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From: guest , 22 months, post #81
I have to agree. It's not cool to share links to premium content, even though I want to see it. If we keep giving Missa X money she'll keep making these. I subscribed and am impressed by the quality of what she has. I urge everyone to do the same. You won't be disappointed.

From: Shard , 22 months, post #82
That's the worst thing about this....fetish? Fan base? We become so starved for material the first new thing of any quality is often posted elsewhere, and the original creator doesn't see people buying videos of that theme so they stop making them. Or worst case scenario the creator does find their stuff thrown out there for free. No, scratch that, absolute worst case scenario is someone posting clips of vids they have on another site and you pay a reduced price to see the video in full (don't do that, report those people, the original creator should get the money for the videos they create). It's toxic af, and MissaX (and Mandy Flores, Xev, and a long list of others) hasn't made many body swapping in a LONG while because of it, and a lot of other creators change their tags just to hide the videos!

I was a fan of MissaX and a lot of others on clips4sale, and things have been getting much better on manyvids. I'll admit on clips4sale it really was a gamble, sometimes you'd get a good vid and sometimes you're like "Ugh, I paid for...this!?" even with some of the previews. At least with manyvids you can leave comments, let the creators know (and other people looking for that type of stuff) what was good/bad about it and what could be improved.

Now, as a compromise, I'd say, after a year or so, that's when they need to be moved to a clips site from a personal studio. I mean, they've already made the video, people that are subscribed have seen it, so putting it on a clips site would bring back popularity and make extra money. If I was a creator I guarantee I would be posting videos on different sites at different times.That gets traffic to multiple of your sites as people are looking for new content and never knowing which one you'd post it on. And tbh, after "a year" the biggest majority of people have seen it or people have heard about it, you might get the stray buyer but how much money is that really pulling in? I'm seeing much more sales for older content, and you'd be shocked how many people would jump to get a vid at 20% off! Or release them on more high traffic sites but at a bad quality, and maybe not the full clip but enough of a preview it's more than what you could find on your main pages. At that point it's free advertising for your studio because you've already made a majority of your cash from it.

That's another things a lot of these fans don't understand, the creators of these videos are generally not major fans of this fetish. They make videos for money. Point blank. Creators go where the money is, and sometimes they do find videos like this fun, but the environment doesn't make it lucrative. I want everyone to be happy, creators to not only make money but also enjoy the creativity and exploration of this fetish and fans to get that insight that drives us hunting for better material.

That Kinky Girl seems to be posting bodyswap/possession stuff regularly that is always great, so she is one of the few that I think are still big fans of these types of videos. Now as for a creator like Hentaied, to me, wow! You can tell they are a huge fan of their material (tentacles, alien possession, clones, futa, almost too much white stuff), their quality is amazing, have a message board on their site, and they also post on other sites.....that is the kind of quality and passion I'd love to see for body swapping and possession stuff someday! I mean, their stuff is just like reading hentai but live action, and done so good I am stunned! We might get there, I mean, body swapping can encompass a multitude of fetishes all in one video, and still somewhat shocked there isn't more bodyswapping VR content out there (which is a small handful of Japanese vids, a couple with great usage of a mirror, but only one I still keep returning to because I have a thing for redheads). Even female pov VR vids are scarce (and good ones are even harder to find because they never get the angles right), it's like an untapped market! But this is all just my thoughts. So instead of pointing fingers, post solutions.

From: Tuggy24g , 22 months, post #83
Post#78 to 82 make great points on why we need to stop Sharing copyrighted content

From: guest (Guest) , 22 months, post #84
Yea. I was actually surprised that she made this video. I remember she was VERY upset when her video was shared on here.
A lot of times creators seem disconnected but she actually seemed connected to her work. Therefore it should not be shared.

