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goodbye charlie 1985
From: nightmareman81 , 55 months, post #1
does anybody know where i could watch this?

goodbye charlie 1985 suzanne somers

From: guest (Chandrabhanuto) , 55 months, post #2

From: guest (TheDetective) , 55 months, post #3

He said the 1985 TV Pilot. Not the 1964 movie.

From: guest (marc47) , 55 months, post #4
real shame this never got any further as they had some great story lines for Charlie including playboy bunny cocktail waitress and bikini model real shame.

From: Hektor , 55 months, post #5
In very bad quality

From: Holly Dunn , 55 months, post #6
Thank you for the link @Hektor. Asking @marc47... do you have some information about their planned story-lines or are you just projecting fantasy of what might have been?

From: guest (marc47) , 55 months, post #7
saw an article many years ago about failed pilots and on this one sommers was quoted as saying this and a lot more ill try and see if I can google the article but it was over 20 years ago

From: guest (Somer Time) , 45 months, post #8
Here is the link on YouTube to the Pilot sitcom episode - from my knowledge this was as far as it went. The original film from 1964 portraying Debbie Reynolds and Tony Curtis - this was to be a TV adaptation 1985 portraying Suzanne Somers and John Davidson (later a gameshow host for Hollywood Squares)

As an 1980s kid, Somers was one of the most famous people of the decade - total knockout in her youth. And always deliver for this 1-dimensional performance - damsel in distress blonde bimbo. Maybe you could hope for more nuance for a chauvinistic male to reconcile with a new reality becoming a woman. some humiliation relating to people discussing his former self and some revelation of becoming a new gender. Well she does mention she can get used to the pantyhose but doesnt care for the high heels.

From: guest (Vingor950) , 45 months, post #9
I read in TV Guide in the early 80's that Susanne Somer's GOODBYE CHARLIE was accepted. But then the network backtracked and never produced anything but the pilot. I did see a short news reference to the effect that sponsors didn't like the idea of having a head character who is dead.

This is nonsense. In that same era a very successful series was Michael Landon's HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN. And do you know what it is about? About a man who died and came back to help people as an angel! When SWITCH came out, I hoped TV would adapt it for a series. Never happened. Now there are jillions of UVH, cable, satellite, and streaming channels, and there still has been no series that has been like Goodbye Charlie or Switch. Oh, yes, many foreign nations have done excellent adaptions of Argentina's LALOLA, but none were in English, and none were released with English subs or dubbing. What a bummer.

From: vup , 45 months, post #10
I recall reading what you said in your first two sentences, as well. But I thought execs just didn't like the audience of the pilot. I don't recall the "dead-ness" being an issue. I just assumed it was for similar reasons that Eve Adams didn't even make it to air years later.

Too much of the male audience would find it too emasculating to sympathize with an effeminized playboy and I suspect too many women don't want to think of a male being turned female as a punishment. Other thoughts...but I'll keep it short.

From: guest (Donalb44) , 42 months, post #11
I don't agree with an interpretation that a male audience would not like a show like Goodbye Charlie or Eve Adams. Lalola has been very popular in countries with very masculine ethics, including Russia, the Orient, and even Islamic Turkey gave it a try. But it does seem that nations with a social ethic that emasculates males (without naming names, basically the non-Latin West) didn't produce a version of the show.

It is my impression that emasculated societies are very edgy about transgender plots because their men have already lost so much masculinity that they can't stand to see more of the idea rubbed in their faces. Masculine men, however, have a greater tendency to see a full transformation as a fantasy that is merely amusing. I'd say that this attitude comes from their sense of self-confidence. Also, masculine men tend to like women a lot and are curious about their thoughts and feelings. Oh, yes, Belgium (home of LouisLouise) wouldn't appear on most people's short list of most masculine nations, but it's not a country I know much about. Or, among the non-Latin Western societies, it might be the exception that proves the rule.

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