From: guest (Bad Panda)
, 9 months, post #481 |
I put my fair share of posting too. But not as much as Peoplesman
or the owner. I posted like 2 or 5 once in a while. But then I kind
of stop doing that. I started reading some of the individuals
comments on this threadid. Asking more and more and more, when the
next update, " I see you haven't post in awhile when the next
update". I look at and say, "Why some people here are leeches".
They just got over 100+ chapters of different mangas and comics but
some reason that never enough to fix their needs. -Get Off Your Ass
And Start Reading If You Want More Content.
From: guest (Just a guest)
, 9 months, post #482 |
Totally agree with you there. The same thing goes with the guy
posted ftf list and said there would be mtf list in about a month.
And after a month, people start calling his name, some even
criticize him for "not keeping the promise". Many ungrateful guys
like to take things for granted and think they have the rights to
demand for more.
From: Generic guest name
, 9 months, post #483 |
Hard agree, people always forget we do this thing for free without
any sort of payment, we (the uploaders) are not entitled to force
themselves into doing their bidding
From: Generic guest name
, 9 months, post #484 |
Hard agree, people always forget we do this thing for free without
any sort of payment, we (the uploaders) are not entitled to force
themselves into doing their bidding
From: Peoplesman
, 9 months, post #485 |
Website should be back up and running
From: guest
, 9 months, post #486 |
What a wonderful collection Peoplesman!
So you are mainly providing content from mangas but there are other
things with different languages like this Magica de Spell from
Italian magazine.
It reminds me a lot of jatr comics collection. Is there some
collective way how you are finding these or is it just that you are
reading a lot from different sources even with different languages?
From: Peoplesman
, 9 months, post #487 |
So normally if you see my posting are alphabetical so I have a
reading list that I go down from A-Z. This list is at 10000+
different, manga, Manhwa and Manhua. I then have note all chapters
with TSF & MC content and update accordingly once I think I have
enough for a sizeable update. Sometimes I might do an update based
on stuff people post in the discord. If you ever see any posts that
don't align with the letter I'm on usually those are posts from
other people in the community.
From: guest (Eternal Crow)
, 9 months, post #488 |
i feel like the Royce's ftf post mentioning an mtf list is a bad
example as he made a conscious effort to get people's hopes up by
not only mentioning he'd make one but also setting a time limit on
it, like sure some people are getting too upset about it but it's
not ridiculous to expect someone to do what they said they would.
i'm just saying something like "i might upload a mtf list in the
future" would be a better way to state it without causing a
reasonable expectation of anything
From: guest (Eternal Crow)
, 9 months, post #489 |
don't get me wrong either i understand and appreciate uploaders,
like every upload from Peoplesman is a genuine blessing, but in
that scenario i feel like it makes sense to expect. i myself have a
decently big collection not on the site, the only reason i haven't
uploaded myself is because my collection is a huge mess and will
require time and effort to organize but if i ever state i'm gonna
upload something by a certain time you better believe i'll consider
all criticisms of me for not following up, especially without a
single update on what's going on, completely valid
From: guest
, 9 months, post #490 |
I fully disagree with Eternal Crow. People who offer content
without any compensation shouldn't listen complaints or demands if
new content takes time.
Besides people here often (not only this thread) don't even bother
to be polite or use common sense with normal manners. But sadly
that's also how it generally goes in these days.
I am exaggerating this but really often it's just "Everything to me
right now, I don't have to do anything."
From: guest (The1001thGuest)
, 9 months, post #491 |
Message deleted by hskfmn. The positive portion of this message given in this comment can be made without disparaging others. Please feel free to try again without being insulting. |
From: Peoplesman
, 9 months, post #492 |
Please find 38 new entry's thank you for your continued support
It may take sometime to show up.
From: guest (Tytuty)
, 9 months, post #493 |
Much love ,bro . no homo of course
From: guest
, 9 months, post #494 |
At which chapter did the shapeshifting witch from MAGE AGAIN dies?
From: Peoplesman
, 9 months, post #495 |
Its weird because literally the next chapter you see her in.
Although its like 50 chapters in.
From: guest
, 9 months, post #496 |
yo Peoplesman what chapter is the transformation in Kunoichi no
From: Peoplesman
, 9 months, post #497 |
You never see him transform into her just the reveal near the end.
From: guest (wo enjoyer)
, 8 months, post #498 |
any ftf or slime shapeshift similar other than tslove,
german3909090390, troubletro , nexstat, jovian16
From: guest
, 6 months, post #499 |
Anything new peoplesman?
From: Peoplesman
, 6 months, post #500 |
Working through some stuff. Still working on updates so stayed tune
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