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What started this as a fetish for you
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From: guest (Guest) , 50 months, post #1
Try to keep it pg-13, but piggybacking off of another post, what is the video, picture, or other for you that began this as a fetish? For me, it was the body swap scooby doo scene. Even before I knew what a fetish was I felt funny when I watched it.

From: guest (Stana) , 50 months, post #2
I remember having dreams of being a woman since I was like 8 and while I was aware of body swapping in cartoons and the scooby doo movie I didn’t feel the funny feeling until I played a storyline in a WWE game (forgot which!) where your Male wrestler gets gender swapped! I was also in love with the idea of possession thanks to destroy all humans 2!

From: guest (Gnosis) , 50 months, post #3
I began at the age of 6 because kindergarten nap times were boring, and to pass the time kids like me "experimented".
My early materials included fairy tales that involve disguises (Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood), Monkey King stories, and occasional encounters of transformations in kids cartoon.

From: LJ524 , 50 months, post #4
I never liked myself, then in 7th grade I started connecting the dots and realized my desire to be female....From then on my fantasy was to be changed into one, and I project that on to others.

From: Bodyswap1 , 50 months, post #5
My gender bender fetish started when I was 7 years old watching the first gender bender thing that aired on tv.

From: guest , 50 months, post #6
When I was in second grade I saw a skit on "Laugh-In". It involved two men, and a beautiful woman showing a lot of cleavage. The man was mentioned that he was with a spy who was a master of disguise. The beautiful woman then spoke in a mans voice. It caused a lot of confusion to me.

Around that same time, there was a Bud Light commercial that featured a "Rachel Hunter" spray. I was wondering about the effects if it was sprayed on a man, but from only neck down.

I was also turned on by the scene in Pet Sematary 2, in which there was a beautiful woman with a head of a wolf.

I think the common thread between these incidents is a little bit of shame, and juxtaposition.

From: guest (Reader) , 50 months, post #7
For me I read Freaky Friday when I was young and fantasized about swapping with my teacher or other girls in class. I always envied them I suppose. When I read Jack Chalker's 'The Identity Matrix' he made becoming an attractive redhead seem possible. Shows like Friday the 13th with the Mesmer's Bauble just made my interest stronger. If a genie popped up today I would wish for a body swapping power. I have a list that I would go down.

From: guest (MakeMeAGirl) , 50 months, post #8
Post #7 we have a lot in common. I remember fantasy island and Gilligan's island when I was young and wishing I could be classmates, my teacher, and even Wonder Woman. Something about those satin tights! Have you ever wanted to be someone you know guest(reader)?

From: guest (Reader) , 50 months, post #9
@MakeMeAGirl - I remember Gilligan's island and Wonderwoman. I think you're right - we do have a lot in common. The answer to your last question is YES.

From: guest , 50 months, post #10
I'm pretty sure it was the Princess Swan animated movie and that scene where an old witch impersonates the princess.

From: guest (Makemeagirl) , 50 months, post #11
@guest(reader)how may I get in touch with you?

From: guest (ppl) , 50 months, post #12

On the school bus ride home I would read the ending, the boy and girl switched bodies and keep thinking about it

I would think of like a follow up like ten years later

From: guest (A sick minded teenager) , 50 months, post #13
For me, the first live action scooby doo movie. Exposed me to body swaps as a kid and got stuck in my head. Made me kinky as a kid and didn’t realize till puberty and a talk about the birds and the bees. Now I do this in private and pray to dear god no one I know ever finds out about this deep fetish of mine. Plan to get married someday so I hope I can just stop having this fetish entirely. Till then, I see this as proof that I straight (in the sense that I am attracted to the body of the opposite sex).

From: guest (Reader) , 50 months, post #14

From: guest (Freaky1) , 50 months, post #15
My mtf fetish started when I was 10 years old watching the scoobydoo the movie then those sexy no jutsu on naruto that aired on tv.

From: guest (Spirit) , 50 months, post #16
My fetish started when I was young around 7or 8 when I was watching a little old anime called Dragon Ball, with a character name Oolong with power of transformation, then later in Dragon Ball Z. They introduce Captain Ginyu with his power of body swap

From: guest (makemeagirl) , 50 months, post #17
@guest (Reader) Messaged you!

From: ZeroSuitLink , 50 months, post #18
An old syfy channel commercial where 2 guys try to enter a club but need to be accompanied by a women

What set it into over drive was Scooby Doo 2 Monsters Unleashed where shaggy had a female body from the neck down

From: guest , 50 months, post #19

i had no idea there was a body swap in goosebumps. just read it. great stuff

From: guest (Lou Bealy) , 50 months, post #20
I have a post on my blog (where I post transformation fiction, have a look *end shameless plug*) where i detail my experience as a kid that started this and as a writer.
Why I Write What I Write

The movie Willow, the scene where everyone turns into pigs.

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