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D&D 5e question
From: guest , 61 months, post #1
yeah, seems an odd place to place a D&D question, but I was reading Magic Jar and Clone the other day and I was thinking.

If a Wizard created a Clone of herself and placed it into her castle.

Then another Wizard comes along and casts Magic Jar, could he possess her body and walk off with it?

Because her body has no soul is the duration of Magic Jar now permanent?

Thoughts from all you table top players

From: DrunkenSneech , 61 months, post #2
It isn't 5e, but something very similar can happen to one of the PCs in an adventuring party in a Pathfinder Adventure Path.Click to show spoiler
Va Phefr bs gur Ynql'f Yvtug (cneg 2 bs gur Funggrerq Fgne NC), n znyshapgvbavat genc gung fhpprffshyyl xvyyf n CP vzzrqvngryl fghssf gurve fbhy creznaragyl vagb gur pybar bs gur nepujvmneqrff Eharybeq Fbefura (jub vf irel nggenpgvir va gur negjbex). Gung ibyhzr naq gur erznvavat ibyhzrf va gur NC vapyhqr n fvqrone naq fhttrfgvbaf sbe ubj gb unaqyr ACP vagrenpgvbaf naq pbzong jvgu inevbhf ACPf jub znl erpbtavmr gur CP-va-Fbefpura.

From: DrunkenSneech , 61 months, post #3
Also in that same volume, there is an article detailing several likely-antagonist NPCs that the GM might use.Click to show spoiler
Gur ACPf ner nyy zrzoref bs gur Tenl Znvqraf, na nyy jbzna Frperg Freivpr-glcr betnavmngvba yblny gb gur ivyynvabhf Dhrra Vyrbfn. Bar bs gurz, Svynevb Tenagfyvrz, hfrq n phefrq tveqyr bs bccbfvgr traqre gb vasvygengr gur tebhc gb svaq uvf fvfgre. Nsgrejneq, ur yrsg gur tebhc ohg qbrf abg nggrzcg gb punatr onpx, "univat tebja dhvgr pbzsbegnoyr" gb orvat n jbzna.

From: guest , 61 months, post #4
My read of 5e Magic Jar is that the duration is permanent, until dispelled, but I don't see any reason why the the clone not having its own soul would make Magic Jar any more permanent than that.

Its not clear what the target of the dispel magic would be, the Jar or the wizards original body, or the new host body, or any combination thereof. So you'd want to clarify that with the dungeon master for their take on it. I'd say its the Jar that would I'd probably hold that either the Jar or a possessed body could be targeted by dispel magic.

The wizard who cast Magic Jar better protect their old body and the Jar itself. If the Jar is destroyed, the spell reads your soul will immediately try to go back to your old body. If its dead, or more than 100 ft away, you die. Again, I don't see any reason why the host body no longer having a soul, or never having one, would affect this. At least not as the spell is written.

Magic Jar is more like gaining the ability to possess people within 100 feet of the jar, its not a true "body swap" spell or a permanent possession. In fact you can hop between different humanoids within 100 ft through the duration of the spell.

To effect a permanent possession this way would likely require the use of a Wish spell.

Incidentally, D&D was for me a huge gateway into my interest in tf content. So its always fun to see a D&D post lol.

From: guest , 61 months, post #5
Since the jar in the spell is meant to hold the other person's soul when you're in their body, would it even be necessary? Seems like you could just skip the jar in that case.

Another question, though: what happens if the wizard who cast Clone then dies? Does she just stay dead, since the clone body is already occupied, or does the magic that would draw her soul to the clone override yours and force you out?

From: Alias , 60 months, post #6
Usually higher-level magic overrides lower-level magic, so I would say you could magic jar into someone's clone, but if they happen to die, your soul woul be shoved out by the stronger spell.

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