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Behind Her Eyes (2021) British TV Series Thread [SPOILERS]
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From: guest (The Hopper) , 38 months, post #41
@thecritic I agree. Once you know there was the body swap going back and rewatching the sex scene in season 1 is wayyyy better

From: guest (SPL1) , 38 months, post #42
This kinds of reminds me of the movie skeleton key, I have now watched Episode 1 and 2 and knowing the ending makes it more interesting. Watching Adele walk around in Louise flat with a sinister smile on her face makes me wonder if she/he planned this from day one. very good series.

From: guest (Siren Tales Productions fan) , 38 months, post #43
Completely garbage. Nothing special. Wasting time. Even that ~20 mins of the last episode. 😝

From: guest (Magpie) , 38 months, post #44
I liked it. The world is in need of more bodyswap stories with good production. One thing I would have liked is that Adele loses her accent (it should become Scottish) when she gets angry. I would also have liked Louise having a Scottish accent at the end.
PS. I have been trying to have an out of body experience (and more) just like in this series ever since I was a child. Only have ever managed to have sleep paralysis and auditory hallucinations. Has anyone here ever had a successful out of body exp.?

From: guest (Gnosis) , 38 months, post #45
My complaint is that there is no trace of the old Rob at all once he gets in Adele's body. You can say he's acting, or even that the series needed to maintain the suspense before the revelation. But even in the last episode, where "Adele" had plenty of unhinged moments, she's still acting more like Adele than Rob. Or maybe it's the other way round—the series should give us more sides of Rob, more than the cheeky, world hating junkie he is. More scenes of Rob's insanity perhaps, or violent tendencies, or possessiveness... Any of those would have helped the final twist to register. Even in that final flashback scene when Rob steals Adele's body, the moment he enters Adele he starts acting in a posh, polished lady manner, which... makes no sense, and creates a sense of disconnect and inconsistency.
Still enjoyed the show though, all things considered. Simona Brown was terrific in the scenes when "Adele" takes over.

From: guest (The Critic) , 38 months, post #46

Great points.

From: Casey , 38 months, post #47
Gnosis: Great points too, but yeah maintaining the suspense was well worth it to provide the shock factor. We did see some of Rob's traits within Adele as the counting the fingers, the heroin addiction (injecting), and his so called for David.

From: Casey , 38 months, post #48
and his so called love for David.

From: Casey , 38 months, post #49
What if Rob's behaviour traits fused with Adele's and created a slightly different personality traits, if you think about it, it's not as simple as putting person A in body B, and it's a simple process, it's not, such a complex thing, and this is where we can let our imaginations flow and this is part of the fun for this series.

From: guest (The hopper) , 38 months, post #50
Eve Hewson (plays Adele) is growing on me as a major hottie. Watching that doggy style scene knowing it’s actually rob inside her body was pretty good

From: guest (adele) , 38 months, post #51
while i also which there were more rob traits shown through you have to remember that he's been in her body for at least 10 years now and has probably gotten used to living in her skin.

From: guest (Magpie) , 38 months, post #52
@Gnosis That's what I was referring to with the accent change. I agree there should have been a bit more change in mannerism overall, especially when everybody in the room knows who he/she is, like the first scene when becoming Louise. I really don't understand why actors don't like to have more fun acting as other people? Why give Rob a thick accent if it's not going to be a tool in creating a more believable body swap?
@Casey I don't like to think that too many of Adele's traits merged with Rob because that sends me on a philosophical spiral of finally thinking they are just both crazy and the body-swap was more placebo, and that there was no real magic...
What is a person if not his thoughts and learned behavior? Why would I want to swap with somebody if I remember being them my whole life and instantly having all their mannerisms and habits? That would make the memory of being me more unreal than being sombody else. Finally it would defeat the point of me wanting to be somebody else because this new person doesn't want to become somebody else and is the same body as it was... sorry I just went on a ramble :D really sorry everybody, I needed to try to explain it to myself.

From: cj , 38 months, post #53
@Magpie - That philosophical spiral of thinking... that was deep. While I'd love to be able to pass as someone by having access to their memories if swapped (man are the ethics of swaps ever questionable), you absolutely make some great points.

From: guest (Stag) , 38 months, post #54
I think the audio book is worth a listen, at the very least for the last chapter to get a little more "Inside voice" from Rob that the netflix show didn't really explain. The link below starts for the that final chapter.

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