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From: guest , 11 months, post #1461

From: guest (swapperdude) , 11 months, post #1462
I Trade My Soul For Perfect Body


I caught my husband red-handed with his young mistress, sharing kisses and hugs. He didn't even try to come up with an excuse! Just simply stated that she was young and attractive, while I was not. He then walked away, leaving me behind.

Feeling devastated, I drowned my sorrows in a dozen cocktails at a bar. That's when I noticed a very peculiar infomercial on television. The host was promoting a unique soul-transmigration service. What truly startled me was that the host addressed me by name through the TV screen, adding that I had the opportunity to inhabit any body I wanted. In my despondent, and somewhat inebriated, state, I impulsively expressed my desire to inhabit the body of my husband's mistress…

From: guest , 11 months, post #1463

From: guest , 11 months, post #1464

From: guest , 11 months, post #1465

From: guest (Luv_To_Switch_Bods) , 11 months, post #1466
I didn't know that cartoons were included in this thread. I never heard of a cartoon that was a drama.

From: guest , 11 months, post #1467

From: guest (4of11) , 11 months, post #1468
Please stop posting just random Youtube urls without any description. This does not help and only clogs this thread full with useless posts. As it is, if someone tries to use this as a source to find things to watch, all this person finds is an accumulation of youtube links, where a large portion will be or already has been taken down. Don't get me wrong, it is okay to put a link to a video and ask for the original title.

  1. 1462 by swapperdude is a good example of how to post something that is useful. The title is named along with a small description of what actually happens. Thanks swapperdude, wishing you the best

From: guest (Ayana) , 11 months, post #1469
Stolen Life(premiering 13 november 2023)
LUCY and FARRAH have been bitter rivals since childhood. At a young age, LUCY has shown that
she has a gift with ASTRAL PROJECTION/ASTRAL TRAVEL – the ability of the soul to leave the
body during sleep and travel on its own. Farrah envied her cousin’s special gift.

Years later, Lucy meets the love of her life – DARIUS, and crosses paths with Farrah again!
Farrah is furious when the man she has been pining for falls in love with her mortal enemy.
Farrah watches as Lucy enjoys her perfect life in Darius’ arms until she commits a crime which
pushes her to act in desperation! Farrah learns astral travel and uses her ability to switch souls
with Lucy! Farrah, now in Lucy’s body, starts to live the life she’s always coveted: a life with

Meanwhile, Lucy’s displaced soul finds Farrah’s body and is forced to take over it as well! Lucy is
now in Farrah’s body! She will have to overcome a lot of obstacles in order to prove to their
family that the Lucy they are with now is an impostor and that she is the real Lucy, just trapped
in her cousin and rival’s body – in order to get her STOLEN LIFE back

From: guest (Trueswf2fan) , 11 months, post #1470

From: guest , 11 months, post #1471
Post #1468 If you want the description of the video just go and watch the linked video or if you want like the post #1462 create your own thread this thread is about ftf body swap and possession not about description if you need description like this creat your own thread .

From: guest (Luv_To_Switch_Bods) , 11 months, post #1472
Ayana, thank you for the post. It definitely belongs in this thread. I've been watching Stolen Life on YouTube. It is difficult to follow because I only understand English. Could you tell me what episode number the swap occurs in? Thank you.

From: guest (jatr1236) , 11 months, post #1473
post 1472 , gma stolen life is a upcoming show it will be releasing next month on november 13 , right now there are two to three promos out on youtube you can check them out

From: guest (SoulSeeker) , 11 months, post #1474

F2F body/clothes swap between a wife and a mistresss

From: guest (Theonewhofoundit) , 10 months, post #1475
Shararat season 1 episode 61 (Nani, Jiya's mix up)

From: guest , 10 months, post #1476

From: guest (Luv_To_Switch_Bods) , 10 months, post #1477
Thank you Jar.

From: guest (Trueswf2fan) , 10 months, post #1478
Suitable flesh

From: guest (posss1212) , 10 months, post #1479
does anyone know the title of this film? Thank you in advance

From: guest (UnknownT) , 10 months, post #1480 please buy my book everyone. Female possession genre

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