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Those who came out to your significant other, how did it go?
From: guest (Hi) , 66 months, post #1
I'm legit curious because I've been wanting to tell my SO for a while but I don't know what to expect or how to tell it even

From: guest , 66 months, post #2
i would sooner electrotherapy this fetish off of me than tell someone close to me about it. i have a hard enough time making any friends already. (and not to much success, mind you)

From: guest (Heyta1) , 66 months, post #3
I wouldn’t tell anyone. I feel like this is more of a curse. I really don’t like it. Honestly, the more I go out and the more I date the less this fetish exists. It’s become more of an addiction and habit for me. I don’t need to look at it but I feel like I need to just out of habit. I would never change being a man and if I had a choice I would always stay a man even if I had the magical option. If I had a choice between this fetish disappearing or magically becoming a chick for a while I’d pick for it to dissapeae. I’m happiest when it’s pretty much non existent.

From: guest (Pat) , 66 months, post #4
I did and felt the same way as posts 2 & 3 before. It went well. It was certainly a curiosity to my SO. She found it endearing in some ways. She would even occasionally drop sly hints in conversation. However it never anything she was in to though I did describe some fantasies at times. So it faded from conversation aside from her occasional hints. No regrets but I don’t feel any better either. In summary if you trust a person, they will be compassionate and understand. But I never got emotional relief from a fantasy that also feels like a burden.

From: guest , 66 months, post #5
i've always felt like this fetish was a big contributor in making me a social outcast. so i can't relate to the whole telling your SO thing. it's never a thing i'm gonna run into or have to deal with

From: guest (tg) , 66 months, post #6
Told my ex-wife about it. Little did I realize there was no emotional confidentiality when it came to anything I didn't want the rest of the world to know. She told everything to her friends. If there's one lesson I'd give to young men is 'if you have any secrets you don't want the entire world to know about, don't tell them to a woman'. Hate to so broadly generalize but that's been my experience.

From: guest , 66 months, post #7
Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead

From: guest , 66 months, post #8
first rule about body swap fetish club, don't talk about body swap fetish club

From: guest (charliesorrell) , 66 months, post #9
I'll tell you but I have to kill

From: guest (LuckyIGuess) , 66 months, post #10
I told my wife a few years ago and she was super open and receptive to it. She didn't know much about fetishes herself, so I think it kind of awakened something inside her. Sometimes in bed she'll have me pretend to be the woman and play with her manly parts. She's not into the transformation aspect, but she likes the idea of sometimes thinking what it'd be like to be a man or to have a dick. She's been bisexual for as long as I've known her, so maybe that's why she's so open to gender reversals / change stuff.

From: guest , 66 months, post #11
Yeah, I definitely view it as a curse. I just want to be normal, but this has been apart of me for as long as I can remember. Recently I was harassed in a brutal and public way because I was outed. There's a series of Facebook videos making fun of me and I was gang stalked. I ended up trying to kill myself, then I moved away after that didn't work. I've always been deeply ashamed of how I felt and it's always made me very depressed. It's kept me from pursuing things I've wanted to do because I've always known people could use it against me. Seriously, it sucks. I just want a normal life and to have a family of my own. I wish I could share a positive experience, but this pretty much ruined my life. The woman I love won't talk to me, and I'm not sure how much she knows because of the nature of the harassment. I'm literally in the middle of rebuilding my life from scratch because of it. I've even thought of changing my name. Like I said, I wish I could share a more positive experience, but I don't even think supporters of the LGBTQ community are very understanding of it. I'm not saying you shouldn't "come out," but my experience has always been that if you want a secret to stay a secret then you should keep it to yourself.

From: guest , 66 months, post #12
Yeah, I definitely view it as a curse. I just want to be normal, but this has been apart of me for as long as I can remember. Recently I was harassed in a brutal and public way because I was outed. There's a series of Facebook videos making fun of me and I was gang stalked. I ended up trying to kill myself, then I moved away after that didn't work. I've always been deeply ashamed of how I felt and it's always made me very depressed. It's kept me from pursuing things I've wanted to do because I've always known people could use it against me. Seriously, it sucks. I just want a normal life and to have a family of my own. I wish I could share a positive experience, but this pretty much ruined my life. The woman I love won't talk to me, and I'm not sure how much she knows because of the nature of the harassment. I'm literally in the middle of rebuilding my life from scratch because of it. I've even thought of changing my name. Like I said, I wish I could share a more positive experience, but I don't even think supporters of the LGBTQ community are very understanding of it. I'm not saying you shouldn't "come out," but my experience has always been that if you want a secret to stay a secret then you should keep it to yourself.

From: guest (Heyta1) , 66 months, post #13
I honestly don’t take this too seriously. It just a weird thing of mine. Honestly, I get turned on by other people swapping. Rarely am I turned on by the thought of me swapping with people. I have incredibly health relationships when I’m in them. I wouldn’t tell anyone just because to me it doesn’t matter. It’s an incredibly small part of my life that no one needs to know about. I chase girls because I dig them and I wouldn’t want to be one. I love being masculine and being a man. I love my body and I like working out to get a more masculine bodies. I dunno if this is how any of you feel. I rarely think about this stuff honestly.

From: guest (Jason) , 66 months, post #14
I really don't care if people know about it honestly. The way I see it is that it doesn't make you less of a man. If anything it makes you more of one because you like the female body on such a deep level that you know the only true way to be one with it is not just have sex with a female body but inhabit that female body yourself and see through her eyes all while feeling every inch of her body in the most intimate way. A way not possible simply by just touching it.
The term for this is autogynephilia. A doctor coined it and labeled it as a mental disorder which in whole heartedly disagree with. It's no more than a harmless sexual fetish at best.

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