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are tg captions dying
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From: guest (liquid) , 65 months, post #41 is
only open for invited guest! How to contact with the author?

From: guest (Heyta1) , 65 months, post #42
No big surprise there. I’m sure a lot of people I now figuring out how big of a waste a time all this trash is. Wish I could get all the hours I looked st this stuff back.

From: guest , 65 months, post #43
what content do you enjoy then heyta1?

From: guest (KJN) , 65 months, post #44
I started making TG captions in 1999 on the old yahoo groups. As far as I know, was close to being the first to do them..... Did it just for my enjoyment and not feedback....After about a year the messages to my captions started becoming too hostile because I would not include porn, or do them a certain way, so just deleted my group.....Might get into doing them again someday. Or maybe some with a picture or two, and a short story.

From: Forestier , 65 months, post #45 is down

From: Forestier , 65 months, post #46
«Nous sommes désolés, le blog à l’adresse a été supprimé. Cette adresse n’est pas disponible pour de nouveaux blogs.»

From: guest (Penguinattack) , 65 months, post #47

I like your stuff a lot. I think Insomniac is the best caption writer out there now. Used to like Swapping Grounds, but they’ve gotten stale and I used to really enjoy Crestf as well, but it’s the same situation as with Swapping Grounds.

From: guest , 65 months, post #48
Swapping Grounds got stale? To each their own i guess but man i still love his stuff. not sure how he keeps it up. I still love Crestf too but often his caps are a little too wordy for me.

From: guest (OldChris) , 65 months, post #49
I definitely miss Celebswap. Dude's caps were really fun. They weren't too porn-ish and weren't too wordy either. Just fun little things.

From: guest (guester) , 65 months, post #50
got tired of the weird agendas people put in them....race, religion and moral judgements where the "pretty" is always evil and the ugly always deserves better annoyed me

From: guest (Penguinattack) , 65 months, post #51
I’m with guester on that one. I hate evil captions, but used to like them at one point. Now it’s just redundant and stupid.

From: guest (Penguinattack) , 65 months, post #52
I also don’t like ‘realistic’ captions cause it’s boring to me. What’s even funnier is that these ‘realistic’ captions use women who aren’t trans as the pictures for their stories. Why not use transgender men and women if you are going that route?

From: guest , 65 months, post #53
What are non evil caps? Can you give me examples? Is that when all swaps are mutual? Im just curious. I think typically the "pretty" person is made evil so that we don't feel as bad when their body is stolen. If they were a good person, then the person stealing the body is evil. Either way, seems like its not you're alls cup of tea.

Im also not familiar with "realistic" caps. Maybe I don't visit those sites so im confused. People swapping with trans people?

From: JayGee , 65 months, post #54
A lot of captions pics are about someone trapped in a bad situation, which often doesn't fit the cap. There will be a picture of a pretty girl, smiling in a bikini, on a sunny beach. And the caption will say something about how this is an unwilling transformation and he's really upset about it.

From: guest , 65 months, post #55
lol JayGeel yeah those are always hilarious

From: guest , 65 months, post #56
The biggest thing I don't like about captions these days is that they usually don't fit on a phone screen. Times have changed and most people use phones now and having to zoom in just to be able to read is a real chore

From: guest (r avey) , 65 months, post #57

From: Forestier , 65 months, post #58
It's dead

Le blogue a été supprimé

Désolés, le blogue dont l'URL est a été supprimé. Cette adresse ne peut pas être utilisée pour créer un blogue.

From: guest (Qgd) , 65 months, post #59
Pretty much. They used to be good fun but since the PC brigade got their claws in to them they're all family friendly rubbish. Little brother wears little sisters clothes, little sister catches him tells mummy and daddy (who are naturally enlightened parents) then they buy him a dress everyone holds hands and sings kumbayah the end.

From: guest (KJN) , 65 months, post #60
Ditto on that PC brigade, watched that happen on an innocent comment in a FICTION story.

Hounded the author until the author changed the story, and apologized, which neither needed to be done.

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