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New Sabrina series
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From: guest , 65 months, post #21

Well, from the link:

"Note: Due to a miscommuncation, it was initially reported that this was a renewal for Seasons 3 and 4. That is not the case. "

From: guest (Stag) , 65 months, post #22
yeah, that has since been added after I posted the article (and when the article originally said season 3 & 4). apparently the episodes coming out in April aren't season 2 as much as the Second Part of the First Season...this announcement is going to be similar (2 parts of season 2, not season 3 & 4)

From: guest (Stag) , 64 months, post #23
I re-watched the first F2F with Madam Satan...

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Nsgre fur xvyyf gur grnpure fur arrqrq/hfrf gur oybbq cbhevat bhg bagb gur tebhaq gb uryc ure fcryy gb gnxr gur sbez bs gur grnpure. Hfvat guvf fprar nf cerprqrag, V'z thrffvat fur'q unir gb qb gur fnzr guvat gb gnxr gur sbez bs gur uvtu fpubby fghqrag va rcvfbqr 10. V qba'g unir nal cebbs gb onpx guvf hc, ohg ybtvpnyyl vg jbhyq znxr frafr fur'q unq gb qb gur fnzr guvat jvgu gur fghqrag fur qvq jvgu gur grnpure. NAljnlf, sbbq sbe gubhtug...

From: Tal , 64 months, post #24
That's very possible, but

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V guvax vg pbhyq nyfb or gung gurl jrer gjb qvssrerag fcryyf. Gur fghqrag bar orvat n fubeg grez grzcbenel vyyhfvba, naq gur grnpure orvat n ybat grez 'culfvpny' ercynprzrag. Gurl frrz gb npg qvssreragyl - va bar bs gur svany fprarf bs RC10 , fur frrzf gb unir n culfvpny znfx bs gur grnpure juvpu fur crryf onpx erirnyvat terra fxva haqrearngu. Guvf vf qvssrerag sebz jurer fur vafgnagyl punatrf bhg bs gur fghqrag sbez - ab znfxvat. Nygubhtu, jub xabjf - znlor vg'f whfg vapbafvfgrapvrf ba gur jevgref raq, pnhfr fbzr ubj fur vafgnagyl ghearq vagb gur grnpure ng svefg.
From: guest (Stag) , 61 months, post #25
Skimming through the 2nd season.

episode 3 around the 11 minute mark there is a M2M illusion.

From: guest (Stag) , 61 months, post #26
F2F illusion in episode 4

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Znel Jneqjryy / Znqnz Fngna gnxrf gur qvfthvfr bs n gnebg pneq ernqre sbe zbfg bs gur rcvfbqr. vg'f erirnyrq ng gur raq 1 ubhe znex vg'f orra Znel Jneqjryy / Znqnz Fngna gur jubyr rcvfbqr

From: Tal , 61 months, post #27
@Stag, after skimming through it, that is all I could find too sadly :(

From: guest , 61 months, post #28
Damn they wasted some potential here then

From: guest (Stag) , 61 months, post #29
There were a few more glamours in the season...nothing crazy. In a general order but I can't remember which episode...

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Fnoevan naq ure oblsevraq gnxr gur sbez bs ure qrprnfrq cneragf gb gel naq vagreehcg Mryqn/Oynpxjbbq'f jrqqvat prerzbal.Nzoebfr vf npphfrq bs zheqre...ur'f orra ybpxrq hc ng gur Oynpxjbbq ubhfr. Uvyqn oevatf sbbq gb ivfvg Nzoebfr...Bar bs gur Jrveq Fvfgref vzcrefbangrf Nhag Uvyqn gb gnyx gb Nzoebfr gb trg uvz gb gur fnzr gvzr bar bs gur bgure Jrveq Fvfgref vzcrefbangrf Nzoebfr gb gnyx gb Uvyqn.

From: Tal , 61 months, post #30
Thanks for the update Stag!

From: guest (Actionmang) , 61 months, post #31
Have there been any animal tfs at all?

From: Bodyswap1 , 61 months, post #32
I haven't went through the whole series yet. I will let you know if I see any animal TF's.

From: guest (Actionmang) , 61 months, post #33
Thank you! I appreciate it.

From: jasobres , 61 months, post #34
Salem is somewhat of an animal TF, although it occurs offscreen and we don't exactly see who or what he originally was.

From: guest (Gnosis) , 61 months, post #35
Speaking of which, back in 1x05 there is a brief scene where Salem is glamoured into Sabrina.

From: guest (guest) , 61 months, post #36
The cat's gender is male. So theres kinda mtf in the 2nd season. But its still a missed opportunity for more tg content.

From: guest (TLo) , 61 months, post #37
Hi, does anyone have a time-stamp for Salem as Sabrina in 1x05?


From: guest (guest) , 61 months, post #38
I watched the 2nd season up to episode 6. Some of the details posted here is wrong i think. The "glamour" thing was done by Sabrina and her boyfriend, Nick. She impersonated her father while Nick impersonated her mother. Both has disfigured face to represent them like being back from the dead.

From: guest (Stag) , 61 months, post #39
Not sure I was wrong..."Sabrina and her boyfriend take the form of her deceased parents to try and interrupt Zelda/Blackwood's wedding ceremony."

I just didn't say it was TG.

From: guest (Stag) , 51 months, post #40
Season 3 just released. I Have not watched but could have some content for this website (because of yhe genre of magic/witchcraft and previous episodes)

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