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From: guest (Youreadthisright) , 44 months, post #1
I’m sick of getting “just a minute....” even after reading one chapter, people try to defend it in the case that the site doesn’t use adverts but at least they’d make it so I could actually look at the fucking content instead of being held at knife point to hand over more money to this outdated site. All I’m asking is if someone could take the genuinely good stories like “the transplant” and “I know that ghost” and place them on a site that actually makes the content readable. People on here wondering where authors like wassel29 vanished to? It was probably that site that made him think what was the actual point.

From: guest , 44 months, post #2
So writers should write for free and sites should host for free, just so you can bust a nut? My dude, hand over the ten bucks or stop complaining. Honestly, people like you are why I stopped writing. You sucked all the fun out of it.

From: guest (guest) , 44 months, post #3
Missing: Authors of
Seeked by: Lazy readers of

From: guest , 44 months, post #4
I'm over here with my paid account, chuckling as you peons squabble over nonsense.

Let them eat cake.

From: guest (carter) , 44 months, post #5
What's your username? I'm making a new interactive story, want to help me add?

From: guest (Ocarina) , 44 months, post #6
What kind of interactive, Carter?

From: guest , 44 months, post #7
Do we really need a newp thread about every single day

From: guest , 44 months, post #8
If you don't like it, you can giiiiiiiiit out.

From: Moose , 44 months, post #9
Wait do paid accounts actually benifit people who write stories?

From: guest (carter) , 44 months, post #10
@Ocarina - I'm making the first chapter now
@Moose - You could make interactive stories with paid accounts, plus maximum 3 choices instead of 2 on chapter additions

From: guest (carter) , 44 months, post #11
and no 'wait a minute...' slogans period

From: wubbalubbadubdub , 44 months, post #12
yes no 'wait a minute...' slogans

From: guest (TrumanShow) , 44 months, post #13
Just don't use it if you don't like it. The contents sucks anyway, most of the writers are't that good. And even if you paid, I don't think it's worth it.

From: Hobbitking , 44 months, post #14 becomes an obsession for me. I get too addicted to it, trying to find paths to add and try to launch my own stories so I have a bit more control over them.

I have fallen for the pay scam at least 3 times (once was before they restricted the interactive read limit).

It's where I go to write my more wild ideas and I do have a habit of getting carried away.

I dislike how many TF stories have young children in them though especially ones where swap is involved. There can also be a bit of incest in the stories too. I try to avoid those as much as possible.

I've got through at least 2 different profiles on the website as well. Looking back at some chapters I wonder what I was thinking.

One of the stories I've been adding a lot to is New Body Switching Machine. I also try to add to my own stories frequently (when I'm not taking a several month break to break my obsessions).

I just have too many ideas sometimes and so I like the interactives because they add more options. But at the same time I've written messed up things and also still never gotten around to what I actually want to write sometimes.

@Carter I'm curious what your story is as well.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 44 months, post #15
Hobbitking, I totally agree with you about the addiction thing. I spend way too much time on there when I do. Sadly, most of it is clicking through the "A, B, or C" nonsense only to come to dead ends with no real actual story.

As for OP, I couldn't agree with you more! I would never throw money into that garbage site. They should make it so that they have ads on the side bar, and if people want to get rid of ads then they pay. Because honestly, it's not worth the money. I can spend an entire day on there (not including waiting for the page to actually come up), and only come across maybe three stories worth reading. That's out of hundreds.
And the real garbage is when they post urls to pictures and ask "Does she look like A or B?" Like, sorry man, I like to use my imagination so stop with the barrage of image questions.
Stories will have "This is 9,000 chapters" but only 12 of them are more than a sentence long.

From: Hobbitking , 44 months, post #16
@Jayzie, yeah. I hate when people link to pics as well, seeing as they are also likely to be from porn sites and could contain viruses.

I also feel you on the A, B or C thing especially the yes / no lines. Whenever I add chapters I try to make it more than a paragraph but sometimes the choice can come in sooner. I also always add in a 'something else' option. Nothing worse than finding a path you like the looks of then you get to a point where someone gives you two options, neither of them you want to pick.

I also go back and forth between A B and C, deciding what I might add to or could make work. This is why I try my own interactives but I can never satisfy myself with all the choices I'd like and whether or not to go broad or narrow with the story.

From: guest (Ocarina) , 44 months, post #17
I also always try to make sure my chapters are multiple paragraphs long. Or at the very least 2000 characters of the 10,000 character limit. I would be lying though if it wasn't disappointing to get a notification that someone added to my interactive only for it to be a yes or no choice chapter. All my interactives are also fanfiction which is both something that isn't really on other interactive story sites but also less people are likely to add to it on than other stories that are common suburban family #1000

Here are two of my interactives if anyone here who has said they like using feels generous enough to add to them. In both of them a majority of the chapters are at least 2 or 3 paragraphs long, but there are shorter chapters by people who just wanted to add choices and nothing else

From: guest (mf2ffan) , 44 months, post #18
For those who want an alternative to, I found that is a fairly decent substitute. It has ads and doesn't require paying. Some authors here could try to remake their stories there.

From: guest (Ocarina) , 44 months, post #19 is all sex/masturbation all the time when it comes to interactive chapters. While there are chapters like that in all interactive sites, it's nothing but that

From: guest (Syberia) , 44 months, post #20
It's a bit of a shame that CHYOA is dedicated to sex stories. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's a missed opportunity because CHYOA's site design is miles better than

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