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Webtoons ftf body swap
From: theobserver , 54 months, post #1
Switch bodies female
Jiwa yang tertukar
Someone Inside of Me

From: guest (Ryu) , 54 months, post #2

From: theobserver , 54 months, post #3
I hope you make a package with all the chapters that is free for 24 hours

From: theobserver , 53 months, post #4

From: guest (neos) , 52 months, post #5
I find Jiwa Yang Tertukar's story interesting

It has one of my favorite body swap elements when the main character swaps with someone who isn't a very nice person.

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Fb cerggl zhpu gur fgbel eribyirf nebhaq gur znva punenpgre Yrr Lrbat Un jnagvat gb ubbx hc jvgu ure puvyqubbq sevraq Tlrbat ohg yrneaf gung ur'f qngvat n jbzna anzrq Fbat Wnr Urrjub vf gurve pb-jbexre, Yrr Lrbat vf cerggl zhpu n avpr crefba, qbrfa'g ernyyl npprffbevmr be gevrf gb znxr urefrys ybbx rkgenintnag naq vf n ovg bs n tbbs ohg Wnr Urr vf gur rknpg bccbfvgr, fur jrnef pybguvat gung pbzcyvzragf ure svther naq ybbxf naq tbrf nyy bhg va gur znxr-hc qrcnegzrag (juvpu qbrf vgf wbo gb znxr ure ybbx "nggenpgvir") raivbhf naq urnegoebxra gung ure Tlrbat vf jvgu ure fur zrrgf jung v oryvrir vf n funzna jbzna naq fur unf ure jvfu tenagrq. jura Lrbat jnxrf hc fur svaqf urefrys va Wnr Urr'f obql.V jnf ernqvat bajneq hc gb Puncgre 15 jnf ubj Yrr Lrbat Un unqa'g rapbhagrerq Wnr Urr fvapr gur fjnc. jr'er yrsg gb jbaqre jung unccrarq naq gurer vf n fznyy zlfgrel gurer sbe gur ernqref. gubhtu fur qbrf npghnyyl fcbg ure byq obql jnyxvat nebhaq fur jnf ceriragrq sebz znxvat pbagnpg naq vg vfa'g hagvy yngre gung Wnr Urr gevrf gb pbagnpg ure.Jung V yvxrq nobhg ubj nyy gurfr riragf hasbyqf jvgu gurve zrrg hc vf ubj jura jr frr Yrr Lrbat va Wnr Urr'f obql naq Wnr Urr va Yrr Lrbat'f obql vf ubj gur pbzvp negvfg gevrf gb pbairl jub vf va jub'f obql jvgu whfg n gjrrx gb gurve qrfvtaf.ol guvf v zrna ubj Wnr Urr onfvpnyyl jber pybguvat naq znxr hc yvxr fur abeznyyl jbhyq (va ure nffbpvngrq pbybe juvpu vf Erq ab yrff) juvyr Yrr Lrbat va Wnr Urr'f obql qerffrf cynvayl bayl jrnevat jung ybbxf gb or erynkrq pybguvat.Nabgure guvat gung lbh pna rawbl vf ubj gur negvfg nyfb gevrf gb qb vf unir gur punenpgre'f crefbanyvgl fubj juvyr gurl'er va rnpu bguref obqvrf guebhtu snpvny rkcerffvbaf.Rneyl va gur svefg srj puncgref jr trg n srry sbe Yrr Lrbat naq Wnr Urr'f crefbanyvgrf guebhtu gurl jnl gurl ner qenj naq gurve rkcerffvbaf naq vg vf fpnel ubj lbh pna frr Yrr Lrbat'f obql univat Wnr Urr'f fvavfgre rkcerffvbaf rfcrpvnyyl jura fur cerggl zhpu gryyf Yrr Lrbat ubj fur qbrfa'g pner gung gurl fjnccrq naq svaqf gur rkcrevrapr vagrerfgvat orpnhfr abj fur pna or fbzrbar ryfr naq BU QNAT qbrf fur eho vg va Yrr Lrbat'f snpr.V unira'g orra noyr gb trg sne qhr gb gur "serr pbzvp cre qnl" srngher ohg V qb erpbzzraq guvf sbe nalbar vagrerfgrq va n S2S obql fjnc. lbh ernyyl qb srry sbe Yrr Lrbat jnagvat gb unir ure unccl raqvat ohg nyfb srry sbe ure fvghngvba orpnhfr n YBG bs onq guvatf fgneg unccravat gb ure qhr gb ubj zhpu ceboyrzf Wnr Urr pnhfrq cer-fjnc. Urpx nabgure guvat Wnr Urr ehof va ure snpr vf ubj fur vf va qravny bs nal ceboyrzf fur unq jura fur jnf va ure bevtvany obql naq gung gur ceboyrzf zhfg or orpnhfr bs ure. yvxr jbj gung'f whfg zrna.Pyvpx gb fubj fcbvyre

Any way I hope this small "review" helps to spark some interest in the series, it's only 50 chapters, but I do hope everyone gives this a chance and supports the artist and given this is a series that's been out since 2016-2017? I look forward to finding other works like this.

From: theobserver , 52 months, post #6
Read free online link please

From: guest (neos) , 52 months, post #7
Links are already provided in the above messages.

when you login to those sites you get 1 free read per day.

From: theobserver , 50 months, post #8

From: guest (Theobserver) , 49 months, post #9
I Wanna Be U ชิงชีวิตพลิกลิขิตชะตาคำเลาลอของสองสตร-1/viewer?title_no=1874&episode_no=1

From: guest (Spyeye) , 49 months, post #10
I wanna be you

From: guest (Swftfan) , 48 months, post #11
To Be You, Even Just For a Day
Borrowed beauty

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