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The innate error in most TF writing
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From: guest (Count of Monet Crisco) , 59 months, post #1
Why is it that the TF community, as outcasts, seem to beso mysoginistic and homophobic. Manye stories reduce women to

painting nails, playing with dolls, and having babies. They also seem to fantasize about lesbian relationships, while

dismissing gay male relationships. It just seems so hypocritical and ironic to me. It's not only that, it's also that many

stories present false facts about the differences between women and men. One story claims that women live longer than men,

that's actually false. The average is skewed by lowe class men that take more risky behaviors such as drinking and driving.

Ther is no biological dictate that has women living longer than men.

My main frustration is that so many stories reek of sexism, ignorance concerning biology (especially when it comes to

having a period or giving birth), and one sided homophobia. I wish many writers would read more and listen more before

writing stories that while are fiction, present made-up common place misunderstandings as if they were true.

Doesn't this bother any of you?

From: guest (Madaba) , 59 months, post #2
It happens a lot.

I really appreciated when celebswap wrote a long cap love story between people with different perspectives while writing them as mostly real people. Too often we get stuff like the bimbo genre which is just weird to me

From: guest (Count of Monet Crisco) , 59 months, post #3
Some of the stories are just so outright bigoted and stupid, they're tantamount to having a person switch bodies with a black person and then claim, "I suddenly have a hankering for fried chicken and watermelon". That's how ignorant and stupid many of these stories are. They're simplistic and play on stereotypes. I think many of you need to get out more.

From: guest (Count of Monet Crisco) , 59 months, post #4
@Madaba, the bimbo stories, never make any sense to me. "Man become woman... suddenly has an insatiable sexual appetite.

From: guest , 59 months, post #5
I'm gay, but have never felt welcome on these sites. I just lurk instead and keep my trap shut.

From: guest (Penguinattack) , 59 months, post #6
The whole TG genre is sexist so saying that it’s homophobic is pretty much adding to what it already is. I’ve always said that the genre and body swap stories in general tend to be very ageist, sexist, and has that undertone of eugenicist thought in it. Some people are lesser than others and others are just better because of their social class (which is demonstrably false anyways). I got called a Terf for saying that I think TG captioning is sexist as well.

From: guest (Penguinattack) , 59 months, post #7
Also: the disgusting treatment of older people and homeless people gets under my skin. It really does. I’ll never be okay with it.

From: guest , 59 months, post #8
What's a terf?

From: guest , 59 months, post #9
A TERF is a trans-exclusionary radical feminist.

From: guest , 59 months, post #10
@Penguin, I"ve noticed that in opposite sex body swaps, but I have yet to witness it in same sex body swaps, whether it be two women or two men.

On an another issue, I believe the TF community needs to evolve instead of sticking to old tropes that are equivalent to putting on black face.

From: guest (Penguinattack) , 59 months, post #11
I’ve pretty much given up on TG and TF stuff. The peak for me was when they released The Mighty Avengers #1 in 2007 and had Ultron turn Tony into a woman.

From: guest , 59 months, post #12
I haven't seen that one Pengune. What about it is objectionable if I may ask?

From: Golvanious , 59 months, post #13
I think some of it has to do with certain TG/TF writers looking to output their fetish in the most overt way possible, with realistic character writing coming in at a distant second at best.

I don't agree with the depictions of women in a lot of these stories either, but unless they have some hard real world negative impact, I try not to take it too seriously. Most people are probably reasonable enough to see a negative stereotype for what it is and dismiss it, I think. I hope, anyway.

From: guest , 59 months, post #14

Is the celebswap story you’re talking about, the one he posted before leaving?

From: guest (KJ) , 59 months, post #15
There are a lot of stereotypes in some stories, many times the author is living a fantasy through their written words.
I hate in when the PC police jump in and start screaming about words an author used.

From: guest (Penguinattack) , 59 months, post #16
@KJ agreed

I’m also not a fan of people whining about no m2m or f2f content. Most of this site is focused on m2f content and I hate how people are getting annoyed over something that’s fairly obvious.

From: guest (Penguinattack) , 59 months, post #17
And while I do have problems with certain types of captions I will never say someone shouldn’t write them. Unless they’re actually harmful.

From: guest (pat) , 59 months, post #18
Vote with your feet. Or in this case, your click. Don't like, don't read. Simple as that. The writer has no obligation to conform to your opinion. A writer in Ficitionmania, for example, just need to conform to the rules set by the site administrator.

From: The Searcher , 59 months, post #19
Agreed with pat. Simply because it doesn't cater to your orientation or something similar doesn't mean it's wrong or bad. You are more than welcome to contribute and make your own captions if it's such an issue.
I'd also make the argument that these kinds of captions suffer from stereotypes simply because
1. The author is catering to his own fetishes or that of his audience
2. They (assumedly) don't have the experience of being a woman or similar, so they use stereotypes as stand ins which simply means they are bad writers.

From: guest (Lorinell) , 59 months, post #20
Most of TG community is fetish based, erotic based or in rare occasions something else. Correlation with LGBT community is not much greater then in society.
So, don't expect special treatment, or gentle handling themes.
I don't like hard erotic stories with fetishes, also I don't like LGBT themes in TG stories. My niche is one of smallest in market - non-erotic stories, when male is turned into female against his will, and must adapt, but it's not easy to him, and for even worse - it should be placed in sword and sorcery world :)

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