformation videos, but you have to go through so many that are either borderline terrible and not worth mentioning or are not at all.

Thank you for the time and effort,
I can’t wait to see more of what you find.

From: guest (mtf lover) , 15 months, post #129
thank you Prof Farnsworth, despite many of it turns out not to be my preference, you did a good job in providing many obscure NSFW movies for the community. I believe most of us appreciate what you have sent here.

From: guest (Hope) , 14 months, post #130
Prof Farnsworth
Any new ones?

From: guest (Prof Farnsworth) , 13 months, post #131
Good news everyone!

Adult video company Brazzers has just released a new video and hinted with a second part. Let's see what it is about and what can we expect about the second part.

(MTM & FTF) Roll Play - Part 1: The video begins with a masturbation session of aussie Savannah Bond, we later discover this is just a wet dream of a woman in her fifties, she wakes up next to his husband, the passion in their marriage seems far gone. The woman opens the front door to leave the house and finds a wooden box, she comes back to the bedroom where her husband is eating cereals and browsing social media. They don't know the origin of the box so they open it and find two dices, one with place names and the other with those stickman figures depicting couples. They imagine they belong to some sort of sex game and assume some neighbor has left it on the door for them. The husband wants to play with the dices but the wife is a little bit offended someone is trying to intervene in their marriage. They fight for the dices and they end up throwing them on the ground. One dice lands on straight couple (man and woman stick figures) the other lands on bedroom. For a moment nothing happens but then they are poofed into different bodies. The husband gets Van Wylde's body and the wife ends up in Savannah Bond's. There is a moment of confusion as they don't know who the other is. They end up acknowledging one another as their spouse being in a pornstar's body. The husband (in Van Wylde's body) suggests the dices want them to have sex to get back to their original body, the wife (in Savannah Bond's body) doesn't seem convinced but she changes her mind when her husband takes of his shorts to reveal his "new package". Steamy sex ensues. When they are done they lay on the bed and soon they poof back to their original bodies. They agree that was fun, so what about having another roll at it again?

They roll the dices and they land on lesbian couple and pool. So my guess is that apart from the wife being transformed into a pornstar the husband will be gender-swapped into a female pornstar and they both will be transported into a pool setting. The only way back is by having sex so the husband will experience his first female orgasm.

Some comments:

The video premise was really entertaining and it opens a world of so many different fantasy possibilities. The story depicts a credible next-door couple and actually manages to create a plot of sorts and certainly gets you invested for a second part even a couple more if well executed. It's a story that may as well have been an adaptation of a Tgtrinity comic, which is fantastic news if they are getting inspiration from them.

Savannah Bond won't receive an Oscar for her performance but she is the embodiment of sex and will certainly rise the audience. Last year we got Lauren Phillips' trilogy as the godmother who changed your appearance to get your objectives, it had potential but they wasted it quickly, the saga lost appeal and got stale. I have high expectations on a second part of Roll Play let's hope it lives up to them. These videos were probably shot months ago so probably the number of parts is already closed. There is always room for reboots if successful or maybe some other studio copies them if they are. Let's not forget Josephine Jackson started all the "stuck in the washing machine" craze in a FakeHostel video, we have that power to make it happen and probably 9.99$ to spare for a two day subscription.

From: guest (Ranmayakenetendo) , 13 months, post #132
Part 2?

From: guest , 13 months, post #133
Part 2 comes out on the 17th.

From: guest (Ranmayakenetendo) , 13 months, post #134
Whose the people Transformed?

From: guest (Illexit19) , 13 months, post #135
And on the tags of the trailer it says 3 part series so perhaps one more after this one. Wonder what the swaps will be then.

From: guest (Ranmayakenetendo) , 13 months, post #136
Looks like the woman and the man turned
into September reign and nicole dashi

From: guest (NSFW) , 12 months, post #137
The Man is Nicole Dashi and he doesnt even acknowledge that he is a woman now...super boring...

From: guest , 12 months, post #138
Will there be Part 3?

From: guest , 12 months, post #139
Yes it will be like a m/f scene so it could be they swap genders m2f n f2m. They land in a role of a doctor examining their patient. Comes out next week

From: guest (Ranmayakenetendo) , 12 months, post #140
No, it's another M2M F2M

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