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From: guest (Karma) , 57 months, post #361
What you mean

From: Polover , 57 months, post #362
Please stop using my name. I can only assume you have malicious intent since you can make your name literally anything on this site. It's confusing at best, deliberate defamation at worst.

Here's a FTF possession scene from Nandhini to not be a useless post. More can be found in my Youtube playlist

(Side note: I actually kind of like the new actress for Nandhini better than the old one)

From: guest (Jester) , 57 months, post #363
This Lockdown Suck , Nothing new content coming on indian TV , I wish to see more M to F possession , voice change and Transformation.

From: guest , 57 months, post #364

Where is this from?

From: guest (Sara) , 57 months, post #365
Guys is there any m2f shapeshift from naagin 4

From: guest (guesssstar) , 57 months, post #366
does anyone know the title of this video? and which episode ??
I searched but haven't found it yet. thank you

From: guest , 57 months, post #367
Post #366 it's teen bahuraniyan but I don't know the episode sorry

From: guest (Devil) , 57 months, post #368
Name of this show?
It's blocked video but can anybody identify from thumbnail?

From: guest (Daj gang) , 57 months, post #369
Post 368

It is from zee telugu.. but i am not sure
Hope anyone here can assist us

From: guest (bb) , 57 months, post #370
Anyone remember a show that was telecasted in early 90's where a man swaps body with a small girl. That show is supernatural show like marmadesam, but I don't remember if it is from this show or a different one. It used to telecasted in Gemini TV channel.

From: guest (bb) , 57 months, post #371
One small correction, the show may have telecasted during 2000's. I don't remember the exact years, but remember the man and girl will be inside a circle lit with candles and after the swap happens, the small girl (man) goes and saves a baby. Any idea which show this might be? If I am not wrong, this show is a tamil serial

From: guest (AC) , 57 months, post #372
yeah, some of the 1990's and 2000's tamil serials has good content
1. Mayavi marichan
2. Shakti (Bhanupriyas serial)
3. Not sure about post #371 Serial Title

From: guest (Mtf) , 57 months, post #373
Bro were will we get those full episodes bro

From: guest (bb) , 57 months, post #374
Post #372 Thanks for looking into it. I don't think we can find those episodes anywhere now :(

From: guest (ashish) , 57 months, post #375
i just need a small help
there is show called ssshhh phir koi hai that is air on star one and star utsav now its re running on shemaroo tv
i want to know how many episode having tg element (male to female) shapeshift or possesion
i mostly need mtf shapeshift
As i know there are two episode
challawa and
goh- piche mat dekhna
which involve mtf shapeshift

can somebody provide more episode having mtf shapeshift or possession

From: guest (mr A) , 57 months, post #376
naqaab episodes has mtf shapeshifts , there were few more which had mtf possessions also if you remember does karma has any mtf shapeshifts i dont know whether its karma or not there was this chameleon character who could impersonte anyone he took form of a female teacher to fool protagonist.

From: guest (Draken) , 57 months, post #377
Guys can u be more specific and tell the episode number please... That will really be helpful for us

From: guest (Mtf) , 57 months, post #378
Mr .a tell me the exact serial name i will try to search

From: guest , 57 months, post #379
its naqaab zun or another series with same name ?

From: guest (Devil) , 57 months, post #380
Ssshhh....koi hai episode 19,37,61,85,102,140,148,144
All have mtf elements...shapeshift or possession

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