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Body Swap movies and series list 2021
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From: guest (youhavetherighttobeoffended) , 34 months, post #81
Fantasy Island remake coming to FOX in August. Roselyn Sanchez is the host.

From: guest (youhavetherighttobeoffended) , 34 months, post #82
Disregard. There's a thread for it.

From: guest (Zit) , 34 months, post #83
saw it today , yes there a multiple swaps , not every day , and some suprises as long as new characters get in the house at night

From: guest (That Guy) , 34 months, post #84
Did the swap moved beyond the family?

From: guest (Gnosis) , 34 months, post #85
Hi @Zit Very envious! Could you please write down the spoilers, or at least who swapped with who throughout the film? There is a surprise ending or open ending if I'm not mistaken? I've accepted it's gonna be a while before I'll ever see the film but for now just knowing what happens is already thrilling enough!

From: guest (Zit) , 34 months, post #86
day 1
Click to show spoiler
qnq va gur obql bs fbazhz va gur obql bs yvggyr tvey (7 lrnef byq)fba (14) va gur obql bs vf fvfgre (17)qnhtugre(17) va gur obql bs zhzyvggyr tvey (7) va gur obql bs qnq

day 2
Click to show spoiler
zhz fgvyy yvggyr tveyqnq vf zhzfba vf tenaqzn !tenaqzn vf tvey (17)yvggyr tvey vf fbaqnhtgure vf qnq

Click to show spoiler
gurl qvqa'g svaq jung pnhfrf gur fjnc, gurl gevrq gb haqb vg ohg vg pbagvahrf(gur zlfgrel vf fubja ba fperra, vg vf pnhfrq ol n zntvpny fabjtybor)n lrne yngre jr yrnea gung gur punatr qbrfa'g bpphe rirel fvatyr bar cbvag gurer vf n ynzn va gur ubhfr...zhz vf gur ynzn naq gur ynzn vf qnq :)

From: guest (Zit) , 34 months, post #87
son :
Click to show spoiler
jura gur fba vf va gur obql bs uvf fvfgre ur qvfpbiref fbzrguvat vf jebat jura gelvat gb crruvf fvfgre (abj uvf zhz) nfxf uvz jul ur fcrag fb zhpu gvzr va gur onguebbz.ur(fur) fraqf n grkg zrffntr gb uvf arvtuobhe sevraq, vs ur cnlf 10 rhebf ur/fur fubjf uvz ure obbof ng gur jvaqbj.yngre jura ur vf gur tenaqzn ur fraqf nabgure grkg zrffntr naq jr frr gur tenaqzn anxrq ng gur jvaqbj :)

Click to show spoiler
jura qnq vf va gur obql bs uvf jvsr ur qvfpbiref fur unf n ybire, va beqre gb yrnea zber nobhg gurve eryngvbafuvc ur/fur fcragf fbzr gvzr juvgu uvz naq jura ur/fur pbzrf ubzr ur/fur frrzf gb unir unq fbzr tbbq gvzr

Click to show spoiler
jura tenaqzn vf n 17 lrnef byq tvey fur qrpvqrf gb tb gb n cnegl gb unir fbzr sha

From: guest (Mario100) , 34 months, post #88
Thanks for the information.
I only want to know if there's one point where the brother or any male character end up being the little sister.

From: Moose , 34 months, post #89
Who ends up in the moms body throughout the movie?

From: guest (Ncd) , 34 months, post #90
Le Sens de la famille

From: guest (Gnosis) , 34 months, post #91
Just watched. Spoilers below:

Click to show spoiler
Jryc, sbe gur znwbevgl bs gur svyz, gurer ner gjb fjncf. Qnl bar naq qnl gjb ner nf Mvg zragvbarq nobir. Gurl fgnl fjnccrq gur fnzr jnl sbe n pbhcyr bs qnlf, juvpu ynfg gvyy gur raq bs gur svyz. Ng gur irel raq, jr synfu sbejneq n lrne, naq frr gurl ner fgvyy fjnccrq, ohg guvf gvzr va qvssrerag obqvrf, vzcylvat gung sbe gur cnfg lrne gurl unq orra enaqbzyl fjnccvat. Ng guvf cbvag:(fbhy—&tg;obql)Qnq—&tg;yvggyr tveyZbz—&tg;yynzn (lrf, lbh qvqa'g ernq jebat)Fvfgre—&tg;oebgureOebgure—&tg;fvfgreYvggyr tvey—&tg;tenaqznTenaqzn—&tg;zbzYynzn—&tg;qnq

From: guest (Rax) , 34 months, post #92

Hot FTF bodyswap somebody know the movie name ?

From: guest (Curious) , 34 months, post #93
How is the product of the body exchange between them magic?
Question post #86 #87 and #91?

From: guest (Ryland) , 34 months, post #94
Where can I watch Le sens de la famille?

From: guest (Ryland) , 34 months, post #95
Nevermind found a site

From: guest (KJ) , 34 months, post #96
If you don't mind me asking what site did you find it on ?

From: guest (Spyeye) , 34 months, post #97
The movie can be played

From: guest , 34 months, post #98
yea ryland seems like a no-brainer to share where you found the movie

From: guest (Ncd) , 34 months, post #99

From: guest , 34 months, post #100
Mate no ones going to use your shitty survey scam website.

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