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Technological and social changes and their effects on this fetish/kink
From: guest (whiterose) , 40 months, post #1
So, I always thought about how real-life changes, whether they be technological or cultural, affect fiction and the stories we tell and yadda yadda. To give you guys an example of what I mean: when phones became mainstream writers start having to write in some element preventing the characters from simply calling the police when there's a cannibal serial killer on the loose surrounding their isolated cabin: "Oh, I forgot to charge the phone", and the battery dies off precisely at the moment the character was about to call the cops, something among this lines.

With that said, at least for me one of the biggest fascinations about this fetish was the idea that it was something PERMANENT and that there was no way one could revert that, you were trapped forever without any possibility of going back to your old body, or old gender or old body AND gender: you were FORCED to be another person.

And I was wondering about how this kind of futuristic technology – which I think it's definitively something possible (if you're interested I would advise you to go read the work of Sergio Canavero and Robert J. White), but it's a pretty futuristic thing that will most likely not happen in our lifetime.

Anyhow, I was wondering how the eventual technology of "full-body transplant" would play out with this fetish or with even the way you see and interpret it, much like as the stories we create. What happens when body swap stops being just a work of fiction, and it becomes a medical technology as possible as a lung transplant?

The second part, about social changes in the real world affecting the stories we create, especially in stories of one changing bodies with a person of the opposite gender, this sort of already happens.

Nowadays in some places, society is more open towards people changing genders, in the sense that a story taking place nowadays about a girl switching bodies with a boy, she could somewhat transition back to her old gender, essentially becoming trans, without sorta becoming an outcast among society. So in a way, the element of them being trapped in a strange gender isn't that strong anymore, as would have been in a story taking place 40 years ago or so.

Anyway, what is your take on all that?

From: Monsta , 40 months, post #2
Many people would be surprised by some of the medical technologies already being developed, so stuff like full on body transplants are probably closer than we realize. The only HARD roadblock is connecting up all the nerve endings. A huge obstacle, sure, but we thought a lot of now possible things were impossible 20 years ago.

At first only extreme conditions will allow this new procedure to happen of course.

The rich will manage to do it for sure. Expect to see a headline like "Ailing Bill Gates, Age 87, Undergoes Emergency Body Transplant. The Donor Body, From An Unnamed 22 Year Old Japanese Woman, Has Given Mr. Gates A New Lease On Life." And once it happens a few times it will be as common as a celebrity coming out as trans is now, and I expect the reactions will likely be similar. Lots of people will talk about it, a few a--holes will condemn it, but most people will accept it.

Viable donor bodies (where the body is ok but the brain is not) will be very limited at first, meaning you will likely NOT have a choice on things like gender and race of the body you are going into. Imagine a 34 year old wife and mother of 3 getting into an accident and needing an emergency transplant into a 25 year old guy. Would the family try to carry on as usual, or would the wife/mom's new body force her to start out again on her own and form a new life more in line with her new body?

Eventually, voluntary swaps will happen. And by voluntary I mean some 20 year old will be paid 1 Billion dollars to swap with a 55 year old. Some very rich man will make an offer to a young person they can't refuse. And that's when I think society will have to start reacting to this. What happens when the rich will essentially be immortal demigods? What's the morality of a young single mother trading her body away to give her children a bright future? Questions we can't answer now, for sure.

As for the question of what happens to the body swap fetish, well, it won't be fiction anymore. So, the depth of the river will deepen, but it will narrow. There will be real answers to all the "what if" questions, making things much more focused, but with less variety. Very specific things will be fetishized and replicated endlessly, but the rate of new things will slow. So great news if you are into Bill Gates as a hot Asian woman, bad news if you are more interested in exploring the possibilities of the human experience.

From: DB Cooper , 40 months, post #3
I think one of the main social changes is that transgenderism is not the huge scandal it once was. I dreamed of finding a transgender girlfriend when I was a young man, but almost all of there were in hiding before the turn of the century. I think it would be a lot easier today.

From: guest , 38 months, post #4
For anyone interested on this topic, I would deeply recommend the episode "Striking Vipers" from Black Mirror, it's not exactly about full body transplant, but rather about full immersive VR, which pretty much address some of the possibilities that playing out when you can have any body you want. How this affects sex, gender, kinks, you name it.

From: cj , 38 months, post #5
I think that the effect such advancements would have on our fiction would really depend on the speed at which those advancements are realized.

The sooner it happens, the more difficult it will be for these types of transformations to be seen as other than taboo - so the smaller the change will be in our fetishes and fiction.

The longer it takes, the more normal it will seem... and with hope, the more accepted it will be that a person's mind and body can oppose each other. In that time, such things might be seen to be as common as other procedures that repair congenital conditions to alleviate the person's suffering. In that case, I'd infer that such advancements would then shift our fiction to deal with our current (or past) viewpoints on such things.

As for fetishes in this scenario... that depends a bit on how easy and/or painful the process(es) is(are) -- If such things are difficult, painful, and time-consuming, I'd fathom that stories would focus on such things and the "stuck" aspect of being trapped in this new form might still have some relevance. Perhaps with the protagonist having to weigh their angst with their tolerance for going through the procedure again. If such a procedure is simple, easy, and painless... well... I'm assuming this would be as common as trying to write about a new haircut. It would be written about, but rarely, and usually as a simple part of the character's daily life, not as the (or one of the) main drivers of the story.

From: guest (xas) , 38 months, post #6
It doesn't have much to do with this theme, but the whole premise of the OP (of how technology affects society) reminded me of this book about the story of fiction involving time travelling, like the first books about such topic. The concept of time travelling, especially time travelling to the future, was pretty much only born after the industrial revolution, when people started to see an ever-increasing technological change still in their lifetimes, which end up giving rise to such questions like "oh what the humanity will be like 100 years from now?"

Because, keep it in mind that this wouldn't have made any sense in, let's say, the year 1500, cause simply the difference in the humanity between the year 1500 and 1600, isn't that much big compared to, let's say, 1900 and 2000). There's a feedback loop between the technology that we created in the real world and the stories we write about such technology or about what that technology could (one day) develop into.

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