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Best body swap adult films you have seen.
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From: guest (NotAName) , 36 months, post #81
I'm not sure of this one but Farlig Frestelse (2004) seems to be about a machine that can reproduce someone's memories as if you were that person (POV style). In one sequence one man uses the machine to reproduce into his brain the memories of a woman having lesbian sex, the movie is full of FTM, FTF and that MTF. This movie can be found easily on the internet.

I don't understand swedish so I barely follow the plot and I don't know if playing memories inside your head without being able to react counts as bodyswap but maybe if someone knows swedish can check it.

From: guest (Big Mike) , 36 months, post #82
I know you mentioned Farlig Frestelse (2004) was easily found on the net, however, i searched Google, YouTube, and some adult sites and I wasn't able to find it. Would it be possible to give a hint where to look? Thanks

From: guest , 36 months, post #83

From: guest (Randy) , 36 months, post #84
Borrowed bodies for watch?

From: guest (guest) , 36 months, post #85
Hi. Asking if anybody else can help me find a old(2000) porn. I think it was an Italian porn about a guy that died during sex ending up in purgatory. He offends the female angel there and is sent back on earth into his blond bombshell girlfriend`s body during the sex with another guy. Was trying to find it anywhere, but no luck since don`t remember the name. Thanks in advance.

From: guest (Jaga) , 36 months, post #86
W.A.S.P. white anglo saxon prostitue, about prudish vhurch girl who dies and is reborn as prostitute and in the end she want to stay but I think in the end of movie she forgot who she was earlier

From: guest (NotAName) , 36 months, post #87
I don't think it is W.A.S.P as it is neither in italian nor MTF. W.A.S.P is FTF. Sounds similar to Angel number 9 (1974) in which there is a purgatory scene but for the rest is different.

From: guest (Jaga) , 36 months, post #88
But I not answering for question, I just said about adult movie I like with body swap scene (prudish girl was swapped to body prostitute who just die)

From: guest (NotAName) , 36 months, post #89
In order to find the movie post #85 was trying to find I suggest to the ones who are willing and have the time to look for italian porn distributors that were active during 2000 and then look for movie titles that may suggest the plot post #85 was talking about.

Meanwhile if guest from post #85 can come up with any detail that could be relevant to find it, we would apreciate it. If it is not italian, suggest other languages.

From: guest (NotAName) , 36 months, post #90
I think I have found it, I may be wrong though as it is NOT IN ITALIAN and the one stuck in the girlfriend's body is NOT THE BOYFRIEND.

In Spirit Guide (1995) a man dies BEFORE HAVING SEX, steals the spirit guide's book and goes back to earth. The girlfriend is a BRUNETTE, not a blonde and the one temporarily stuck in her body is the spirit guide by accident when he wanted to take back his book.

That's my guess.

From: Bodyswap1 , 36 months, post #91
Post #85 I Think Your Talking about Angel On Fire.

From: guest (NotAName) , 36 months, post #92

Angel on fire is an alternative title to Angel number 9, which I suggested in post #87.

From: guest (Guest 85) , 36 months, post #93
None of these. I think the name could be somerhing like Inferno or paradise or purgatory The guy was having two girlfriends. Got stuck in the body of one of them at the end while the girls were having anal sex with two guys. Who I supposed to be foreigners( maybe Americans) having cowboy hats.

From: guest (NotAName) , 36 months, post #94
Ok @Guest 85

I have been searching for italian movies with this sort of names and I didn't find any movie with those characteristics.

The plot that you described is pretty specific and can be useful but if you could tell when was the last time you saw it, where do you think you saw it, how sure you are about this movie being released on 2000 and if you think the movie could had been translated this information could help even more.

From: guest (Guest 85) , 36 months, post #95
I saw it just once on VHS. Around the year 2002. I think it was released then. Not 100 percent sure that it was Italian.

From: MorphingSkye , 36 months, post #96
guest (#85), are you thinking of Payback? It's in the database with a link to the full film in the forums.

From: guest (guest85) , 36 months, post #97
no, it is not "Payback." and none of the movies in the database here.

From: guest (NotAName) , 36 months, post #98
I have been searching for the movie to no avail. I have found in the iafd database all italian porn distributors 1990-2005 and checked all movies. I have look in forums with classic movies using all types of keywords from your description, my search has been thorough.

It saddens me to say this but with the current information the movie is gone. It sounded interesting, I would even have paid to watch it if it were necessary. Maybe it was a small studio and released few copies, maybe nobody bothered digitalizing it and uploading it. If the movie is there, probably the words hell/purgatory/paradise/possession (also in italian) were omited in the description or there wasn't any to begin with. In the best case scenario the movie is out there having a vague name like "Europorn from 2000" or "Italian classic 43564" or is separated in scenes without the movie name and no reference to the plot.

I'm not trying to discourage anyone from finding it, maybe someone hits the jackpot and stumbles with it by chance but it is not easy, that I can assure you. If @guest85 manages to remember any other useful details or the full title please tell us, otherwise I advise you to keep bringing this issue back (without spamming) creating a post for this specific request so that if there's someone (maybe italian) who didn't see this and knows it can tell.

From: guest (Randy) , 36 months, post #99
Borrowed bodies full movie?

From: guest (NotAName) , 36 months, post #100
I've just found Sexsations (1984) similar concept to Farlig Frestelse, a pair of scientist develop a machine that allows them to be the people that appear in paintings. This time they seem to be able to actually act on what is going on and they describe what they do and how they feel.
There is multiple FTF, MTM and MTF. At one point, the male scientist experiences being a Geisha, so there is also race change.

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