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Body Swap in Video Games?
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From: guest (Meesmoth) , 41 months, post #1
I was wondering if there any Body swap plots or contents in Video Games?

From: guest (Covid 19 vaccine will kill you) , 41 months, post #2
Yes. Here is one I am fond of:

From: guest (Ken) , 41 months, post #3
God that was awful

From: guest (Kamasupra) , 41 months, post #4
This is the main premise Remember 11, where the two main characters (Kokoro and Yukidoh) randomly swap minds throughout most of the game.

From: guest (Card) , 41 months, post #5
The games AI: The Somnium Files and 13 Sentinels each have spoillery body swapping elements. I recommend them and don't think you should look at the spoilers if you intend to play them.

AI: The Somnium FilesClick to show spoiler
Gur zheqref unccravat guebhtubhg gur tnzr vf erirnyrq gb or n frevny xvyyre jub vf fjnccvat naq gura xvyyvat gur ivpgvz va uvf cerivbhf obql. Gurer ner obgu znyr naq srznyr ivpgvzf. Va bar bs gur raqvatf, gur xvyyre va gur znva punenpgre'f obff'f srznyr obql fjncf jvgu lbh yrnivat lbh va ure obql cerfhznoyl sbe gur erfg bs lbhe yvsr orsber lbh cnff bhg.

13 Sentinels Aegis Rim:Click to show spoiler
Va bar bs gur 1,000 penml cybg cbvagf, n znyr xvyyre'f zrzbevrf ner hcybnqrq vagb n oebxra naqebvq gb or vagreebtngrq. Ur rfpncrf ol fjvgpuvat obqvrf jvgu 2 qvssrerag srznyr naqebvqf orsber xvaq bs(?) cbffrffvat n uvtu fpubby obl va gur 1980'f. Ur'f nyfb n gnyxvat png.

From: guest (iggy) , 41 months, post #6
Mindjack is the closest i know

A bodyswapping game would be so fun, escaping into a crowd after mayhem or whatever

Or just for fun switching out with random people,, watching them freak out being someone else

From: guest (G) , 41 months, post #7
What about possession in games

From: guest (Mindi Flyth) , 41 months, post #8
Not exactly swaps, but in the Destroy All Humans games the little alien guy possesses lots of people to blend in with Earth's population. It's a major aspect of the games.

From: guest (Weiss) , 41 months, post #9
Second sight (2004)

You assume the role of an psychiatric experiment subject, one of the powers that you unlock is possession


This one is more of a interactive novel than a vidya but it's worth mention it; Student Transfer. You find either a remote or a spell book which allows you to body swap, gender bending, or possession

From: guest (Jack) , 41 months, post #10
Prototype is a classic (not too old) body swapping game. There’s even a parody of Mercer swapping with a chick.

From: guest (Jack) , 41 months, post #11
I just remembered that he consumes his targets, so not exactly body swapping, but still something you might find interesting to look at.

From: guest (Ksmemw) , 41 months, post #12
Geist has a mtf possession in it. i think body swap is very rare in video games unless it was a visual novel.

From: guest (vassey) , 41 months, post #13
In Clive Barker’s Jericho you can posses all female Characters in your Group.

From: guest (bruh) , 40 months, post #14

Yu Yevon bodyswaps with Shiva

From: guest (dasher) , 40 months, post #15
I never actually played it, but I remember how Omikron: The Nomad Soul (featuring acting by David Bowie) was an innovative video game about body-swapping:

From: Hobbitking , 40 months, post #16
The Deadpool video game kinda has one, when Rogue is injured, Deadpool touches her and passes out, you switch to playing Rogue as a female Deadpool for a little while.

Then there's a companion in Dragon Age who's mother stays immortal by swapping bodies with her daughters once they reach a certain age, though you stop this from happening.

From: JetAbyss , 40 months, post #17
Don't quote me on this, but iirc has there been a few mods for Oblivion or Skyrim where you can bodyswap with NPCs?

From: guest , 40 months, post #18
Yeah, there are, they're apparently a pain in the ass to get working tho

From: DB Cooper , 40 months, post #19
In Lego Harry Potter, Harry and Ron have to transform themselves into girls in order to enter the girls' bathroom (very temporary).

From: Random , 40 months, post #20
Not a body swap, but there is Doppler mods for the Witcher and the Witcher 3 to basically allow you to play as any character in the game(doesn't seem to be one for The Witcher 2).

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