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Books depicting a realistic take on body swaps?
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From: guest (hi) , 48 months, post #1
Are there any good books depicting a more realistic take on the body swap genre? Like what it would actually be like to inhabit another body, and the consequences of having to live a life not your own? Preferably not a YA book. It seems like most books in this genre are written for comedy, young adults, or just erotica.

From: guest , 48 months, post #2
I'd also like to know some of these. YA seems like the only place these subjects get brought up realistically, and it's always done ignoring the important stuff. Sad thing is man, I think there are few and far between of published work on this.

One recent book that is more of a possession novel, is called "Anyone" by Charles Soule:

I enjoyed the book but felt like I would have added so much more detail (and no, not just sexual) about what it's like to be in another person's body. Anyway, I'm with you here and really am thirsty for some books that get into this.

From: guest (hi) , 48 months, post #3
The premise of Anyone sounds like a prequel to Altered Carbon, which isn't a bad thing, just not what I'm looking for. I'm thinking of something like Freaky Friday where the people have to deal with the real world ramifications of living the life of another person, and how the people around them would react to their friends and family members behaving differently.

From: guest (Kingster) , 48 months, post #4
Twisted Tiffany was a good book.

From: guest , 48 months, post #5
any books written on the genre will undoubtedly fall into the porn genre very quickly

seriously, the vast majority of people that write this stuff have the straight guy unwillingly jumped/swap/switched into the body of some hottie then he's performing threesomes in minutes

you want a realistic story, you are going to have fear, depression, confusion, and a whole lot of emotion

legal ramifications of changes would be interesting and you would probably need a scifi writer that is also a lawyer with some idea of how that all worked or some hand waving

best of luck on your search

From: guest (TG Lurker) , 48 months, post #6
There was a book I read long ago that I found in a used bookstore and never saw any where else, called "Happy Cage" - if I remember right a husband steals the body of his wife when she kills him for abusing her? It's a bit foggy. I remember it being pretty dark and loving it... Not sure where could find it. Part of the premise was that our bodies are all a "Happy Cage" that each of is is trapped inside of, or something like that.

From: guest , 48 months, post #7
Haha guest #5, it's funny because the author of the book sci-fi book "Anyone" was actually a lawyer previously.

Sorry "Anyone" isn't up your alley OP - yeah, it's definitely more of an Altered Carbon/Blade Runner style than the sort of thing you're thinking of.

From: guest (Kurisu) , 48 months, post #8
Not a book but the manga Shinsekai Bitter Exchange is a super realistic look at what would happen if a body swap happened in childhood and wasn't able to be fixed.

From: guest (the searcher) , 48 months, post #9
For TG Lurker

From: guest (jessk) , 48 months, post #10
Not so sure about books, but maybe try the short stories Transformation by Mary Shelley and The Metempsychosis by Robert Macnish - they were written in the early 1800s and in public domain, so should be easily accessible with a quick google.

From: guest (Pappelmousse) , 48 months, post #11
The Body Tourists by Jane Rogers might be another intersting modern book. Has anyone read it?

Essentially dead people can be brought back to life for a short period in the bodies of the living. Has some tg - but not sure if its ftm only as i havent yet read the book.

From: guest , 48 months, post #12
Everyone on here hates m2m apparently, but "When You Were Me" by Robert Rodi is a good depiction of what the OP was asking for. There is a lot of planning involved before the actual swap and the social consequences are explored. I have a PDF/epub if anyone is interested.

From: guest (Pappelmousse) , 48 months, post #13
Has anyone read "Happy Cage" - is it worth pursuing a copy?

Another good recommendation might be Heinlein ' I will fear no evil' if people haevnt read it.

From: guest (jessk) , 48 months, post #14
I remember coming across a m2m bodyswap novel in an airport years ago and I've always kicked myself for not buying it at the time because in the chaos of my flight I forgot the title - so thank you for adding "When You Were Me" to this list, because that's it! I'm interested in that PDF if you're offering?

From: guest (Jeff) , 48 months, post #15
Post #12, I would be interested in the PDF as well. Thanks.

From: guest (KJ) , 48 months, post #16
Other Shoes by Carmenica Diaz

From: guest (Pappelmousse) , 48 months, post #17
Other shoes seems impossible to get

From: guest (Joseikarada) , 48 months, post #18
Female to female

From: guest (Librarian) , 48 months, post #19
@Pappelmousse - I found it on walmart books. No one else seemed to have it. I hope that helps some.

From: guest (KJ) , 48 months, post #20
"Other Shoes" is the best male/female body swap story I have ever read and is available on

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