From: guest (James) , 22 months, post #85
hey guys, I agree that we should buy missax content, she's really good. BTW I loved "In her shoes", is there any other similar movie like that in their website? I couldn't find any other similar to that

From: guest (tuggyisretarded) , 22 months, post #86
nah missa charged too much for videos that were too short....if the pricing is fair people pay, if it is not they pirate....see the whole music industry for proof of this

also wasn't tuggy blowing chie over all the content he was profiting off of? second site chie has sold that content on

From: guest (Miss Pinky) , 22 months, post #87
I remember the thread. She posted it on her site, linked here and encouraged people to check it out. At that time she engaged with our fanbase. I think it took someone about an hour to rip and pirate it and post it here. I've purchased 6 of her videos, and while I won't spend the $$ on a video this big I think they're generally worth it.

From: guest (carlitos) , 22 months, post #88
yeah, it was really dumb, onlye like 3 posts later (of folks complaining about how much they didn't like it) some one literally went "hey guys, here's the link to the clip the owner of the clip just posted"

From: guest (Chony) , 22 months, post #89
Does anyone have another video from to recommend?

From: guest (Prof Farnsworth) , 22 months, post #90
Good news everyone!

Today I bring you an 80's movie that I enjoyed besides the MTF aspect.

MTF: Sins of the wealthy #2 (1987). In this goofy and fun movie Allison and Ted Wellington (Krista Lane and Ron Jeremy) are a rich marriage that live in a house where all kinds of shenanigans are going on. Today, their only son Christopher is coming home from Sweden after graduating in the Stockholm university and he announced he's getting married! But there is a surprise, when Jensen (Scott Irish), the chauffeur announces the arrival of the heir what they find in their living room is an unknown man holding hands with an unknown platinum blond. Where is their son? Well of course, their son Chris or better now Chrissy is the platinum blond woman (Lois Ayres) and the man is Michael (Jesse Eastern)"his" fiancé. Allison almost faints, Ted is outraged and Felicia (Angel Kelly), the maid is saddened to see Chris's "willy" gone. Jensen, the chauffeur succumbs to the provocations and womanly charms of Chris, in a steaming hot scene in front of a mirror later joined by Olga, the other hispanic maid (Elle Rio). Seems that Chris still shows appreciation for the staff after all. Allison, Chris' mother is meanwhile testing his son's fiancé Michael, she is caught in the act by a very defensive Chris. A third part is hinted by Ron Jeremy in the end of the movie but it seems it never happened, what a bummer!

If you want to see a movie just for the MTF aspect maybe there are better ones out there, seeing Ted's associate Harry Chalmers (Paul Thomas) getting touchy with Chris in his arrival and the scene taunting Jensen by showing her breasts and taking his hands to caress her privates to prove he is a woman is hot enough. But I have to say the whole movie is a masterpiece with decent plot, top tier casting (Tracey Adams is there too), steaming hot scenes and plenty jokes, cheating and the staff shenanigans in the background to keep you amused. Man those movies are good!

There will be more to come soon!

From: guest (Bushmaster) , 22 months, post #91
@Prof Farnsworth Thank you for your time and sharing with us! Can't wait for more!

From: nightmareman81 , 22 months, post #92
@Prof Farnsworth appreciated @Bushmaster me as well

From: guest (Efra) , 21 months, post #93
Hi someone knows the name of a film like interceptor force but about a group who figth againts a bad scientist who controls or it is like a bad droid and have a blonde woman with him. In some point of the film someone takes a device to shapeshift the blonde women and kills the scientis.

From: guest (guest) , 21 months, post #94
anyone knows the movie of post #93?

From: guest (CSwap) , 21 months, post #95
I have two custom vids if anyone is interested. Nothing mind blowing but like bodyswap wake up vids by Lindsey Dawn McKenzie and Kiara Mia.

From: guest , 21 months, post #96
Sounds mind blowing. Maybe upload it to spankbang?

From: guest (Mario100) , 21 months, post #97
Kiara Mia? Ok, I'm interested on that video.

From: guest (Guest) , 21 months, post #98
Absolutely interested

From: guest (CSwap) , 21 months, post #99
Hit me up at and I'll share the link

From: guest (Fanjustthe) , 21 months, post #100 pass some of it my way?

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