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From: guest (Choa Park) , 48 months, post #161
@BlackCherry Personally, I htink black and pink can go well together.

Be fun to play dress up... as AJ Lee

From: cj , 48 months, post #162
IDK - It's an indecisive day.

If I had to choose someone to be today...

Would it be Laura Shields or Shakira?

From: guest (The Hopper) , 48 months, post #163
I think this is becoming an all timer thread ! Thanks to everyone with all the fresh talent to think about here :-)

Another sexy lady that’s in my list of faves is Alice Eve (Star Trek, she’s out of my league, and has a nude scene in Crossing Over)

From: guest (Choa Park) , 48 months, post #164
@The Hopper

Alice Eve... nice choice.

From: guest (Madaba) , 48 months, post #165
Carla Guginooooooo

My number one always

From: guest (BlackCherry) , 48 months, post #166
@Choa Park
Great choice, I love AJ Lee, playing dress up as her would be amazing.

Really difficult choice, both are beautiful, why not both, Laura in the morning, Shakira in the evening.

@The Hopper
I always forget about Alice Eve, good choice.

Choa Park is right about playing dress up, I want stay Riho for a bit so I'll lounge around like this for awhile then go shopping for some fun dress up clothes...maybe more black and pink.

From: Ijustcheckthisthread , 48 months, post #167

So many great picks. AJ Lee was easily the most attractive and interesting woman in the WWE for a while there, Riho is a very interesting case being so small and the language barrier, a lot of interesting angles to play with, and I may be biased, but Shakira. lol

As you see, I got a little recency bias from Wandavision and that picture would be incredible for a start in a story.

From: guest (BlackCherry) , 48 months, post #168
I definitely like that picture, Ijustcheckthisthread.

It feels like a good day to wander around town in normal clothes and see what it's like being Riho, I wonder how often she gets recognized. Eventually I suppose I'll have to make my way to the arena but not just yet.

From: guest (Choa Park) , 48 months, post #169
Saw a clip of Natalie Portman answering Star Wars questions on SNL... wow, I though.

Looking foward to seeing her transformation in Thor: Love and Thunder

From: guest (The Hopper) , 48 months, post #170
One of my all time favorites Serena Williams. Traditionally thought of as an athlete but she does some acting and modeling work also. She does it for me !

From: Ijustcheckthisthread , 48 months, post #171
All incredible picks. Natalie Portman is so underrated and is just getting her appreciation as of late, aging like a fine wine. And Serena is a great pick also, really coming into her own as a pop culture icon, what fun you could get into with that beautiful athletic body.

For the wrestling interest of the day. :)

And someone mentioned "Behind Her Eyes" and got me interested in Simona Brown.

From: Ijustcheckthisthread , 48 months, post #172
Darn! Link didn't work let me try this, then I'll stop.

From: guest (LPK) , 48 months, post #173
Some of you sure pick some unattractive women

From: cj , 48 months, post #174
Beauty is all in the eye of the beholder.

From: guest (BlackCherry) , 48 months, post #175
I'm liking all these choices.

Myself, I'm in the mood for a long time favorite, so today I've gotta go with transforming into Penelope Cruz.

From: guest (The Hopper) , 48 months, post #176

Kate Winslet in her prime is quite the lovely looking dame I must say. Nice set of golden globes

From: guest (The Hopper) , 48 months, post #177

Hilary Duff became quite the little thick white gurl. I’d milk those mammaries if I had that body

From: guest (The Hopper) , 48 months, post #178

I would love to transform or better yet body hop this real hot girl shit and have fun with Meg thee stallions pretty w.a.p

From: guest (megisapig) , 48 months, post #179
ugh disgusting...Meg is seriously putting on the pounds

the more this thread continues to clearer it is that most of the participants are mentally ill, y'all pick some ugly ass women!!

From: guest (The Hopper) , 48 months, post #180

My reaction once I hop Emmanuelle Chiriqui and realize what kind of night I’m in for

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