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who would you make swap in comics?
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From: guest (blinkers) , 61 months, post #21
@Cornerodaweb Batgirl and Joker swap? Ouch I feel so bad for Batgirl :O

@#20 Maybe one of the Spidey Verses could be a Spider-Man and Ms Marvel that are stuck as each other since its big enough!

From: guest (ComicLover) , 46 months, post #22
Mad Hatter with Harley Quinn

She could be her own Alice

Scary thought

From: guest (Eric) , 46 months, post #23
anyone interested in a batgirl joker swap there's my story on fictionmania
The Jokers best Jest

comic charactersI
I'd love to see swapped are:

From: guest (5603) , 46 months, post #24
How 'bout Wonder Woman & Steve Trevor O_O

From: guest (guest) , 46 months, post #25
Dr. Doom did possess Invisible Woman's body back in Fantastic Four #507, though he viewed her more as a power asset

From: guest (guest) , 46 months, post #26
I'd read Huntress (Bertnelli) and Supergirl dozen times, and follow Huntress' POV as she battled mafias with kryptonian powers on her terms... hardcore punches and knockouts

From: guest (guest) , 46 months, post #27
  • Sorry - while Supergirl in regular human body doing those horrified cries as she watch her body battled gangsters brutally while cowering from bullets.

From: guest (guest) , 46 months, post #28
Family Guy comics
Quagmire with Lois or Bonnie lol

From: guest (guest) , 46 months, post #29
Many wondrous possibilities and I hope some active writers read this....

The Penguin and Batgirl (or her Oracle version)... story on how he'll swim his way back to being a crime lord while avoiding the GCPD, and using them at the same time.

The Joker and Catwoman (recent status version) - wonder on how long the Joker could toy Batman with his new bargaining chip.

From: guest (VelmaLover) , 46 months, post #30
Velma and Fred

From: enigmaminded , 46 months, post #31
Wolverine and Jean Gray

From: guest (The world) , 46 months, post #32
Master roshi and tsunade

From: guest (guest) , 46 months, post #33
we haven't had Sanji with Robin yet, long live One Piece

From: guest (guest) , 46 months, post #34
Master roshi and tsunade - lol strong like him but then added with perviness, perfect partner in peeping for Jiraiya

From: guest , 46 months, post #35
Nah for one piece it should be brook swapping with robin, would you imagine robin laughing like brook yohohoho, while sanji still switch with nami.

From: guest (The world) , 46 months, post #36
So jiraiya will peek at roshi inside tsunade, while roshi is peeking at other girls hmmmm

From: guest , 46 months, post #37
Have you guys read the tg caption from swapping grounds, well the owner of that blog wrote a story where supervillains switch with superheoines such as
wonder woman with dr physco
Lex Luthor with power girl
Batgirl with penguin
Mera with black manta
I think he said he got inspired by tg tebra
There is another one called the sisterhood of evil mutants where x men(girls) switch with brotherhood
Jubilee with sabertooth
Emma frost with toad
Kitty pride with juggernaut

From: guest (Jayzie) , 46 months, post #38
I'd really love to have seen Spiderman and Ms. Marvel switch bodies. Maybe even indefinitely. That's something I'd read for sure.

From: guest (Bla) , 46 months, post #39
Post 30: There was a 3-way swap between daphne, velma and fred in where fred lands in velma. (

Post 38: already occured in

From: guest (guest) , 46 months, post #40
Hbout Giganta and Etta Candy?

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