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From: guest (naham) , 62 months, post #61
That saved the production from cutting a scene of skrull arrival sequences.

From: guest (Kara) , 62 months, post #62
Saw it last night.
Unfortunately, after Talus becomes the beach girl, we never see her again. Another Skrull soldier takes the same form but he says it's already spoken for.

There is one scene where a Skrull appears briefly as Danvers.

From: guest , 62 months, post #63
Yes, the beach girl morph had potential, but they wasted it.

From: Bodyswap1 , 62 months, post #64
Oh well I guess it was all for not.

From: hskfmn , 62 months, post #65
  • naught


From: guest (Just Saying) , 62 months, post #66
An alien which may or may not have our sexual functions or even gender separation morphing into a human female does not qualify as a MTF transformation to me. Just Saying.

From: trifajar , 62 months, post #67
In the movie, there are male and female skrull.

From: guest (guest) , 62 months, post #68
@Just Saying. Skrulls has sexual functions or gender separation, at least in MCU. They even showed in the movie that they have gender roles, husband and wife to be specific. Talos and her wife also has a child. A male skrull is also presumed to have the same male reproductive organ when SHIELD is disecting him. So this is very qualified in the mtf genre.

From: guest (guest) , 62 months, post #69
My mistake, *his wife.

From: guest (magma) , 62 months, post #70
What if the same alien at one point morphs into a human male and later into a human female? Still no MTF or only if it didn't change into its natural form in-between?

Click to show spoiler
Gur byq ynql jnf n znyr fhesre orsber naq yngre punatrf vagb nabgure zna sebz gur genva. Naq va gur zbivr vg ybbxf yvxr Gnybf unf n srznyr Fxehyy jvsr.

From: guest (JDRiley) , 62 months, post #71
Click to show spoiler
Orpnhfr V'z n sna bs nyvra vainqref gung vasvygengr engure guna cvyyntr, V jnf ubcvat sbe n ceryhqr gb Frperg Vainfvba. Jung gur zbivr ynpxrq va gung, gurl znqr hc sbe jvgu Gnybf, V guvax ur jnf irel pbzcryyvat, naq V rawblrq gur funcrfuvsgvat fprarf.Gung fnvq, V fgvyy guvax gur ZPH vf bcra sbe n Frperg Vainfvba Guvf zbivr rfgnoyvfurq gung gurer ner obgu tbbq naq onq Xerr, jr pbhyq trg zber znyribyrag Fxehyyf va gur shgher. Uryy, vs lbh jnag n punatr bs cnpr sebz Qbpgbe Qbbz, jul abg cvg gur Snagnfgvp Sbhe if Fhcre Fxehyy?

From: guest (Gnosis) , 60 months, post #72
They received a behind the scenes featurette that includes more high res clips of the skrull transformation and discussions of the special effect (and several alternative ideas too)

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