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The story I wrote Ask for comment Please use a translation should be Chinese
From: guest , 47 months, post #1
我永遠不會忘記那天;北京時間凌晨二;我突然感覺身體酥;我就醒來了 ;我發現我頭髮變長身體變矮;當我發出聲音時候;我聲音變成像女孩子一樣 這時 我發現我生殖器反轉;變成女性生殖器;這時我媽媽爸爸都醒了;他們也都變換性別;但是;那天是凌晨時間;我們恐懼歸恐懼;還是睡了;隔天 看了新聞才知道;在英國時間晚上八;全世界都改變;其實我覺得高興;應為我可以穿緊身牛仔褲了;跟穿群子了;這非常高興;我在網路上找到一個關於changedsy的情報;有以下幾;除了孕婦;不分男女老幼都改變;唯一沒變的;是孕婦;而改變時;;似乎只有基因中的性別染色體改變;就像把你變成你的異性雙胞胎一樣;所有的同性戀幾乎消失;都變成異性戀;左撇子也是都消失;變成右撇子;轉換後;胸罩是個難題;幸好這很簡單;上廁所有趣;但隨後很自然;我的家在學校附近;看到不同性別的學生聊天也很有趣;嗯;二十八天後;我們用變回來;新聞說;這之後會變成常態

From: guest , 47 months, post #2
English version I wrote, please criticize or praise

I will never forget that day; two o'clock in the morning of Beijing time; I suddenly felt weak; I woke up; I found that my hair became longer and my body became shorter; when I made a sound; my voice became like a girl. My genitals changed; I became female genitals; my mother and father were awake; they also changed their genders; but; that day was early in the morning; we were afraid of fear; we still slept; we only knew after reading the news the next day; at night in British time Eight; the world has changed; in fact, I am happy; I should be able to wear skinny jeans; I have worn a bunch of children; this is very happy; I found an information about changeday on the Internet; there are the following; except pregnant women; Both men, women and children change; the only thing that does not change is the pregnant woman; when it changes; it seems that only the sex chromosomes in the genes change; like turning you into your heterosexual twins; all homosexuality almost disappears; all become heterosexual Lovers; left-handers also disappear; become right-handed; after conversion; bra is a problem; fortunately it is simple; going to the toilet is fun; but then it is natural; my home is near the school; it is also fun to see students of different genders chatting ;Well; 28 days later; we use change back; news said; after this it will become normal

From: Moose , 47 months, post #3
So I'm confused did you want us to review this story?

From: guest , 47 months, post #4
I wrote this story, what are the disadvantages of this one

From: guest , 47 months, post #5
are you from Taiwan?

From: guest , 47 months, post #6
taiwan is china

From: guest , 47 months, post #7
Taiwan is the territory of China I am a Taiwanese from China / Don’t force me to Taiwan independence I oppose Taiwan independence?
I only agree with the People’s Republic of China

From: guest , 47 months, post #8
To the OP who is traitor of Taiwan,

DO NOT open multiple threads of this crap ok? This is spam. One thread is enough.

From: guest , 47 months, post #9
Abominable Taiwan independence, do you know how many people will be killed by your actions? I don’t want war, I am proud that I am the People’s Republic of China

From: guest (historymatters) , 47 months, post #10
Well I think technically Taipei (ROC) claims mainland China just as Beijing (PRC) claims Taiwan as a result of situation following the Chinese Civil war. Taiwan has its own constitution and independently elected leadership, so by that definition you could say it is a country, no matter what Orwellian nonsense comes from Beijing denying Taiwan existence. The reality is it depends who you ask.

From: guest , 47 months, post #11
I am Chinese and Taiwan is Chinese@historymatters)

From: guest , 47 months, post #12
So Western Sahara is a country, the Republic of Molosia is also a country, Niue is also a country, Islamic State is also a country@historymatters

From: guest (guest) , 47 months, post #13
I believe that is biased sample fallacy. This post is troll fodder.

From: guest , 47 months, post #14
I asked the universe if I should quit this website and it answered in the form of a Taiwanese spammer, lol

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